I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

November 15, 2010

11/14/2010: Mr. Magic

Location: Lazy Dog Patio

So after months...(literally) of talking to this guy via text messages we had an opportunity to finally meet. I first mentioned Mr. Magic on 9/3 in my blog when I first joined Match.com: him being one of the first messages I received.
Mr. Magic was home for one day in between flights and shows on his International tour and would be flying out to Mexico the following day. Seeing the small window of chance, he takes it to drive out and have dinner with me.
He offers to pick me up as he gets close in his car, and I accept..which is weird for me for a first date! I figured though, I've been talking to this guy for a couple months, my parents know his name and know I am going out with him tonight, so...I've got my bases covered in case I dissapear! (Which COULD happen since he IS Mr. Magic...LOL)

He pulls up to the front of my complex and I walk out. He is in this adorable little blue sports car with Pennsylvania plates (which later I find out has Lambo doors that can be put up...so cool!)
He gets out to give me a hug. His frame is a little smaller than I pictured my prince charming, but he IS taller than me; not a ton taller, but I'd guesstimate about 5'9ish?....
The location is all up to me since he had never been in my neck o the woods, and while I still don't know where to direct him as I get into the car, I mule over a couple options in my head quickly and go with one of my fail safe's, Lazy Dog. (Other options included Leila's, Arby's (lol), The Grill, In N Out...)

I am sure he has seen many a woman who would choose Maestro's or The Grill, (someplace with 3 Dollar Signs on Yelp) after being told they can pick ANY PLACE with money as no object....but it isn't about the prices or even the food I was after. I wanted to get to know Mr. Magic and a completely vacant patio at one of my favorite local casual places, next to the fire seemed appropriate for a Sunday night dinner in November.
So, the setting was all ours. No distractions from other patrons, no excessive noise, it was great to finally have conversation with someone, a real conversation. He seemed genuinely interested.

Mr. Magic is very personable with the hostesses and server, without being obnoxious...you know those guys who just seem to TRY TOO HARD? He did what he did well, and you could tell he was well trained like the doves in his act.

We talk, go through each of our life-storys in cliffnote fashion, getting the formalities out of the way...I order humus and edemame and he ordered...I am serious now...a huge steak dinner AND the grilled cheese hahah....a little yin and yang, which is how he described his life in a nutshell. I think that was charming. He had a martini and I a beer.
After munching and talking some, he gets up mid sentence and puts out his hand for me to grab. He pulls me up and tells me we are going to do a waltz...
I go along with it as he teaches me the basic box step and turn...so we dance for a few counts all alone on the patio. By this time it's getting later and colder so we bring the party inside to the bar.

Mr. Magic asks me to stare at his eyes and think of anything I want. He told me he predicted while I was in the restroom what I would be thinking about this very second and wrote it down. He stands up and takes off his shoe, pulls out this tiny piece of paper and unfolds it...
It says "Disney".
I was thinking about "Disneyland" because I want to take my niece there this year for Christmas...but how on Earth did he do that?!...he's good.

He does another mind trick and asks me if I could take out any amount from the register right now, ANY amount...what would it be? While I am thinking of an amount, he is writing. He stops writing and asks for my amount. While I am saying $25, he turns his paper around to reveal $25!

Alright Mr. Magic, you've got me intrigued and your original prediction of a 2nd date may very well be in your cards after all.   :D

We call it a night around 11pm and Mr. Magic drives me home. He mentions he wishes we were already an item so he could come upstairs and see my place, see the  place I live day to day and the place he can someday take me away from...but respecting the first date, he gets out to open the door for me and gives me a hug goodnight. The hug lingers longer than my normal first date goodnight hugs do and turns into more of a 7th grade dance and potential first kiss moment...after a few seconds of teasing passes, we do in fact kiss. It was great too...we said our goodbyes and that was that.

Moral of the story guys: Learn mind tricks to freak and amaze...girls will eat it up!!!! Even though slightly creeped out, the girl's astonishment will win you at the very least a kiss! hahah

November 8, 2010

A Break For Me

So, I've been on two dates since I last wrote, but nothing really worth writing about!
Oh, except one thought he could actually "HEAL PEOPLE"...for reals! He offered to CURE my headache and was completely serious about his POWERS! While he wasn't for me, he did get me into a cool red carpet event and put me on the spot to sing for a huge producer (even though I havent sang in YEARS and didnt warm up and was sooo embarrassed by the on spot request)...but it was cool. I met Brett Michaels and found a new comedian that I also met (Ron Pearson)...
The other guy I went out with was a hillbilly with a half crashed car and no social skills...
I have been focusing on myself the past 2 months.
The best way to focus on myself is to do what I love most and help people. So, I started with going through all my clothes and donating 2 bags to charity...that in itself feels good, but also clears some clutter from my own life! A win win.
Last year I had requested with an agency to donate eggs to a couple who was unable to produce their own and I received a call about 2 months ago that a couple wanted to use me. I struggled at first with the choice to actually go through with it and even talked with my family about their thoughts...
As a female, I have dreampt of having children since the age of 3. It is all I have ever wanted in life and while I have yet to meet that right person to share such a journey with, I  have also seen the heartache of those who want that experience as much as I struggle with getting or keeping a pregnancy. There is nothing more dis-heartening than the idea of not being able to conseve or carry a child. It is the reason we are here: Procreation. It is the most important job a woman can have, and without the experience of motherhood in my lifetime, I don't know what I would do.

I know that it's not all roses; having kids, however I know that I would and will be a really fantastic mom someday. I understand that it is a TON of work, a lot of lost sleep and personal time, but I can't wait for all the rewards it also brings! I was raised by an amazing woman who I respect so much for everything she gave up to have and keep us. She taught me that while it is hard work, it can also be so fun to be a mom. A great balance of discipline and disagreements with fun, laughter and patience. I have so many ideas for when I become a mom and feel that all my creative talents will come in handy, and I really can't wait! Well, I can wait...for the right time and guy!

Because of this, I have a very soft spot for woman who are not able to get pregnant on their own or with fertility drugs. It is a horrific experience too many couples are going through and I would not wish such on even my worst enemies! (If I had any) :P

Over a year ago I filled out paperwork to become an egg donor after 2 couples very close to me went through separate scary scenarios when attempting to conseve. Thankfully both went on to become pregnant without having to go to extreme measures, but there are others out there who aren't as lucky and are almost out of options. After many years and many thousands of dollars spent, some need to turn to the graciousness of another woman to offer up her own eggs so they can hopefully become pregnant after said egg has been fertilized by her own husband and placed inside her so she is able to carry the baby to full term, taking those 9 months to bond with her unborn before finally meeting the baby of their dreams, truly.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to help a couple in need and found out today that I will be doing so and have already begun the journey. It will take a total of about 8 weeks and once done, hopefully the couple I am donating for will be pregnant.
It's like I am the friendly neighbor offering a couple eggs for a cake. They have all the other ingredients and the oven. When the cake is done, it's all theirs! I figure, I'm not doing anything with my eggs; Someone may as well get some use out of em! HAHA

Is there risk to me involved? Yes, like with anything, but the outcome far surpasses the risks, I feel. I am able to forever change someones life and create a life that otherwise wouldn't ever be. The whole process can be viewed as very controversial since it isn't "natural" and some even say we are playing "God"...but the way I see it is, if God didn't want this life created, why did he create the science to do it? The doctors to perform the procedures? The will for people to help people?....This is not something that should be as taboo as it is currently! I really feel more people should be involved and willing to donate what they can. We donate blood all the time, men donate sperm, if a loved one needed a kidney....why not an egg or two?

The whole process they say takes only 15 minutes for me (once the weekly injections are complete) with little risk and over 70% success rate for implanting into the other woman to carry to full term. This is a very serious decision I have really thought long and hard about and I feel really good about it. I go in tomorrow to began the blood work which will be used for genetic testing, then next week is a psch evaluation. After that, there are weekly injections until the day of retrieval. It's a lengthy process but well worth it. I also will be paid $4000, which is a nice reward for a good deed! ;)

It is also a slight ego boaster knowing someone wants my genes to create their dream baby! hehehe

So, yesterday...after weeks of giving myself hormone shots and countless visits to the doctor and blood drawings, the procedure was done! While it wasn't painless, it was worth it! A little discomfort, a lot of rest...some pain pills and TLC from my parents and I am almost back to normal now.
I received a wonderfully touching card and gift from the intended parents before I left the doctor office and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!
While I was recovering at my parents home, I got word that now 2 other couples are interested in using me for egg donation! One is in PA and willing to pay for travel, hotel, food, rental car etc for myself AND a companion if I were to donate for them!...2011 is looking to be an interesting adventure already!
As long as I continue to focus on myself, what makes me happy and helping others, I am sure everything else will fall into place!

Knowing a check is on the way right now doesnt hurt either! :D

If you want to make a difference in someones life, become a donor!