I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 19, 2011

8/18/2011: Mr. Chocolate

No, MR. Chocolate is not in reference to an African American man....
Mr. Chocolate and I had exchanged numbers about a half year ago and we hadn't talked at all since...until a few days ago when I randomly went thru my phone and decided to text him out of the blue. We had never met up and I can't remember why, but I thought what the heck?
I invited him to a bbq I was having for my girlfriend who had just come home from a month long trip and we were just trying to get bodies to come and eat the 5lbs of carne asada she had gotten (maybe a little over-exaggeration)...
He texted back and said he couldn't make it but that we should set something up for next weekend, or sooner. Two days later I text him inviting him to Taco Tuesday and he writes back saying he is seeing someone, but has tons of single guy friends he wants to introduce me to....I'm fine with that...honesty and hook up to where the single guys hang! I tell him I have a single girlfriend and lets for sure set something up for the weekend....he agrees and we leave it at that.
2 days pass and I get a text...from Mr. Chocolate, just saying "hey". I reply and let him know there is karaoke and beer pong at a bar tonight. It's Thursday. I tell him to tell his friends because both me and my girlfriend are going. He replies back, "I'm bringing myself". Confused, I ask, "no friends?" he replied with "there have been some developments in the past couple days"....which meant the girl he had been seeing, he ain't seeing no more.
Now, it's been so long since I've talked to or even seen the profile page for this guy. I can't remember what he looks like, all I know is his profession which I have him as in my phone "Chocolatier"....I go with it though because if I gave him my number 6 months ago and took his, I am sure I was attracted to him somehow!
I get to the bar, and order my usual, water.
My girlfriend comes in and a couple other friends, then Mr. Chocolate walks thru the door. My gf looks at me and asks "Is that him?!" I glance quickly to the door and turn back to her and say "I HAVE NO IDEA" but he is CUTE! I think we even shared a school girl giggle over him for a second before he approached the table.
By far the most attractive pof guy I've met. 
A little shorter than my usual, and it didn't help that I had on my highest heels, but he was still within my height range. And he is creative and talented, successful and ambitious....this could be a good thing.
He offered to buy me and my gf drinks, was engaging and could hold a conversation, seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say and seemed like an all around good guy. Didn't hurt that he kept complimenting me too. LOL
Having to work early, he left before I did and asked if I could walk him out, which I did, and he went in for the kiss...
He had to kind of go up on his toes to reach my lips, which is when I just plain stopped him! That is too weird for me! I told him next time I won't wear my highest heels and if there is a first kiss it will be more organic, not so mechanically put together with him having to tippy toe it!...
We don't make any solid plans but I'm sure I'll see Mr. Chocolate again soon.

08/10/2011: Mr. Whammy Bar!

So it's been a few days since my date with Mr. Whammy Bar and I would love to all but forget it, but it was so entertaining and I just found my phone notes about the date and had to make an entry here!
So, my notes are as follows:
Whammy Bar
Firewok is go to song
Doesn't surf, boogie boards to get "so deep in the barrel"
Okay, let me explain....I had talked to Mr. Whammy bar online and thru text for about 3 days, and he seemed semi normal and sorta cute from the pics and profile. I got a little scared the night of our date however because he just seemed a little TOO optimistic. I had to do dinner with my folks, making the 7pm meet up more like 9pm and he was driving through my town on his way home which is about 30 minutes North. He seemed almost excited to wait at a gas station, in his car until I was done. I offered to postpone our meeting to another night becuase unexpected plans had come up, but he wouldn't have any part of it! Enthusiastically he told me that family comes first and he would gladly wait for me so he could meet me this very night, "a night of magic"....
So, after I was done with my family, I go to the bar I tell him to meet me at. I know most of the people who work there, so I feel safe in case I need help. (BTW: Not a good thing to think when going into a date, and I should know this by now)...I sit and order some water while I wait. Next thing you know, this poufy blonde haired BOY comes running at me and practically screams, "WHAMMY BAR!"
Startled and confused, I start laughing before he even introduces himself. What does that mean?!?! I can't even get out the words to ask him. The bartenders look at me like "Do you know this guy?!?!" Already I am regretting my decision to not just go home and curl up in bed!
The conversion is slow starting becuase, well, let's face it- he opened with "WHAMMY BAR!"...
I get a little background on him, but nothing really deep cause...well, ya. He used the term "SASSY" a few times, his go to karaoke song currently is "Firework" by Katy Perry and that he wouldn't dare surf cause it's too scary plus he likes to get "totally in the barrel" on his boogie board! 
Oh, and he used the term "NAR" (instead of Narly, which is way better?) about 50 times!
One of my friends who is a bar-back started talking to Mr. Whammy Bar in the same surfer way he used, making fun of him but Mr. Whammy Bar didn't seem to notice that fact. He just said the barback was "Cool People:...LOL!
Thankfully something came up for Mr. Whammy Bar and he had to"scoot" but not before he offered to take me to Vegas this coming weekend!
I polietly decline on his offer and let him know I am going to stay and drink the one beer that was bought for me from the other guy at the bar sitting next to me. 
He leaves and I am stuck having to be ridiculed the rest of the evening by the people I know at the bar for bringing Mr. Whammy Bar.....
(By the way, the guy who bought me the drink did it out of pity and was about 50 years old!)