I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 21, 2013

2/17/13: Mr. Caddy

I went out with my closest group of friends on Sat for my BFFs birthday. One of my girlfriends knew a couple guys that were at the club and she was talking with 2 of them most of the night. I was nearby all night and may have introduced myself, but not much else...one of the 2 guys buy me a drink and then leaves, stating he had to be at work early in the morning. I don't think anything of the encounter, thank him for the drink and go about my night.
The next morning I get a text from the guy.
My girlfriend had given him my number...Just as I was reading his text, her's came in and said "I hope you don't mind, but XXXXX asked for your number and I gave it to him".
Slightly flattered, but more puzzled as I never even had a conversation with the guy.
He asked me to a house party that night (That night being a Sunday)...I tell him no but tell him he could take me to a public place for dinner. He agrees and I meet him later that evening.

While I am going about my day, Mr. Caddy friends me and my BFF on facebook.

We sat at the bar of this small Italian restaurant and I am not sure if it is a real date or not. He doesn't really seem into me...still puzzled at this point.
The dinner is amazing but the conversation was lacking. He talked about himself and his work (caddy at a ritzy country club right down the street)...a lot. He didn't ask me one question about myself...The old guy sitting next to me seemed more interested to talk to me than Mr. Caddy did.

The girlfriend who knew him was going to the house party Mr. Caddy initially invited me to, so we go after dinner. The "party" was suppose to start at 9, so we were there at 9. No one was home. We sneak into the backyard, find a chair and blanket and wait. Mr. Caddy at this point attempts to lean in for a kiss....did I miss something?!!? I pull away with a confused look on my face. He moves across the backyard. People start scampering next door so we go over there. My girlfriend is there with a couple more people; definitely NOT a "PARTY" but rather 3 other caddy's hanging out with a couple members in a fancy house. I am EXHAUSTED and sooo tired from partyig for my BFFs birthday the previous 2 nights so it is taking everything in me not to fall asleep. Mr. Caddy is a smoker so he spent most of the time outside smoking while I was with my gf inside sitting at the kitchen counter, really just listening to them all talk. I was bored.

Finally Mr. Caddy drives me back.
The following day he doesn't text me but my BFF. She is happily married with 2 kids but he invites HER to jacuzzi and wine...what?! What is it with guys? Do they think us girls don't communicate with one another? So weird.

Mr. Caddy needs to take his game elsewhere!

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