I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 7, 2014

5/7/2014: And.....Still Single and Tindering

It's been well over a year since my last post and while not much has happened in my life romantically, work and friend life have been very busy. I am in a good place (relatively speaking) and happy, for the most part. I am still missing that someone special to share all the love I have inside but I have been learning a lot about myself. While I will not be writing about the last year of dating (mostly because there really hasn't been much to speak of), I will be trying to write more on the current dates; or rather, MEET UP'S as they are now being called. A woman doesn't even get the dignity any longer of being taken out on a date!
I joined TINDER; the new way young singles are meeting through an iPhone app, after being on a dull date with a guy who mentioned he had just joined. Before the date was even over, I had the app downloaded on my phone. It is like the old HOT OR NOT website back in the late 90s/early 00's. You choose your location radius, age range and then view pictures. You select to "NOPE" or "LIKE" someone and if you both "LIKE" each other, it's a MATCH and you can then choose to communicate via text through the app. I currently have over 590 matches and I am sure I have "NOPE"'d over 2000 at this point. Some people use the app as a vanity, self satisfaction or as a way to waste time. Others use it for just hook ups, booty calls or whatever you crazy kids call it these days. Then there are others, like myself who seem to be using the app as an actual  means of meeting real potentials. I've learned a lot from the app already, such as what "DTF" means...I have also been on a bunch of decent dates with relatively nice guys. I've seen more "action" (so to speak) from this app than the other dating sites I had been on in the past such as OKCupid.com, POF, even Match.com. There is more of a weeding out process and the app is a little buggy at times but overall, I like the simplicity.
Sure, it's a little shallow but aren't we just as shallow at a bar? You glance across the room and if you think someone is attractive, you try to make eye contact. If it is mutual, you go over and strike up a conversation, right? The app isn't much different.
With standard dating websites you are given too many details up front. They shove every aspect of  the person's life in your face and in the safety of your own home, you are left to judge every aspect of the person's life; without having any prior knowledge of the stories or personality traits that are behind the decisions that brought that person to the point they are in now. You have facts, a resume but yet you know nothing of the actual person. I found that I was passing up guys just because of their height or location or education level. None of that is really far but since I was given the option to judge, I did. While any of the above could come up in conversation via text, it isn't just blatantly given, therefore a conversation has to at least start in order for those questions to be answered which in turn already gives you something to open the lines of communication with rather than just passing up an opportunity.

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