I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 30, 2011

5/28/2011: Mr. Prohibition

I had been talking thru pof.com (plenty of fish) with Mr. Prohibition for about two months off and on and I wasn't getting a great vibe from the start; he would always ask me to drive close to him and at first I was trying to play it cool and offer a half way meeting spot.
Sidenote: I don't think it is fair or right to ask the girl to drive entirely to you on a first meet. Halfway is fair for both parties and coming to the girl will always win you extra points!
If I am gaga (I hate that lady gaga ruined that term) over someone (which has yet to happen), I MAY be willing to drive if he has a special spot in mind that is mindblowing. I refuse to drive more than 20 miles for a cup of coffee/tea.
So, he was finally willing to drive to me only after he started to get upset I wasn't willing to drive to him. However, I had to explain my living situation at the moment for him to feel bad for being such a jerk for him to finally offer.
I just got a new job and had to work later than anticipated so I would text him updates throughout the night and even hinted about postponing because it had gotten late. He told me he had already started the 40 mile trek. (Making sure I knew he was coming 40 miles- a douchey statement if you ask me). So, I then ask him if he'd like to grab a glass of wine when I was done. There is a wine bar next to my work that I wanted to try and after a long night I was ready to unwind a little. He took offense to me asking him to do that.
Ya, he went on a rant (via text) that he thinks me asking him to drink alcohol after he just drove 40 miles (again, referencing the distance he has traveled) is outrageous. "It is a holiday weekend, I am driving and I think anyone who needs alcohol to unwind is pathetic"....
I wanted to cancel right then and there. Anyone who is that self-righteous and just plain douchey doesn't deserve my time. But, being the nice person I am, I feel bad that he did drive 40 miles and think I should at least give him the benefit of the doubt.
He asks if there are any quiet places to grab a cup of hot tea....
Are you 80?
It is 11pm in Thousand Oaks. Really? Nothing is open except for bars! My friends at this point text me to go out. Knowing that this "date" is not going to work out in the end, I tell my friends I will be there shortly.
Mr. Prohibition and I settle on TGIFridays. (I chose because I could still walk home if necessary and my friends were in the same shopping center at a FUN place)...The host isn't even working this late because everyone (normal) is in the bar area. He thinks it is much to loud and obnoxious in there and asks a server to be seated in the farthest corner booth away from the bar possible. He rants about all the stupid people getting drunk in the bar and all I want to do is join them! I try to argue that you don't have to get drunk to have a drink to unwind. My attempts go un-noticed as he begins to talk over me....
He goes on to talk about himself without asking one thing about me. He is in LOVE with the sport of POOL...however he doesn't play in bars. Umm...I've never seen a place with a pool table that doesn't serve alcohol, but evidentally there are places if you look hard enough? Interesting. He had already lost me a long time ago. I start to plot my exist.
He doesn't give me any openers though because he can't stop talking about himself and his distaste for booze! 
It's not that I am an alcoholic or anything but anyone THAT against it obviously cannot hang out with me and my friends. We enjoy going out (or staying in) with some wine or beer. Our games are flip-cup and beer pong, apples to apples, darts...all which involve sips of beverages in which Mr. Prohibition would lead a sit in over.
So, while he is talking and I am sipping on my iced tea imagining I was with my friends with a cold beer in my hand dancing to music, I excuse myself to the restroom. I ask a server I've known there since my drunk Thursday days to escort me to the back door for a quick get away.
Not a classy move, I know and I do feel  bad somewhat...for a second.
I pretty much RUN to my friends waiting for me at the bar/club right down the way, without looking back. The entire meeting took about 15 minutes.
Once I knew I was clear, I text him to at least let him know so he isn't waiting and thinking I have diarhia or something gross.
"Sorry _____, I don't think it is going to work out. Sorry for making you drive"
While I was entering the bar/club I get a text back......
"It's okay. I was doing charity myself because you are kinda...well, ya know!.....You should prolly change your body type on pof!"
Then I realize he must be hurt for being ditched, but still...how rude!
So I have curves...and my body type and pictures reflect exactly who I am and what I look like- that was just a mean thing to say regardless! 
I go in feeling a little self conscious but trying to fight it off, then not one, not two but three guys (not my type at all but still flattering), say how I am "Working it". A guy that isn't into curves wouldn't be into me, and thats fine. I have a ghetto booty and I know how to work it evidentally. ;)
I ended up meeting up with my friends and having an awesome night....with alcohol involved.

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