I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 14, 2014

Recycling, It's enevidable!

There comes a point in every (still single) adults life where they get so lonely or desperate for a daily human connection (ie:relationship), that we go through our phones to reconnect with the best of the worst; the ones that weren't as terrible as the others. You start thinking and trying to rationalize your choice by thinking that maybe you were too hard on them the first time around or maybe you were being too picky back then. You've grown since then, you're sure they have too.
Maybe you take a less aggressive approach then a phone call, so you find them on Facebook or Instagram: maybe shoot them a single, short text with a cute emojicon to seem non shalont.
You had a connection at one point, so it had to be easier this time around, right?
You are so sick of meeting strangers and having the same conversations over and over. It is exhausting. You want to skip the BS and go right to the comfortable stage; when things are still new but easy. In the back of your mind you KNOW that it's a mistake to connect an ex. It ended for a reason and people don't change. The exact reason you ended it will still be there in the end but you are so over the whole dating scene, you think WHAT THE HELL!?

You make first contact...which is in fact the FIRST MISTAKE!
You don't want to be the one crawling back first. It seems desperate...but who are you kidding, you are desperate! You push back all your feelings of doubt and now wait for the reply. If they reply back, they usually want you back as well; usually just for the sex though. You hope they are still single and you can go out for a drink to rekindle your lost love.

If we instinctively know that it won't pan out in the end, why do we put ourselves through the recycle heartbreak? Is it because it hurts less the 2nd time around and we are just striving to feel something with less sting? Perhaps it is because we are so lonely and feel we have run out of new prospects in a sea of marrieds here in the suburbs; we don't want to up our NUMBER for yet another stranger and want the physical relationship of someone comfortable...maybe it is just because we are straight up BORED?

I've been a victim of all of the above feelings at one point or another. Being single in the suburbs is not easy. I think back to high school and how easy it was to just pick from a sea of boys, all in one area. When you were done with one crush you already had another lined up. Oh how I wish I had made more of that opportunity!  I took it for granted. Now, I miss the CRUSH. I haven't had a crush in years; not even a fantasy famous crush. I've become jaded.
There is no place like high school (that I've found anyway), that has a bunch of single people all in one area, ripe for the pickin'. Even if there was, I think I am so beyond jaded that I wouldn't even go, thinking all the singles would be losers; but I AM ONE OF THOSE! :/ eek.

I live in the suburbs where young families and the olds live. Singles are the minority here. While driving down the streets I see fit young dads running with strollers; just as I start to fall for the (in my mind), cute, single dad and I think about the possibilities of dating a man already in the position to have a family...the blinding glare of the sun hitting his wedding ring is enough to knock me right back into my lonely single life. There are good days where I don't think about it much and there are those days that make me re-think every relationship I've ever been in and if any of them would work now. I've been a victim of recycling before and I am sure I will again at a weak moment.

Hell, even the Tinder app is telling me that "THERE IS NO ONE NEW AROUND YOU"! I guess it is time to re-think my pickiness...or move! :P

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