I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 29, 2010

5/28/2010: Mr. Man


Location: Bada Sushi

Not putting much effort into dating this past week or so, I planned a girls night this past Friday with one of my oldest friends visiting from out of town. We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine and then walked over to my local sushi joint for dinner. Dinner was lovely however throughout our meal we noticed a couple of guys glancing in our direction sitting at the bar. Not thinking too much of it we ignored them and went about our evening. 
As we were walking out the door, the two guys followed us and stopped us right outside and asked for my number. Well, the ugly one asked. The shy cuter one stood in the shadows.
When I was asking them where they were from and how old they were, the one who asked for my number ran back inside to get his phone thinking I was going to give him my number. I continued talking to the shy one and gave HIM my number. 
(The only reason I even talked to them was because my friend was taking a call herself and walked away. Otherwise I would have brushed them off to spend time with my friend only!)
Turns out the guy is 21 years old! He thought I was 23...which was VERY nice to hear since my 28th birthday is only 4 days away! He didn't believe me, so I showed him my ID. This is when he kicked his game into high gear!
He was trying to convince me how much of a MAN he was.
"I've dated older women before"
"I think older woman are sexy"
"I'm a man, ya know. Not a childish boy"
"I have a real job and goals n stuff"
"I already have my own place! Well, with a roomate"
"I like Seinfeld...most people my age don't!"
Clearly he was trying, but c'mon! 21! geesh.
However, I was feeling low due to my upcoming dooms day (aka birthday), so I took his number down just in case...
My friend and I went back to my place and she soon departed onto another venue to meet up with other friends. Being only 9pm on a Friday with no other plans, I texted Mr. Man to see if they were still at Bada. Turns out his friends ditched him and he too lives within walking distance. We decided to meet in the parking lot. LOL
What's the harm in learning a little more about someone 7 years younger who finds me attractive? We all need attention!
Now, obviously 21 is FAR too young for me, but he seemed like a sweet kid...sorry, I mean MAN? He has a good job, doesn't live with parents, tries really hard...I hate to say it but he may have more potential then anyone else I've dated in the past year....which is so sad!

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