I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

July 3, 2014

Always TOO Something!

At this point in my dating "career" I realize that I am always TOO something. Too "fat", too "creative", too "needy", too "crazy", too "emotional", too "promiscuous", too "much baggage"...lately I am feeling too "old"!
The last couple of guys I've talked with are seeing MUCH younger girls. These guys are my age or older and they are dating 20-22 year olds! Is this really a thing already? I didn't expect to be pushed aside for a much younger woman until I was much older.
I can't compete with a 20-22 year old! Their bodies are still barley post puberty; still tight and toned and they don't have real jobs yet so they are all tan from being able to lay out all day!
What I really don't understand is the guys I WAS talking with admit that they have nothing in common with their much younger counterparts and that they drive them nuts with their stupidity and obsession. Then WHY ARE YOU WITH HER?
They tell me that I am "real" and "easy to talk to" and "sexy as hell"; then why don't you want to date me? Has it become uncool to date a smart, sexy, successful woman just because she is the same age as you or because she is a REAL size 8 and not a size 1? Has the dating pool really gotten THAT shallow? Or is it that the guys left in the pool are so afraid of commitment that they go for the woman who are equally not ready and won't possibly turn into anything real?
Why are the single men available so impossible to please?
If you are one of these 20-22 year old girls; why don't you play with the boys your own age who are also not looking for anything real? I had to deal with them then AND now, it's not fair. The men you are dating would be ready to settle down with the right girl but you are distracting him!
One of the guys I was talking to told me that if I was a "sure thing" he'd break it off with his 20 year old but wanted to hold onto her "just in case" it didn't work out between us.
That's not how I work.
If you want to date me, date me. But when you've been with a girl for 2 years (yup! since she was 18!), you can't just test drive me to see if we would be a good fit and then go back to her if we aren't. Guys already can't focus well In a relationship- put a 20 year old in his path and it's not even a fair shot.
Another trend I've been noticing is guys who are single and looking and as soon as you start to make a real connection, they disappear! Then you see some post on Facebook or on Instagram and you realize they recently got back together with their ex! What the hell?
What is it about guys leading on someone great and having what seems like an awesome connection, only to realize they want back with the girl they were slamming all night last week? Was it me? Did I saw something or do something that made you think "Damn, dating really sucks! I miss my ex"?
I know I am an amazing catch and I just haven't found a guy who is willing to actually take the time to get to know me because there are young girls throwing themselves at guys my age; do they think they have money or something? Little do they know, most still live at home with their parents, have mediocre at best jobs (if they aren't working the unemployment funds) and are just as childish as the guys your own age!
I guess I have no choice but to keep waiting for my prince...
This was not meant to be some insightful, profound post; just ranting and rambling on my most recent experiences in dating.

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