I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 29, 2010

5/29/2010: Mr. Setup


Location: somewhere in Long Beach

I had to work an event tonight until 9pm but half way through I get a text from my mother. 
"Wanna go on a date for your birthday?...He's 29 has a good job. Looking for a down to earth girl that enjoys doing stuff outdoors and likes kids...He saw your photos and videos with the kids...he has a fun sense of life too"
Fun sense of life? Is that code for not very attractive? I ask her to send me a picture....
She sends me a blurry photo of him and to tell you the truth...it's not very promising.
"He lives in Long Beach but he is willing to travel. Don't discount "extra meat"."
He looked to be about 5'11 and 300lbs at least but mom said he was funny and nice and a lot of fun.
Nothing scarier then mom setting you up! You can't really say no or be as shallow as normal when mom recommends....
There is no way however that I am going on a first date ON my birthday. Dude is going to have to get in line.  hahaha
Facebook friends first? I think so.

5/28/2010: Mr. Man


Location: Bada Sushi

Not putting much effort into dating this past week or so, I planned a girls night this past Friday with one of my oldest friends visiting from out of town. We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine and then walked over to my local sushi joint for dinner. Dinner was lovely however throughout our meal we noticed a couple of guys glancing in our direction sitting at the bar. Not thinking too much of it we ignored them and went about our evening. 
As we were walking out the door, the two guys followed us and stopped us right outside and asked for my number. Well, the ugly one asked. The shy cuter one stood in the shadows.
When I was asking them where they were from and how old they were, the one who asked for my number ran back inside to get his phone thinking I was going to give him my number. I continued talking to the shy one and gave HIM my number. 
(The only reason I even talked to them was because my friend was taking a call herself and walked away. Otherwise I would have brushed them off to spend time with my friend only!)
Turns out the guy is 21 years old! He thought I was 23...which was VERY nice to hear since my 28th birthday is only 4 days away! He didn't believe me, so I showed him my ID. This is when he kicked his game into high gear!
He was trying to convince me how much of a MAN he was.
"I've dated older women before"
"I think older woman are sexy"
"I'm a man, ya know. Not a childish boy"
"I have a real job and goals n stuff"
"I already have my own place! Well, with a roomate"
"I like Seinfeld...most people my age don't!"
Clearly he was trying, but c'mon! 21! geesh.
However, I was feeling low due to my upcoming dooms day (aka birthday), so I took his number down just in case...
My friend and I went back to my place and she soon departed onto another venue to meet up with other friends. Being only 9pm on a Friday with no other plans, I texted Mr. Man to see if they were still at Bada. Turns out his friends ditched him and he too lives within walking distance. We decided to meet in the parking lot. LOL
What's the harm in learning a little more about someone 7 years younger who finds me attractive? We all need attention!
Now, obviously 21 is FAR too young for me, but he seemed like a sweet kid...sorry, I mean MAN? He has a good job, doesn't live with parents, tries really hard...I hate to say it but he may have more potential then anyone else I've dated in the past year....which is so sad!

May 28, 2010

5/27/2010: Mr. Oh Yeah!


Location: TGIFridays

I am sure you remember the Kool-Aid character from the early 90's, right? Well, I felt I was on a date with him last night!...After everything this guy said he followed it up with "Oh yeah!". But in like a weird Jim Carey mouth movement sort of way. He did the same odd facial contorcions when he drank his beer as well...Very off putting.
I sipped on water as he downed 3 pints and a gin/tonic and listened to his stories of past relationships. One of which stuck out to me due to the level of it's inappropriatness...(like any stories of ex's are, but this one especially so!)
I guess he had just broken up from a girl he had been with for 7 years and admitley just wanted to get layed one night and picked up a cougar who was 38 at the time. (This being a year ago from what he said)
He successfully brought her back to his layer and attempted to ... well, ya know. This cougar went out to her car, brought back her vibrator and ipod and pleasured herself while listening to her ipod the entire time. Mr. Oh Yeah was trying his best but Cougar wasn't having it, asked him to get off and she continued another 45 minutes on her own. LOL!
It gets better!
A one night stand with said Cougar wasn't enough. He wanted to prove to her he could do the deed and invited her over again after a week or so. This time he told me was better but Cougar asked him to be rough. He slapped her ass and it wasn't nearly enough for her. She wanted him to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE. Seriously.
I guess Mr. Oh yeah DOES have a line and refused. Cougar was not called again.

Guys.....this is not appropriate conversation for a first meeting (or second, or third....). Regardless of how layed back the evening is, regardless of setting. Never talk about past relationships and NEVER NEVER discuss sex with other woman! Granted, it was an interesting story and it was alright in this case because I have NO ROMANTIC feelings toward this guy, and I am able to share the story with y'all....but still!

May 26, 2010

5/25/2010: Mr. Pitcher(s)


Location: El Torito

So, being exhausted from starting a new work out regime and working two 11 hour days in a row, I just wanted $1 tacos and A margaretta on a Tuesday night. It started out fine since the bar was pretty empty and I was able to quickly order. I noticed a pitcher of beer next to me and only one glass, but I shrugged it off when I didnt see anyone. Just as I started to relax a gentleman who was sitting a few stools over returned from the restroom and sat in front of the pitcher. Evidentally this was his 2nd pitcher of beer to himself! Quietly watching the game he didnt start bothering those around him until after his THIRD, yes THIRD pitcher of beer and the game was over.
Starting with what can only be described as jibberish, I tried to enjoy my dinner by facing the other direction and making it clear to him I was not interested. Mr. Pitcher didn't get the hint because he kept talking. About what I couldn't tell you. At one point he asked me to go on vacation with him in 19 days. When I refused he answered by buying me another margi. I refused but he wouldnt take no for an answer. After his fourth pitcher he was more belligerent than anyone I've ever seen in a bar. He made my quiet little night out miserable and for that I did accept his offer to buy my tacos and soup and 2 more margarettas. When his cousin came to pick his ass up, I was ecstatic. Trying to make the most out of what turned out to be a horrible evening, I made (or thought I made a business connection by giving my business card to him for mural work at the school he does counseling at. 
This turned out to be a mistake when I received not one but THREE phone calls from the drunk the day after. The first, an apology. The 2nd, a recording of a song with the words "I NEED YOU" and nothing more. The third, just more jibberish and a song I didn't recognize along with someone coughing...very annoying!
I am hoping my non response will make him realize I really am not interested!...I may need to take drastic measures and tell him off if this continues.

May 24, 2010

5/23/2010: Best Date Ever!


Location: Saddlerock Winery, Malibu

Late Friday afternoon my boss handed me four VIP tickets to a wine event in Malibu which coincided with the Tour of California bike race. While I am not the least bit interested in bicycles, I am however fond of wine and especially Saddlerock wine, so needless to say I was amped up to go. The challenge: To find someone to go with....
When even my own dad turned me down (shameful, right?), I was forced to take drastic measures to attend, and I am glad I did!
What was this drastic measure I speak of you ask?
Well, I took MYSELF.
Me, myself and I with an extra ticket.
Not having any idea what to expect, I drove up Mulhulland and pulled into the winery. The first thing I see are 2 buffalo, then 2 zebras and then 2 camels...nope! Make that 3 camels. There was a baby sleeping...so cute!
Not sure if I just rolled up to Noah's staging area, a zoo or a winery I proceed down the dirt path to park. 
As I walk up to the camel corral I meet a group of fellow wine lovers who offer to take my picture with the camel. Nice people.
I walk through the entry with my bright yellow VIP paper bracelet and have NO IDEA where to go. Following the rush of people walking up a hill to the back of the winery I find myself back on Mulhulland greeted by hundreds of screaming fans. No, not MY fans, although that would have been AWESOME! :P
The fans were for the bike riders...who knew biking was so popular?
As soon as the first group of riders passed, I slinked my way back into the winery to beat the crowds and grab a bottle. Not coming prepared, I sat on the grass without a blanket or chair and enjoyed a glass of cuvee.
Most of the people were coupled up or had families, so this was not much of a singles mixer, but the scenery was breathtaking. 
I took a walk with my wine to the lake on the premises and then over to the mini horses. While it wasn't a very eventful day, it was lovely. Just me and my wine, the zoo animals and the gorgeous vineyard.
No drama, no weird fetishes, no lies, no awkward pauses...this was the perfect date! hahaha
btw: YES! That camel IS smiling!

May 20, 2010

5/19/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: Buenos Aires Grill, Pickwick Pub

"Bitter and Broken" Divorce Group, an ex call-girl best friend who is now married to a (current) male for male escort and an odd fondness for latex fetishes...THOSE were the topics of conversation Mr. Scotch decided to unload on me on our 4th (and VERY possible FINAL) date!
Feeling awful for having to cancel on him twice last week with a cold/cough, I agreed to a late dinner on a Wednesday night with Mr. Scotch and almost canceled again just out of having a bad gut feeling and not wanting to drive half way to meet him. I asked some friends on facebook for ideas of late night places for good food in the valley since I am not a regular in the area and came up with an Argentinian place. I arrived and Mr. Scotch had two glasses of Malbec wine already. (good start!) He continued downhill from there bragging about his travels to Buenos Aires in real life and telling me that I don't really know anything until I've traveled some....not winning any points, dude! 
I haven't traveled and wish I have but I barely have enough to pay bills at this point...that doesn't make me a horrible or uneducated person....
Except in the art of ordering food at an Argentinian restaurant. 
DAMNIT! He got me.
So, I let him order...which ended up being a skillet full of different red meats...
If I wanted to get gout, this would be the place I'd eat!
Not saying it wasn't good, cause it was alright, but nothing amazing. 
Definitely not $80 worth with the wine, but he paid, so it's gravy to me. (He already said he would ahead of time, so I'm not being a gold digger here!)
After dinner we had planned to go to a lounge called PUSH however when we walked over it appeared CLOSED. So instead we opted for a pub across the street. Not very happening for a Wednesday night, but we enjoyed a drink there. This is where the odd conversations came up!!!
He explained he answered a craigslist add for a divorce group called "Bitter and Broken" about 5 years ago which is where he met his best girl friend (Who I had met on our first date) and continued to explain how her and her fiance (Whom I also met on our first date) met. Not entirely sure why he felt the need to tell me their story, but he did and everything seemed to make since now because the fiance guy who turns out is a male for male escort asked me if I wanted to work for him. At the time I had NO IDEA what he did and told him yes, I am desperate for work! HAHAH
Post escort convo he spilled the beans about his fetish ex girlfriend who got him into latex and bondage. (Both liking and wearing, even at weird hollywood fetish nightclubs)... I know that by the 4th date you should know more about each other but...uh....woah. 
This all coming from a well dressed 32 year old reseeding hairline white engineer with piercing blue eyes. Not what I expected!!!
I guess everyone has their something!
So, I learned a lot about Mr. Scotch AND his friends this evening and not sure I need to know much else. 

May 16, 2010

5/16/2010: Mr. Donuts


Location: Local Bar

After a lazy Sunday I respond to a text around 5pm to meet up for a drink. I have yet to eat dinner but I know Mr. Donuts already had a meal but I agree anyhow thinking I can go a little early to get an appetizer. This is the first internet meeting Mr. Donuts (claims) to have had and I go a little easy on him at the beginning. I show up 20 minutes prior for a beer and edamame while I wait patiently.
He is an attractive 29 year old who plays baseball on a league in his spare time from set construction, but there has to be SOMETHING about him, right? I mean, what attractive Boston transplant who lives in Santa Monica and is athletic is single...right? Well, one who has a life long goal of quitting his job and opening 3 Dunkin Donuts shops in California, perhaps? It's possible.
There is nothing wrong with opening franchises or having a goal like this, however it is the drive behind the goal that has me a little worried.
"The shape of the donuts got lazy"
That is his entire reasoning!...I guess when he was young and living in Boston, before the whole franchise thing really blew up, the Dunkin Donuts took more pride in their donut shapes....? Whatever. It was a little weird to hear. hahahahahahah. 
The rest of the conversation consisted of normal first date nonsense...siblings, sports, sexting and mormans. Random!
I paid. He didn't walk me to my car...but he was cute. LOL!
Not enough to base a possible relationship off of, but it's never really a great sign when walking to my apartment alone, I start bawling my eyes out. The reason? Well, I am a girl. Nuff said!

May 13, 2010

5/13/2010: Mr. Baby Teeth


Location: Lupe's Restaurant

So, usually whether you like the person or not you at least pretend through the dinner and through the goodbyes to be cordial. Well, I was trying. The second I walked in to Lupe's and spotted my date at a booth I had a feeling I wasn't going to like him. When he reached out to shake my hand, I knew I wasn't going to.There was something un trusting about Mr. Baby Teeth. A mechanical engineer by trade and hailing from Atascadaro originally, I couldn't quite pin point what it was until half way through our meal. His had what could only be described as baby teeth. They were tiny! It was just so distracting! He said he wasn't from the area but through our conversation his story didn't add up. It came out that he had worked for the same place every year as an internship for the past 4 years and described living in Westlake Village back in 99...So while he claimed to be a new transplant, there was something fishy there! When he said he liked Mexican food and I chose Lupe's, he said he had never been there however he seemed to know his place around easily. We finished dinner and while he paid the bill, once we walked out of the restaurant, he made a bee line to his car without more than a glance back and a wave. Very ODD! I have never had a first date end so abruptly and awkward! My car was parked in the back where there are no street lights but I guess the thought of being mugged was better then the idea of ending with an uncomfortable hug and possible kiss attempt from Mr. Baby Teeth!
Oh, by the way: His online profile said he was 6'1 but with only 1.5 inch heels on, I was towering over him. Too many lies for a 2nd date!

Mr. Baby Teeth actually texted me to ask if I wanted to hit some golf balls with him after work on Monday!...How did he get from our date that a 2nd was warranted? ...(Or did he just feel a friendship, where I did not?) ...either way, kinda weird! I didnt respond. He reminded me too much of an ex co-worker who creeped me out too much!

May 11, 2010

5/08/2010: Mr. Lover-Boy


Location: Home

guys, whether you THINK you feel it or not...it is NOT okay to confess your love after meeting someone through SKYPE for a half hour conversation. Although it is a slight ego boaster to feel like you are so amazing someone can fall that hard and that fast, it is not reality and should be reviewed with severe caution.
PS: SKYPE is NOT a first date!

For those of you wondering, I met another guy from online a couple nights ago and while he said he would be willing to meet me in person and drive up from Manhattan Beach, he wanted to SKYPE first. (The only REAL reason a guy says that is to make sure I look like my pics first)
It was late, I was not made up and was in sweats but I made the sacrafice for a future free meal. (kidding :P, kinda)
The guy was nice but it was like he was searching in my eyes the whole time trying to find something. He asked me to move in with him after 15 minutes and then confessed his "falling in love with me" after 30. Ever sense I have received messages in my inbox with more declarations of love and if I don't respond to him in his timeframe, he gets sad and sends even more messages. Thankfully he doesnt have my real email or anything- it is all through the site I met him through. He also doesn't know my last name or that much about me so the chances he can find me on face-stalk or whatever are very low!

YAY to online dating.....where all the winners are!

May 7, 2010

5/07/2010: Dry Spell


We all go through them and while mine was brought on by a nasty, lingering cold, I feel I am almost ready again to pursue my dating blog. To do so however, I need a date!
I have some replies to send out on a couple of the dating sites I am currently using, but who knows how long those will take to flourish into full fledged date nights. Since I have been MOSTLY out of work for a month and barely have enough money to pay my bills, I don't like planning dates I know I can't pay for on the off chance a guy wants to go dutch. With my long history of first dates, I know better to never assume a guy will offer to pay the entire bill! So between the lack of money, spending time with family (so I eat for free), and the cold, I have been off my game for awhile now and starting to feel it. I have learned that I thrive on attention. Shocking, right? LOL! Those who know me are likely rolling their eyes right now...(and I hope they stick like that!) But in all honesty, we all want to be wanted and I miss feeling that way sometimes!
I believe my sky diving buddy was turned off by the thought of me sneezing and has yet to return my texts, so I think that's all "she" wrote of him. He was a GREAT date, but I was more into the activity then him. I was trying to give him an honest shot too, kinda a bummer but life moves on! We will see what the month of May will bring me, if anything!...