I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

July 24, 2010

7/23/2010: Mr. Matador


Location: My House

No, not "my house" as in my personal dwelling; there is a club called MY HOUSE which I was dragged out to tonight by a friend. Those that know me WELL know I am not a club person. I cant stand the crowds, the lines, the loud music and especially the men that partake in the game that is Hollyweird! BUT, I humored my ol' friend and accompanied him as his wing-girl since he values my opinions and assistance oh so much.
It just so happens that as I am sipping on my water while my friend was on the crowded dance floor, I notice a tall dark lurker nearby checking out the "talent" (as the guys say)...he appeared to be stalking a group of three woman with his eyes and I lean against the wall to watch him in "Action" knowing he is either up to no good, is totally wasted or is on the clock, so out of pure entertainment, I watch and wait. He whispers to his "friend" and takes a step back letting this friend reel in one of the three. It seems obvious to me what is going on at this point: I read the book THE GAME about 5 years ago and could spot the setup a mile away. (It was one of the VERY few books I've actually read since high school, and I enjoyed learning the tricks of men and what to watch out for!)...He was with a paying client who was counting on his expertise in the art of seduction to train him on how to pick up woman successfully.
I try not to stare too long but I strain to try and hear the conversation. It is utterly ridicules the lines that are coming out but the girls eat it up because of the delivery that was obviously so well instilled in him.
I then realize Mr. Matador glance in my direction and before you know it he has slinked his way against the same wall I am leaning up on. He opens with:
"Wouldn't it be weird if a guy you never gave your number to call you?"
He goes on to explain himself somewhat, opening up the lines of communication to get my interest. I've been hit on enough times and have heard all the lines in the book. It's going to take more then smooth talking and obvious cliches, but this guy is good at what he does. I call him out on everything he is throwing at me and ask his friend how much he paid for this "Session". His friend is trying hard not to give it away but Mr. Matador finally tells me after about 15 minutes that he IS the professional pick up artist "Matador", and was in the book THE GAME and on VH1 for 2 seasons of "The Pickup Artist", to which I replied with "How many girls does THAT work on? Cause I don't care."
I am not sure if it was part of his routine but he mentioned he was impressed by my confidence and savvy-ness on the art of picking up. I guess all my "Experience" in dealing with douch-baggyness paid off tonight. That is a compliment coming from a world renowned pick up artist...I can finally know for sure I am not one of "Those girls" who is naive to fall for complete and utter BS! yay? I am still not sure whether to feel flattered or offended for being one of this guys' "target practice" for the night...and not entirely sure I really passed the test because I ended up talking with him for an extended amount of time after he knew I knew who he was and what he and his "friend" were doing. 
Granted, it was mostly about my experience with guys over the last year and how much I have put up with: If you have read ANY of my blog you know what I mean....and Mr. Matador seemed to be off his game and possibly REAL (whatever that means at a club); meaning he wasn't doing any of his trademark moves on me any longer and we had actual conversations while I was waiting for my friend to be done with his clubbing and he was observing his student in action.

Whatever the night was it was interesting meeting this guy I have read so much about. Possibly if he needs a woman's point of view in the arsenal that is
venusianarts, he will find a way to contact me. ;)
Since he is a public figure somewhat, I think it is only FAIR GAME to post his pic and info on my blog!
Woman, study this face and be aware if he approaches you in a club....he is a professional and may sick his student on you for practice! One of the sure key signs is the ever popular CUT DOWN method he teaches:
A less than attractive socailly awkward man approaches with more self confidence than he should have and pulls out a super cheesy line. When you try to call him out on it he comes back with something to the effect of "Your not my type" This in turn makes you somewhat offended but yet oddly attracted enough to attempt and make yourself his "Type" out of the shear fact your a girl and need to feel wanted...If you look closely around, you will see another gentleman hiding in a dark corner of the room watching; this is the professional pick up artist!
Guys, if you want to try out the move above, I must admit, it DOES in fact work on the club rats! If you get a woman smart enough to call you out though, she may actually be worth spending some time with!

I have reafirmed a couple things tonight:
1. I don't care for clubs
2. I don't put up with ANY BS from ANYONE and have no problem calling it out as I see it
3. I don't care for clubs! 
4. I should start my own multi-million dollar business to show woman one on one what to look out for at a club!...hmmm

1 comment:

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