I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 28, 2010

8/28/2010: Mr. DUI

So this guy messaged me a few times and he seems like a good guy, cute too...except he has no pics of himself smiling...kinda weird and I inquire since I have been burned by that before (the guy ended up having missing teeth AND braces)...but turns out, he just thinks he looks hotter as the bruting man. Whatever, we exchange numbers and he called last night but I wasn't in the mood to talk so just let it ring. He didnt leave a message or anything, but after work today I decide to call him back. He wanted to ask me if I would drive out to him (In Carson!) and take him to a movie...
Evidentally he just got a DUI a couple weeks ago and his license is suspended...and he has no money.
The money thing, whatever..I'm broke too but the irresponsibility of getting a DUI at the age of 32? I'm not cool with that! We all have our bad days and I know plenty of people who have had a DUI but to be the first impression when you are trying to get to know someone is not even fair!
No Mr. DUI, I will not drive 1.5 hours to drive you, a stranger to a movie that I pay for just to sit in a dark room for 2 hours with you. Sorry.
Call me when you get your life back on track and learn to smile!

UPDATE: Mr. DUI called me at 3am! I usually don't pick up calls that late if they wake me up but this was from a non saved number and I always think it could be an emergency that late, so I grabbed it in bed and it was Mr. DUI from a different number than I had saved. He was drunk. Obviously. And he was saying how I asked him to call him when he got home. (I did no such thing) and he was mad that I didn't want to talk. I hung up on him. 
He has enough money to get drunk...and was prolly out driving like an idiot again too!
He then texted me "Yea, bye!"
The LAST thing I need is another idiot in my life!
He tried to smooth things over this am by texting me that he is sorry. He was trying to call a different Kristina last night...that makes me feel a whole lot better about you dude! LOL!
Your a drunk, a moron and evidentally a player. Awesome!

August 23, 2010

8/23/2010: Mr. Desperate / Mr. Turkey


Location: At Home

Mr. Desperate had tried to message me several times over the past couple months and while his profile picture portrayed himself holding a bouquet of flowers and a cheesy grin (so lame!), he did not meet my must-have requirements and I didn't get a good guy feeling from his profile, so I chose to not respond to him since it would truly be a full time job to respond to ALL the messages I receive. I kept deleting his attempts and today it got even more desperate than I could have imagined.
"I think you know one of my coworkers" is what he wrote....
Catching my eye since those that know a mutual friend could have a higher chance at a meeting with me than those that have no connection, I feed into his attempt finally and ask who that may be.
He writes back and states he has no idea. "I don't know, I just made that up" was his response. 
Now I feel like an idiot and will never 2nd guess my first instincts on a person!


Mr. Turkey lives in Istanbul and is ESL (English as Second Language). First, I don't do long distance and 2, I don't do non American. This is all clearly stated in my profile but that didn't stop Mr. Turkey from messaging me.

Mr. Turkey: hi
Me:your way too far away for me.
Mr. Turkey::hımm
Mr. Turkey:have any idea for suprises
Mr. Turkey:?
Mr. Turkey:maybe we can try?
Mr. Turkey:come on what will you lost?
Mr. Turkey:let me ı want to say you something
Mr. Turkey:abouth distance pleasebe relax
Mr. Turkey:cause ı have one experiance before
Mr. Turkey:ı mean 2 years agoı had one relationship from south america
Mr. Turkey:and guess
Mr. Turkey:ı went then she came bla bla
Mr. Turkey:summary
Mr. Turkey:we can solve it dont worry
Mr. Turkey:come on
Mr. Turkey:ım here for try to talk with you
one chance
Mr. Turkey:yahoo or msn
Mr. Turkey:we just try
Mr. Turkey:please
Mr. Turkey:if you will not be happy then we will delet everything
Mr. Turkey:just one chance
Mr. Turkey:no?
Mr. Turkey:ok ..forgive me for disturb you..wishes best

Really dude? 
I could never be with someone I can't understand, and I am not in the market to get a guy a green card!

8/22/2010: Ms. NOTW


Location: Santa Monica Beach/ Father's Office

Yes..that is Ms. As in FEMALE!
Read on if your interested!...LOL

I got a phone call and was asked if I wanted to go to the beach in the late afternoon by a long time friend. At this point I wasn't aware it would be a suto- date for him. He had said a lady friend of his may join us along with some of her friends, and I am always up for meeting new people, so I said yes! (Plus, Father's Office was the MAIN agenda for the day!)

(This long time friend reads my blog and was more than okay with me divulging information about the "date" here!)

My friend picked me up and as we were driving he was describing this lady friend of his. He was very into her and I was excited for him. I couldn't wait to meet her myself, she sounded fantastic! After seeing some pictures they took on a day trip to Disneyland I was even more excited since she just seemed so fun and outgoing!
They work in the same company and it wasn't until a conference in Vegas that the two of them actually were introduced. It isn't what you think though! 
My friend was super shy and it was HER that finally went up to him and introduced herself. Clearly there was an attraction from the beginning and she was willing to pursue what she wanted. While nothing "came up" in Vegas between the two of them, they did start going on lunch dates when they returned to work.
On one of their first meetings outside of work, she had declared her high tolerance for alcohol, and had challenged my friend more or less to a drinking competition. She was fun, funny, personable and had a dark side said friend was eager to get to know. A couple lunch dates between the two of them and the Disneyland day trip and things were heading in the right direction.
Over the past 4-5 days however, my friend started noticing a change in his new lady friend. She had become increasingly religious seemingly over night.
Not thinking too much of it, they had planned to meet up at the beach and he wanted to introduce some of his own friends to her. (A few others were suppose to come but flaked last minute, so it was just me)...

On the way to the beach to meet up with her, my friend texted her to let her know we were stuck in traffic but that we were almost there. He got a text back from her stating something to the equivalent of " Praise HIM for there is always a purpose."
A little weird but whatever. She had some kind of life changing awakening over the past couple days and my friend was cool with it. He had even attended church earlier in the day with her. I think that shows respect in the highest regard and is a very manly quality! (Kudos, my friend!)

However, not even my friend had realized a this point how much she had really changed since he first met her a couple months ago.... 

When we show up at the beach finally, I meet his new lady friend who is in a maxi dress reading a book in a chair. Very pretty girl. Seemingly very normal, chill...fun. We even got up to throw the football a couple times. A nice match for my friend and a possible new friend of my own. I approve so far!

We pack up and move to the next venue: Father's Office after some convincing on our part to get lady friend to join us. (She starts school the next day)
Sidenote: If you have never been and enjoy beer and burgers...I HIGHLY recommend this place! BEST BURGER I HAVE EVER HAD, hands down!

First thing friend notices is that she orders a wine, rather than trying a beer even though we had told her it was a beer bar. Trying not to think too much into it, we order some burgers, stake out a table and start to relax. Things started to get weird from there. Waiting in line at the bar, lady friend and I start talking and she had told me I looked like a girl she had worked with in the past. She said she thinks I came into her life today for a reason and that she needs to pray for that old co-worker. She started in on the glory of God and the mysterious ways He works. I go along with it, being raised in the church I am a believer too and she is so overcome with this recent power, I know it's important for her to share her thoughts. But then she starts in on the NUMBERS! Oh my!

She explains the power and signifigance of the numbers she sees all around her. There were three pigeons near us at the beach; there were three of us. In the bible it says something about where 3 or more gather in HIS name....game over! Everything from that point on was her rambling on and on and on and on and on and on about the numbers. 5, 7, 6, 3...Everything had a significance. 
Literally this girl talked for HOURS. 
She kept using the words "Not of this world" and "Living not in the flesh"...

She had gone from this chill, fun girl who we thought we could have a couple beers with to this Evangeline, spreading the power of the word of God to anyone who would listen within just an hour or so. I kind of had no choice since I was now on a ride-along date, held hostage, so making the most of it; I sat and listened and nodded along with my friend who was being oh so polite and patient. Until the bombshell hit. 
She had made a comment about God speaking to her and showing her what her future husband would look like and "It isn't you, sweety", is what she told my friend. Who says that to a guy she had earlier stated she could see dating?...My heart sank FOR my friend, but being the eternal optomist, said friend tells me that she could change her mind about that...awe.
Thinking she was getting tired of talking, we leave to drop her off. Little did we know, she had oh so much more to say!
The ENTIRE way to Sylmar from Santa Monica she is flappin her gums about God, signs, numbers, etc. Long winded is an understatement for this girl!
We pull up to where her car is sitting in front of another co-workers home and she says she feels the devils presence and tells us to stay with her until it leaves. Another 2 hours sitting in this car, listening to her go on and on...
She really feels that God is speaking through her and showing her things that no one else can see. 
FINALLY, she gets out of the car and into her own (only after a very long, awkward embrace and prayer in my ear, then another with my friend).

When we get back in the car and she drives off, friend and I bust up laughing. Not at the fact she had her new path to follow and new responsibility to spread the word..but the fact that she had changed so drastically from the girl he had met a couple months ago into this Godly woman just over the past 4 or so days....and the fact that this girl could TALK!

After several hours of her not letting up even a little, my friend was no longer sure about his feelings for her...and I could no longer fully approve of her for him since now I feel she may lead him into a cult of sorts. There is such thing as TOO much and she was walking that fine fence to say the least!

I am hoping that it was all just so new and exciting to her and that she will soon find the balance rather than being such an extremist. She could be a very lovely, fun girl if she wasn't so extremely over kill!
Since she is just starting her journey, I don't see my friend putting in much more time. She had been fasting for 4 days, and going on almost no sleep. She had just stopped showing up for work because she said God was telling her to;so that tells you a little about how extreme it has gotten for her over just the last couple days.

I learned what NOT to do on a date:
Religion should be left at a 2-3 minute conversation, TOPS! Not 4-6 hours without breathing!

It is okay to pull out of a possible relationship if the other person has changed so drastically since you met them. The girl I met yesterday was not the same girl my friend had originally met and fell in like with!
My friend, it is OKAY to tell her it is TOO MUCH for you!

UPDATE 8/27/2010: My friend who's date I went on contacted Ms. NOTW to let her know he didn't see it working out. How can it when she had already told him he was not the husband in the vision God gave her?...But alas, she had been contacting him the days following "OUR" date to see if he wanted to hang out and without wanting to be the "bad guy", I told my dear friend he had to be honest with her. 
He told her he liked the girl he had met before and that her overly religious ways now were a little weird for him. She told him that God has a place in everyones' life (true, I believe that as well) and that he should accept the person she has become through Him. She went on to tell him that God wanted her to bring my friend closer to HIM.
She may really feel that way, and for some that is the way of life- But when someone tells you they are feeling un-easy about the religious thing overtaking you, the way to keep them around is not to push further! 
But there is more!
Ms. NOTW asked my friend for money! $291 to be exact! LOL
Of course he isn't going to give it to her, but I just thought it was hilarious!

The Chance I Take with Having a Blog.....

The glorious thing about living in the US is that I have the power of free speech and ability to blog whatever I damn well choose. Everyone SHOULD know that it is for entertainment value only and not meant to hurt anyone (Except maybe some egos), and it is designed to hopefully help some guys (and girls) learn through an active dater's eyes what is appropriate and not on a date.
It is also very therapeutic for myself to get out the experiences I have and to find the humor in all the horrible dates I go through. It's nice to have an archive for future reading and hopefully when I find the right guy, he too will find the humor in it all!
Whoever I eventually end up with would be fine being portrayed in such a blog, especially in a very illuminated fashion as one of the only great dates in the past year. I take it upon myself to not use any real names in my blog (Even though I totally COULD) and generally keep the pictures at humerous googled clipart, unless I feel it necessary for my "readers" (err, well myself since I only have 5 "followers") to see what kind of guy I was actually out with. (IE: Skydiving date/Buckaroo being the only two).
I recently had a very Carie Bradshaw moment. (for you guys, that is horse face from the Sex in the City show...) One of the guys I had recently gone out with, contacted me after locating this very blog. Now, to be fair, I always tell the guys...well, I tell the ones that I can stand for more than an hour, that I have a blog. I tell them it is dating related and that most of my dates end up on it. I don't give the location of the blog however, to save them the humiliation later on when I write about them.
So, this particular individual who had contacted me, had knowledge of said blog from the beginning and should have been aware that he was to end up on it. That being said, he was less than thrilled when he found and read my version of our date; even though nothing bad was written about him and it had been one of the best stories on my blog thus far. 
After having 2 dates, both very good and talks of a third...this individual more or less disappeared all together. Jokingly I said maybe it was due to the fact he found my blog, and that was in fact the truth. 
I would understand more so if I had used his real name and ran a smear campaign against him or something....but I hadn't. 
I don't date for the sole purpose of blogging. I wish I could find the right guy so I could end this, to be honest! It is humiliating for not only the guys I write about (and most never know)...it is also humiliating for me, cause I put myself in the situations that end up here! I have been single in the suburbs now for over a year and a half. You don't think I ACTUALLY ENJOY all this dating, do you? But, to keep myself sane through the process, I have to get it all out there and in doing so, hope that I can help someone else too.
To each his own though, really!
If someone can't handle it, he obviously isn't man enough nor does he have enough of a sense of humor for me.

August 20, 2010

8/20/2010: Mr. Repeater


Location: Leila's/Crown n Anchor

So excited to go to my favorite restuarant in anticipation that they have the watermelon soup I have heard about for a year and never actually tried...I was  excited about my date with Mr. Repeater...until I met him.
Granted, I got my watermelon soup finally (And it was amazing) but when Mr. Repeater started to sweat at the menu prices for dinner, I had to pretend the soup and the bread was enough to spare his pockets.
I dont want any guy to pay more than he can afford for a meal especially when I am already not feeling a connection!!! Chances are if I'm not feeling it, neither is he and if I were in his shoes I wouldnt want to shell out $80 for a meal for a girl who isn't into me.
So, we meet for "dinner" and a glass of wine at Leila's and the entire time he is repeating what I am saying! It's soooo annoying! I think he will stop eventually but nope! And it's the sort of repeating where he thinks he already knows what I am about to say and tries to say it as I do, gets it wrong and repeats what I say after me. 
I get that some people have different ways to learn and retain information and repeating is a tool I use to use in kindergarten but at 30+ on a first date...it's kinda a turn off. 
Mr. Repeater however had a strike against him the second I met him though...In his pix he looked all American with a nice sturdy build, athletic if you will...but when I met him and we hugged...it was like hugging a skeleton. He had the height and the all American look but oh my God man; eat a burger!
Way too skinny for my taste!
Just the hugging of bones sorta turned me off the whole night! I barely looked in his eyes while conversing cause it was just so awkward from the hug on!
The conversation was based around what we want in relationships, what kind of house we want, how to raise kids..it seemed very interviewey for the position of future wife/mother! I get it though. At a certain age a guy is ready, and I am too but I am not in interview mode quite yet. We discussed where he had traveleed to which soon turned into places I would like to be taken away for a weekend. 
Not saying being swept away for a weekend getaway to a cabin or the Caribbeans wouldn't be oh so lovely...but I want that with someone I am attracted to!  Mr. Repeater seemed very into me...not to toot my own horn...but he had sparkles in his eyes and kept hinting at the fact he thinks he has met the right woman, and the fact he has no issues jumping in fast when he "feels" it...
I dunno though...maybe if he eats a few burgers?

BTW: Update on Mr. Buckaroo...
He has gone MIA!
He invited me to a kickball game the day after our last date and when I had to cancel due to overtime at work that I couldn't get out of...I havent heard from him. I texted him several times to say hi but have not heard back from him at all. I am not sure whether to feel like I've been blown off or whether I should be scared for his well-being...?
Or maybe he found my blog...HAHAHA
Note to guys out there: Be honest. I'm a big girl. I can take a hell of a lot! If your not into me, thats fine! Just let me know.

Sidenote: Mr. Shy Guy from back in March contacted me by email the other day.
He was the one who I had a great date with and was excited to see him again only to receive an email about some "personal incident" coming up where he would not be available and he would contact me when things got better...Well, I got this mass email from him about his phone number changing. It appeared to have been sent to everyone in his contact list...but I took the opportunity to write back just saying hello.
He wrote back asking to take me out for drinks in a couple weeks when things slowed up at work for him...I am curious enough what happened to him all those months ago just enough to say yes...now, we wait to see if it actually happens!

August 16, 2010

8/16/2010: Mr. Europe


Location: Santa Monica pier

Have you ever had a stranger tell you that you have been living your life completely incorrectly? Well Mr. Europe did just that.
This is a guy who took a week vacation to the Bahamas and ended up staying for 4 months. A guy who plans on working and living in any country other than the US. A guy who is planning a trip to Europe as soon as  he saves up enough money for a ticket and has no idea when he will return. Why you ask is he on a dating site and on a date with a girl who very clearly has stated she needs to be close to her family in California...well, your guess is as good as mine!
Mr. Europe and I have been talking for a few weeks online and finally had a good phone conversation (after playing phone tag 5 times).
Mr. Europe asked me to meet him at the pier around 1:30 on my day off, and I was under the impression we would get lemonade or a beer or something. When I showed up and met him by the stairs, he was in boardshorts, holding a plastic bag and two towels. I was in jeans!
Without asking me what I wanted to do he started leading me onto the sand. He was more than 6 steps ahead of me the whole time and it seemed like we walked for a mile until he finally stopped and laid out the towels RIGHT next to one of the ONLY trash cans on the entire beach. As we sat, I finally got a look at Mr. Europe. He was graying (Which I guess I have to suck up and accept at this point in my life) and his EARS were hairy...yup! Hairy ears! And chest, which was crawling out of the top of his shirt. gross! We did VERY little talking the entire time, probably because he started the conversation with "If you don't want to talk much that is TOTALLY fine with me since I came to soak up the beach!"....seemed like a very odd statement to start a date with.
Mr. Europe opened a beer (he brought 4) and poured 2 cups full and handed one to me (at least there's that), then proceeded to light up a cigarette (Which he said he didn't do on his profile)...As we sat in silence drinking our beer (Yes, I know it's illegal but if caught I would totally blame him!) and we had the trash can to block our view from the lifeguards.
With little warning that he had to relieve himself, Mr. Europe jumps up, takes his shirt off and runs to the water. He leaves me on the beach for about a half hour as he frolicked in the waves. 
When he finally gets out, I make the mile trek across the sand to an actual bathroom and then back all by myself only to find him in the water again when I return. Another half hour by myself on the towel...
The conversations we DID have was about my lack of traveling in life and how he thinks I should get a credit card, quit my job and surf couches around the globe. Evidentally he thinks my life is worthless without doing so. He can't stand real jobs and thinks people with money can't live "right", whatever THAT means...He never wants a real job and dreams of living in a mobile home with someone just as non materialistic as himself. LOL, that's so not me! I need my iphone (which he criticized) and I dream of an actual house in the suburbs! He also included that he doesn't find American woman attractive usually based on our perception of life.  I wonder again why he asked me out, although I am tempted to chalk it up to the fact he wanted to go to the beach and just didn't want to go alone.
He had to work at 6, so we parted at around 5. No connection, no romance, not even respect was given by Mr. Europe!
I stayed in Santa Monica, walking around the pier and third street then watched the sunset and dolphins on the beach by myself to avoid the traffic that had piled up on PCH. Waiting until 8 and taking PCH proved to be a good choice since Obama had come into LA today and I was listening to horror stories of traffic on the radio on my way home.

8/13/2010: Mr. Buckaroo


Location: Yamato/Ventura County Fair

Planning a 2nd date on Friday the 13th may have seemed masochistic to some, but I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. May as well put all the cards on the table and go for it.
I allowed Mr. Buckaroo to pick me up at my apartment, which would usually never happen but I had a good feeling from our last date so threw caution to the wind on that rule.
When Mr. Buckaroo pulled into the shopping center he had planned dinner at, I cringed when I realized he wanted to take me to the Crab House, because I knew it had been closed for some time. He had no idea and seemed a little heart broken that his plans were fast fading.Plan B was sushi, which is always good in my book!
A short drive down the street to Yamato's and after a long dinner with a funny waiter, we were on our way to the fairgrounds.
Showing up a little late, we didnt have to pay for parking and walked in with no line. Mr. Buckaroo was so giddy about trying to win me a stuffed animal since he had never won one before. That was his goal for the night.
I usually dont play the fair games myself seeing it as a waste of hard earned money, but it's what he wanted to do and he was so excited.
First game: Throwing a baseball at cups, trying to knock them off their petestal, no stuffed animal.
Second game: 80 (YES, 80!) ring tosses trying to ring bottle necks, no stuffed animal.
Third game: Shooting a ball attached to a gun trying to knock off something, no stuffed animal.
Fourth game, we are given a tiny roadkill looking coyote stuffed animal we end up naming "Consolation" after the carney saw him fail at three other games and obviously failing at hers. 
I step up and try my hand at the next game: throwing a baseball at plates trying to break them, and win 4 in a row, adding a large lion to our stuffed animal collection. Needless to say, Mr. Buckaroo was even more eager to win SOMETHING since I had raised the bar!
Finally he tries his hand at throwing pig pong balls trying to get them in small colored cups on lily pads circling in a pool of water...and he did it! He jumped up and down and had this goofy laugh...it was both charming and disturbing that a man his age had never won anything at a fair and was so excited to finally do so. I picked a little pug dog for his prize and after a request for a picture with his trophy, he handed me the dog, obviously a little apprehensively. LOL
We walk around the fair coming up with names of our three new pets and enjoyed a glass of fair beer. We then went on the only ride Mr. Buckaroo would attempt: The big boat swing...He was nervously laughing at the weightless feeling his stomach gave him during the ride. It was like being on a date with an 8 year old boy. I was seeing his uber childish goofy side tonight for sure!
His very attractive cheshire cat smile had a very nerdy turn when he was really happy. HAHAHA....
We shared a funnel cake until the park closed, finding a very quiet almost romantic park bench behind some vendor booths and talked about possible future dates.
A drive home and a walk to my door ended our evening.
I am sure there will be a third date soon since Mr. Buckaroo couldnt wait until he got home to text me. He  pulled over half way to Agoura somewhere to let me know he had a great time and can't wait to see me again.

August 8, 2010

8/07/2010: Mr. Buckaroo


Location: Ciscos/Oxnard Shores

While I did have a good date with MR. Martini a few nights back, I am not holding my breath or waiting by any phone for him, so I decided to meet Mr. Buckaroo for cocktails after only very briefly texting back and forth a couple times. There was something about him I felt I could trust (since usually I don't meet guys after just like 2 emails!) Plus he was cute, my type, tall and had a smile in his pics that could make Sue Sylvester blush and giggle!

I arrive at Ciscos around 7:30 and MR. Buckaroo was already there. He had seen some friends when he arrived and was talking with them until I arrived. He came out to meet me (He was actually as cute as his pics...and as tall as he said he was...super major points!)...and led me outside to meet his friends. We then grabbed our own table and started chatting. Right away we had a lot in common and I wish it was less geeky stuff, to be honest, but nevertheless we seemed to hit it off well. The conversation was mostly about past jobs, a lot of techy non-scene and surprisingly how much debt (er, rather: Lack of debt) we both have...Not a normal first date convo but hell, get that outa the way early, right? HAHA
Other things we discussed which you wouldn't think would be light enough for first date talk is: Nature vs Nurture, past relationships and how they ended, artificial intelligence (which turns out is his business), and racism vs factual information. We both were super comfortable with one another and there was no forced convos or awkward silence.
Good news is, he has a job and a house! More of a promise than others' I've met this past year!...
Once the dinner crowd dissipated we grabbed another table which had a lounge type couch and Mr. Buckaroo sat next to me rather then across from me at the table. (smooth and not at all obvious. HA!) 
He was a perfect gentleman though. No yawn and stretch moves here! He would lightly tap my knee or shoulder however to make that initial contact every once in awhile when I told a funny. ;)
Mr. Buckaroo had planned to go to a friends house warming luau in Oxnard/Ventura area later in the night and as the conversation progressed, it led to an invite. 
One of my rules is: Never get in a vehicle with a man on a first date, and NEVER go back to a house with him.
Well, I broke 2 of my rules last night.
I was still smart about it though and asked for his drivers license then texted my mom all his information for security...(or for proof in case I wound up dead in a gutter somewhere.) Mr. Buckaroo actually makes his sister do that when she is on dates, so he didnt mind or think it was weird. (Brownie points for being close to his family!...AND being local!)
So, I suck it up and go with him, prepared to meet a huge group of his friends...a little much for a first date, but to hell with "rules" at this point! I'm just going with the flow and the flow was easy with Mr. Buckaroo.
We start driving and continue to talk the entire way down. We both have nieces that are our worlds!...He admitted to painting his nieces toenails (although not well), which melts my heart! This was even before I told him about my niece!...More brownie points staking up!
He stops at a grocery store to get drinks cause he believes you should never show up to any party without something in hand (Which is on my LIST of how I would want the man of my dreams to think) 
Without asking what my preference was, he grabbed peach margaritta bottles and a 6 pack of wicked ale. I dont know how he knew, but I LOVE anything Peach flavored. I thought it was a super random 6 pack to choose, but he chose well! 
When we arrive to his friends new house it's literally 20 yards from a private beach and all his friends are smiling and very warm and open, a REALLY great group of people! Everyone seems to love Mr. Buckaroo and I think I blended in pretty good. Around 11:30 we call it a night and Mr. Buckaroo drives me back to Ciscos to pick up my car. There was no kiss or anything, but I had a really great time and I could see myself going on more dates with this guy.
Whether he actually felt the same way or not, or just put on a good show will be proven with time.
But ya, I am finally on a GOOD roll! :D

Sunday 08/08/2010
Mr. Buckaroo texted me in the afternoon with some witty remark about being sore after a bootcamp training he did in the morning to help out a friend and being slightly hung over but that it was well worth it. I was busy working at a bridal fair all day (LAST PLACE I WANTED TO BE SINCE I AM SINGLE), so it took me a little bit to get back to him. He said he'd call later on and I went about my day.
The remainder of my day was filled with text messages from my mom who had googled said date from the night before. I had texted her his name, license info and where he was from and with that you wouldn't believe the info she pulled up on this guy! (All good, thankfully)...and the fact that he was truthful about everything made my mom very happy. 
What she found out from googling him (Yes, you can use that as an adjective) is that he purchased a condo in 04, refied it in 09...has 2 patents pending for technology, built and own and runs a very lucrative, cutting edge company, graduated from Berkley and his father is an LAPD Sargent. I felt a little bad for investigating him like that, but first, it wasn't me doing it and 2nd, it's all public info and he gave me his full name so it's fair game! Plus, he actually told me about the condo and his dad on our first date.
This is when it gets good!
He ACTUALLY called later on that night!
Weird, right?
I mean, a guy actually doing what he said he would? HAHHA
I felt totally comfortable on the phone with him, which is a HUGE deal for me (being an anti-phone talker...ask ANYONE i know!)...and so told him what my mom's day consisted of and let him know what I now knew and he was impressed rather than upset. He said I was a very unique girl (Which in most cases would be an insult of sorts) but in this case he thought that was VERY intriguing. The conversation went well. He confessed that the business stuff usually doesnt come out till the 5th date or so due to gold diggers who wanted just the money, but he felt a connection to me on our first date and knew I wasn't like that. He had planned to tell me on our next date.
Speaking of our next date; he officially asked me out for a 2nd during the phone convo for this coming Friday. Very old fashioned and I liked that.
He also asked if it was alright if he could text me once or twice a day until to just say hi and see how I am doing. I've never had anyone ask permission, but I thought it was a very classy move on his part.
He is to fly out of town tomorrow afternoon for a couple days for work and I am already looking forward to the texts. Sounds silly!
This is by far the first 2nd date I am looking forward to in the past year. I am trying not to have any expectations and just go with whatever comes my way, but so far so good.

August 4, 2010

8/03/2010: Mr. Martini (5 Wins)


Location: Padri's Martini Bar

After work I made plans to meet up with Mr. Martini with whom I only had a couple back and forth replies with on a dating site. He seemed like a normal American guy and I could only hope he was who he appeared to be online.
I took a relaxing shower after work, a quick nap and met Mr. Martini at Padri's around 9pm. Due to my cheapness I park on the street next to the lounge to avoid Valet (This also gives me the opportunity of bailing quickly rather then standing around waiting at the end of the night for my car in case the date was lame). When I arrived, Mr. Martini texted me to let me know he was outside so I walk up, see him and we shake hands cordially. I can't really see him yet since it was dark outside, but he was tall. Win so far.
We walk in and the place is empty. I can see that Mr. Martini was wearing a nice suit jacket which showed he cared enough about the date to look decent. This is a nice change to the torn jeans and affliction shirts! The bartender greets us and shows us to the patio and then takes our order. 2 Martinis and bomb ass brushetta. 2nd (and 3rd? Win).
We get to talking in a romantic setting, all alone (almost: There was a couple making out at the other end of the patio sofa, but they were too enthralled in their game of tonsel hockey to even know anyone else was within 5 miles!)
The conversation was easy and comfortable. I found myself telling Mr. Martini more about my life than I normally do on a first date and he seemed geniunly interested. He actually retained info and asked questions. This may seem like the normal flow of a conversation, but most guys I've gone out with seem to just hear (not listen) and wait for their turn to talk about themselves. While Mr. Martini also shared about his life it was nice to finally have an adult conversation with someone actually into it. 4th Win.
While I was talking about how passionate I am about painting for little kids and seeing their faces while they talk to the characters I paint on their walls, Mr. Martini said "You are so cute" and leans in for a kiss.

I am use to pulling away from the first kiss attempt and I don't know if it was the martinis or the romantic atmosphere or the fact I havent been kissed in a long while by someone that doesnt annoy/upset/disappoint me, but I let him do it and it didn't suck. Win 5.

Padri's called last call around 10:30. We closed the place down so much so that the valet actually brought Mr. Martini's car keys to him and the only person left when we actually walked out was the cleaning guy. Everyone including the bartender was gone. All the lights were turned off and Mr. Martini walked me to my car on the street next to the lounge. We shared another kiss and I was on my way.

Mr. Martini texted me the following day to tell me he had a great time and wanted to see me again. Finally a gentleman! Well, we'll see....

August 2, 2010

8/2/2010: Mr. BronxBull

Bring on the men!
Well, okay, so I kind of had an epiphany last night in my dream and I won't go into details but it's totally time to move on and get serious about actually finding someone, (without looking too hard cause you all know thats when you wont find anyone!)
So, needless to say, I am ready to get off this dry spell and find suitable suitors to woo me! (yes, I said woo. Nothing wrong with wanting to be wooed)
I want someone who wants to be with me and willing to put out some effort!
(Im not looking for poems or stereos above the head...)
I'm done with the little boys, the selfish A-holes and the clueless jerks.
I have a date tonight and although he doesnt meet my usual height requirement, the 20 minute online conversation we had was intriguing enough to get me out.
Plus the pic of him with a huge grin, surrounded by kids in a third world country didn't hurt! LOL. I am a sucker for that stuff!
So hopefully he didnt just pull pics off google cause that would be a bummer! hahaha
Anyway, get ready for some updates in the coming weeks my friends...I have a few interested in a date and I plan on giving them all equal opportunity. All my rules stand but my heart is finally ready to open up and let go of the past enough to let the future begin!
Excited to finally leave the past where it belongs!  


Location: Lazy Dog (cause it's so bomb and I live in Thousand Oaks where there is nothing else!)

My first date with a authentic Italian/White New York guy. I wasn't expecting that at all! Nice guy though. It wasn't the same ol' first date conversations, which is nice but also kind of weird. 
I arrived and he showed up right behind me. I had seen some people I know, which made the start of our date a little awkward, but the area I live in, you always run into people you know! Just so happens a group of woman I now work with were all there and all having some drinks and then asking me about work, then making the gestures behind my dates back as to ask me "ARE YOU ON A DATE WITH THAT GUY?!" hahha. It was weird.
We ended up having to wait for like 45 minutes out front next to the patio and right behind us my co-workers were seated, so I am sure they could hear everything we were saying.This made me a little more guarded with my date at first. The conversation was pretty much about homeless people. LOL!
What kind of homeless people were around him vs. those in Thousand Oaks...weird for a first conversation but entertaining enough for me to wait around for 45 minutes! ha! Finally we were seated on the other side of the patio and ordered a glass of wine. He explained his trip to the Dominican Republic which was originally for 1 week and lasted 4 months...He told me all about New York, the Bronx, etc. and why he moved to LA. Where he works in a bar and his boss and his bosses son which he babysits once a week...This guy could talk...and when I say talk, I mean with one of those strong New York style accents which makes it fun just to listen to him, like in a movie!
He drove up on an old motorcycle like one James Dean would have ridden. Not a bad looking guy but no model either. 
After 2 glasses of wine and some water we called it a night at 10:30. I think 3.5 hours of him talking is enough for a first date. 
It was pleasant. Nothing extraordinary but not bad. He picked up the tab and held the door open and was a perfect gentleman as we said goodbye. He kissed my cheek and asked if he could call me again.
Not the type of guy I could see myself WITH but a good guy.
Anyone who doesnt care for family wont fit well into my life. He is a loner. Moved out to LA from NY and hasnt seen his family in over 2 years. Although his mom did call while we were there, which he said never happens.
He goes on vacation to islands during the holidays to get away, which also would not work in my life!
But...it was interesting.