I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

December 27, 2010

12/14/2010: Mr. Tour Guide

Mr. Tour Guide and I had been met on Match.com and had been talking for some time before we finally met. mostly through texting. It took awhile for our schedules to line up to find time to meet, especially sine I had been sick for so long at the end of November and beginning of December...
At the beginning, Mr. Tour Guide wanted to take me kayacking up North...but being the super jadded, super paranoid dater I am, I quickly turned him down! Then he asked if he could take me hiking...uh, no! You may as well ask if I want to be raped and murdered!...Still trying after the (kinda harsh) rejections I was giving him, he persisted and agreed to a nice normal activity...like ice skating.
Meeting half way, we decided to try Ventura. I thought I knew exactly where the rink was, but it turns out I didn't. I can usually see it from the freeway, but on the night we decided to meet around 4:30, I couldn't see anything and ended up in the abandoned Wagon Wheel area...Turns out, the lights were all out on the sign that I knew that read "ICE SKATING" which you can normally see from the freeway! Ugh, go figure.
I finally make it there right around 5. (Don't worry, I was in contact with Mr. Tour Guide so he knew I got lost)...
When I arrived, we come to find out that public skating is over at 5pm. From 5 on they had hockey leagues and figure skating only...so that is 2 strikes against this date already!...
Not breaking any of my rules, I follow him in my own car to Golf N Stuff...(I had just been here the other night with a friend too, HA!)
The place was a ghost town! (Granted, it WAS a Tuesday!)....
He pays for both of us to drive the go karts, one round of mini golf and 4 tokens each.
The go karts were awesome. Not very fast there, but still fun (only cause I won). The game of golf started off slow, but ended up being fun still. I then kicked his ass at Buck Hunting AND skee-ball, so I was having a great night. LOL
From there, we drove over to BJ's for a lite dinner and drinks. (In our own cars, of course)...
It was a nice evening, with a rocky beginning.
Afterwards we said our good byes, a quick hug and off we went.
Me. Tour Guide is a couple years younger then me, but I couldnt tell. Until I got a text a couple days later. We were going to meet up again that following weekend but he decided last minute to go to Vegas with some buddies instead. typical of a younger guy not ready for a real relationship. I would think if you really liked a girl (at any age, really) that you would do whatever it took to get her to like you back and build a relationship...Am I wrong?
Well, anyways, he texted me Merry Xmas over a week later....but I am sure it was a mass text. Evidentally he wasn't that into me. How, I dunno...cause I am pretty awesome ;)
Maybe I should have let him win one game? ...NAH!

1 comment:

Deshan said...

what person in their right mind will turn down a vegas trip? I wouldnt and Im older than both of you. I think it would be different if you and the tour guide had been on 4 or 5 dates. i wouldnt say that it shows his inmatureness at all. he could have offered to bring you with him to vegas. i wouldnt say that he wasnt interested, he wanted to go to vegas, thats all. you will be fine in the dating dept in 2011, keep up the good work king. keep the post coming.