I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

June 19, 2010

June 2010

So, if you havent already noticed, I am taking the month of June OFF from dating.
With getting a new job I am already really loving, turning 28, getting a new computer and being without internet for a couple weeks and just being fed up with men, I felt it necessary to take a little bit of time off from the dating scene. I will be back in two weeks, hopefully with some more interesting stories! Peace for now followers n fans ;)

June 10, 2010

6/10/2010: Mr. Relentless


Location: Phone

Ok girls, you know when you like a guy and call him a hundred times, thinking your being cute? Well, STOP IT! Even if you are in a relationship, ONE CALL, (maybe TWO at the most) will be sufficient to let him know you are trying to get a hold of him!
I had my first mulit-caller/multi-texter situation today and it was the most annoying thing I have ever been through. I know how you guys feel now, even though I've never been one to call over and over and over and over....

I met Mr. Relentless through the Bartending class I went to back in March. We really didn't have much dialog but he owned his own business and knew a lot of people and we exchanged business cards since he said he may know people who wanted murals painted, (and that's what my side business is). I hadn't heard from him in a couple months so when he contacted me, I was excited since I believed it to be work related...it was not.
He lives like 2.5 hours from me but was going to be about an hour out today, and wanted to get together for lunch. I contemplated the idea only because I know he has a lot of connections and the possibility of it still being work related was not entirely out of the question..until he started calling....and calling...and calling...and calling...and calling. In total I received 28 calls and 18 voicemails from Mr. Relentless!!! Not to mention countless texts!
It started with a call and voicemail. I am not a big phone person (I much prefer texts), but Mr. Relentless left a nice voicemail saying he'd love to get together. The problem with calling back is that Mr. Relentless LOVES to talk on the phone and I once got caught, unable to get off for about an hour. (Perhaps a sign of things to come; or not to come, rather...?)
I did not want a repeat of that since today was my relax and sleep in day! So, I texted him that I MAY be up for meeting later if he was willing to drive, because I was not. He wrote back yes and asked for my addy.  Now, you know by now, no man is getting the address to my place! Trying to think of a place to meet up for lunch, Mr. Relentless started calling over and over. By the 2nd attempt, I was already over it and him! He didn't even give me ten minutes to get back to him. He doesn't know what I was up to. I could have been on an important call or at work or something. He didn't know I was just laying in bed!...It really bothered me and then he kept at it! 28 times to be exact! He filled up my voicemail box!
I replied by turning OFF my phone!
Those that know me even a little know how I cannot live without my phone and what a big deal it has to be for me to turn it off!...Mr. Relentless got me to that point! There is no coming back from something like this either...so girls, next time you think you are being cute by calling a guy over and over...put yourself in their shoes (or mine)!
Lesson learned.

June 4, 2010

6/03/2010: Mr. Playtime


What is with the single guys in this area and their lack of wanting anything meaningful? Just when you think you have a connection with someone they spring the whole play time thing at you! Ugh. So frustrating!
So I met this guy at work last week and we exchanged some witty banter and glances. He gave me his business card and told me to hit him up sometime...so I did just that. We spent half the day texting back and fourth (yes, that is exceptable in this day and age!)...and when it came to the topic of what he is looking for, he states he just wants to have some fun and play....which means SEX.
Just when I thought he was a good guy and a potential date too...
I am not looking to "play". I am no longer 21 or 25 for that matter. You "play" in college and just after. Not when you are nearly 30 or in his case over 30. This world and the selfish attitude of my generation sucks! Those who are still single are so set in their ways and don't want to change their life in any shape or fashion!
I wish I was back in the 50s where it appears that it was much easier. Granted, the womans place was in the kitchen, but I am okay with that! LOL
Mr. Playtime is a "Technical lifestyle specialist", whatever that means and lives at home; but he wanted to be sure I knew it was a very large home on the top of the hills in Calabasas and the family had people who worked for them...like I care if you have servants? How about you grow up and take a girl on a date rather than inviting her to your mommy and daddys home for a play date?! Jerk.

June 3, 2010


Dear fellow online daters (guys),
The point of a profile picture is to represent yourself so the girls looking can see you! Not your car, your dog, your favorite picture of a sunset, a funny clipart you found, a picture of you so far away we can't see anything, an album cover of your favorite band, an image from your favorite cartoon, a picture of YOUR (gross ass) FEET, a GROUP of your friends where we don't know which one you are, an image of you slutting it up with other woman, your favorite flower (which by the way is kinda gay), or anything else!
These are some ACTUAL profile pics I have found on dating sites, and I honestly can't believe what some people put up.
If you want to show your artsy side, get creative with what you write about yourself! Don't self impose yourself in a photo like the guy on the bottom right corner....that is just creepy. What else is weird is photoshopping an image of you and an ex girlfriend to make her into Megan Fox:

You obviously know how to use a computer (somewhat at least) so CROP the photo to take the girl OUT completely! (I distorted him on purpose)
As a girl looking for a guy I am SO turned off when you have other girls in the picture. We don't know you- we don't know or even care if they are "just friends". It isnt a jealousy thing, it's a courtesy thing! You may have a thing for big breasted woman- that's fine, but don't make your profile pic this:
Another piece of advice, take a second to rotate your picture before you upload it, please! I will skip over any not right side up because I don't want to be with someone that stupid!
Don't use an image where you are wearing sunglasses as your main pic. Don't look like a convict either! I don't want to see just your chest or just a tattoo you have. Take a couple minutes to take an actual GOOD picture of yourself! If you don't  have a self timer on your camera, ask a friend to take one of you if you honestly don't have ANY decent pictures of yourself!
Don't use a picture that is so blurry you can't tell what it is...and I hate that I even have to say this, but DON'T use a picture of you being arrested or pretending to be arrested!
Please use RECENT (within the last 6 months) headshot picture where we can clearly see your face. Preferably with a smile.If you want to upload additional pictures that show your interests, hobbies, personality, etc. That is fine but your main profile pic should be just you up close. 

K. Thanks
Signed, frustrated online browser

Other images that made me laugh: