I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 7, 2014

Double/Triple Booking

In the past couple of weeks I have double or triple booked myself twice.
I would not recommend ever double booking yourself!
It requires strategy, memorization and lots of stamina and time management.

April 2014 was a busy dating month for me. Mainly just to get back in the game after having a short lived, month long thing with Mr. Four Seasons.
I had Dinner at the Local Peasant with a British fellow on a Wednesday, Drinks in Sherman Oaks with a friend of a friends' boyfriend on a Friday, Sushi with another guy on a Saturday, and a blind date setup for the Magic Castle on a random Tuesday but the first time I ever double booked was a Thursday. I setup dinner with one guy after a full day of working and then drinks with another guy. The double book turned into a triple once the 2nd date went terrible and a guy I've known a long time asked me to join him at a bar later in the evening. Most random, hectic 5 hours of my entire life.

Dinner had gone okay; the guy was super tall but was that lanky weird skinny. He talked about conspiracy theories and the meaning of life the entire length of dinner. I knew about 5 minutes in that It wasn't going to work. He was smart and not funny. If you are smart, you should be smart enough to at least fake a personality/sense of humor. Don't guys know that girls need a man that can make her laugh?
Since it was a Thursday, I could use work as an excuse to "end" the night early. In reality, I had plans at 9 to meet date #2 for the evening. I was actually looking forward to date #2. It was with a musician. While I normally don't date musicians due to flakiness or "rock star" syndrome, I made an exception because he was SO talented; I was already a groupie after hearing him play at Mastro's a few weeks earlier and stalking his youtube channel. He had given me his number then and we'd been texting ever since. It had been weeks and tonight he finally had the time to meet up. Since his schedule was so busy I had a feeling it would be nothing more than a one date thing but I still wanted to spend some time with him. They were doing karaoke at a bar right down from my house, so I told him to meet me there after his set. He sang, I sang, we sang together, he was impressed by my singing, which amazed me, coming from a Broadway star...he was adorable and quirky. We danced and laughed and had a great time. He was also a few years younger and not looking for anything serious. I've kept in contact with him via text from time to time but I am sure nothing more than a friendship will occur. He is going on to much bigger and brighter places then the Suburbs of the BUBBLE.
Once I left Mr. Piano Man, I headed down the street to meet up with date #3. This was a guy I've known a long time that recently "MATCHED" me on the Tinder app; he was newly divorced and looking to hang out. What I didn't realize is that when date #2 went longer then expected, date #3 had gotten a head start on drinking alone at the bar. By the time I reached him, he was drunk and slurring. He could barley talk and I cut it super short. Once I reached my door at home, he texted me to come back and give him a ride. I declined and told him to call me when you're sober. Oddly enough, that was a title of a song I had sung earlier int he evening on date #2.

While it wasn't really three full dates, it was still exhausting and I wouldn't do it again!
Double booking however, I just did last night and oddly it ended fairly similar!

I met date #1 last night for Happy Hour. He was much shorter that I expected, had two different colored eyes and long shaggy hair and scruff. I was already sitting at a high top table and he literally had to hop up on the chair. I wanted to run immediately but I had to be nice. I wish I could be blunt like my girlfriend and just tell him "I'm Sorry, This just isn't going to work!" and walk out...my concience wouldn't let me, although I really thought about it!
He was originally from like Georgia or something and liked guns; to hunt and just shoot at cans in the desert. He also was a welder and went on for a good 40 minutes describing how to weld and get his pieces passed through an x-ray test...whatever that means? He also talked about a giant banana he had won at some fair. Even showed me pictures of said banana. No, that is not code for anything sexual; that would make for a better story at least! I was bored and wanted to leave, so again, glad it was a mid-week MEET UP, I could use work as an excuse to leave.

Sidenote: I keep saying MEET UP becuase the last few guys I have met from the Tinder app don't call the first meeting a date. They don't want to pay for dinner or go do any fun activities; they all want to meet for a beer or a coffee and call them MEET UPs. I get it and all; dating can get expensive and you never know how the chemistry is going to go but man! what happened to romance and men actually trying to win a girl over?!

Getting back to the story, I leave Mr. Banana to meet up with another Mr. Drunk....he had only been at the bar for 10 minutes before I arrived but had already done 3 shots. Immediately he is trying to hug and touch me, talking VERY close to my face and ear and I am doing nothing but pulling away from him the entire time. Another bar that has karaoke, I get up on stage to just get away from Mr. Drunk. There are only a handful pf people in the bar and people keep asking me for requests, so luckily I don't have to spend much time WITH my date. I sing three songs and then start to make my excuses for having to leave. While I am doing so, some other guy comes over and brings me those bar flowers that they have for $5. It is actually a beautiful bouquet and there is a note with his phone number. Pretty bold if you ask me! As I am trying to make my way to the door to leave, my date screams at me, "HEY! I WANNA MAKE OUT WITH YOUR MOUTH! COME HERE"...so I start to briskly walk away. He tells me to buy him a 6 pack and take him to my place. I am done with trying to be nice at this point and yell "NO!", I get in my car and drive away.

I texted the guy who gave me flowers to say thank you as I didn't have any opportunity to inside the bar. He then just writes back, "I'm not into texting. If you want to talk to me, call me". Fed up with the whole evening I write back to him "This probably isn't going to work then, I'm more of a texter. Thanks for the flowers though"...

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