I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

May 20, 2010

5/19/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: Buenos Aires Grill, Pickwick Pub

"Bitter and Broken" Divorce Group, an ex call-girl best friend who is now married to a (current) male for male escort and an odd fondness for latex fetishes...THOSE were the topics of conversation Mr. Scotch decided to unload on me on our 4th (and VERY possible FINAL) date!
Feeling awful for having to cancel on him twice last week with a cold/cough, I agreed to a late dinner on a Wednesday night with Mr. Scotch and almost canceled again just out of having a bad gut feeling and not wanting to drive half way to meet him. I asked some friends on facebook for ideas of late night places for good food in the valley since I am not a regular in the area and came up with an Argentinian place. I arrived and Mr. Scotch had two glasses of Malbec wine already. (good start!) He continued downhill from there bragging about his travels to Buenos Aires in real life and telling me that I don't really know anything until I've traveled some....not winning any points, dude! 
I haven't traveled and wish I have but I barely have enough to pay bills at this point...that doesn't make me a horrible or uneducated person....
Except in the art of ordering food at an Argentinian restaurant. 
DAMNIT! He got me.
So, I let him order...which ended up being a skillet full of different red meats...
If I wanted to get gout, this would be the place I'd eat!
Not saying it wasn't good, cause it was alright, but nothing amazing. 
Definitely not $80 worth with the wine, but he paid, so it's gravy to me. (He already said he would ahead of time, so I'm not being a gold digger here!)
After dinner we had planned to go to a lounge called PUSH however when we walked over it appeared CLOSED. So instead we opted for a pub across the street. Not very happening for a Wednesday night, but we enjoyed a drink there. This is where the odd conversations came up!!!
He explained he answered a craigslist add for a divorce group called "Bitter and Broken" about 5 years ago which is where he met his best girl friend (Who I had met on our first date) and continued to explain how her and her fiance (Whom I also met on our first date) met. Not entirely sure why he felt the need to tell me their story, but he did and everything seemed to make since now because the fiance guy who turns out is a male for male escort asked me if I wanted to work for him. At the time I had NO IDEA what he did and told him yes, I am desperate for work! HAHAH
Post escort convo he spilled the beans about his fetish ex girlfriend who got him into latex and bondage. (Both liking and wearing, even at weird hollywood fetish nightclubs)... I know that by the 4th date you should know more about each other but...uh....woah. 
This all coming from a well dressed 32 year old reseeding hairline white engineer with piercing blue eyes. Not what I expected!!!
I guess everyone has their something!
So, I learned a lot about Mr. Scotch AND his friends this evening and not sure I need to know much else. 


Unknown said...

Where do you find these people? They are so interesting! Not to date but more like follow around with a camera and start a new reality TV show.

KKing said...

needless to say i have found most of them online...THIS is what is out there! And I concur with the reality show thing...I think online dating and following a daters path would make for very intriguing tv!
know any producers? LOL