I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 16, 2010

8/13/2010: Mr. Buckaroo


Location: Yamato/Ventura County Fair

Planning a 2nd date on Friday the 13th may have seemed masochistic to some, but I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. May as well put all the cards on the table and go for it.
I allowed Mr. Buckaroo to pick me up at my apartment, which would usually never happen but I had a good feeling from our last date so threw caution to the wind on that rule.
When Mr. Buckaroo pulled into the shopping center he had planned dinner at, I cringed when I realized he wanted to take me to the Crab House, because I knew it had been closed for some time. He had no idea and seemed a little heart broken that his plans were fast fading.Plan B was sushi, which is always good in my book!
A short drive down the street to Yamato's and after a long dinner with a funny waiter, we were on our way to the fairgrounds.
Showing up a little late, we didnt have to pay for parking and walked in with no line. Mr. Buckaroo was so giddy about trying to win me a stuffed animal since he had never won one before. That was his goal for the night.
I usually dont play the fair games myself seeing it as a waste of hard earned money, but it's what he wanted to do and he was so excited.
First game: Throwing a baseball at cups, trying to knock them off their petestal, no stuffed animal.
Second game: 80 (YES, 80!) ring tosses trying to ring bottle necks, no stuffed animal.
Third game: Shooting a ball attached to a gun trying to knock off something, no stuffed animal.
Fourth game, we are given a tiny roadkill looking coyote stuffed animal we end up naming "Consolation" after the carney saw him fail at three other games and obviously failing at hers. 
I step up and try my hand at the next game: throwing a baseball at plates trying to break them, and win 4 in a row, adding a large lion to our stuffed animal collection. Needless to say, Mr. Buckaroo was even more eager to win SOMETHING since I had raised the bar!
Finally he tries his hand at throwing pig pong balls trying to get them in small colored cups on lily pads circling in a pool of water...and he did it! He jumped up and down and had this goofy laugh...it was both charming and disturbing that a man his age had never won anything at a fair and was so excited to finally do so. I picked a little pug dog for his prize and after a request for a picture with his trophy, he handed me the dog, obviously a little apprehensively. LOL
We walk around the fair coming up with names of our three new pets and enjoyed a glass of fair beer. We then went on the only ride Mr. Buckaroo would attempt: The big boat swing...He was nervously laughing at the weightless feeling his stomach gave him during the ride. It was like being on a date with an 8 year old boy. I was seeing his uber childish goofy side tonight for sure!
His very attractive cheshire cat smile had a very nerdy turn when he was really happy. HAHAHA....
We shared a funnel cake until the park closed, finding a very quiet almost romantic park bench behind some vendor booths and talked about possible future dates.
A drive home and a walk to my door ended our evening.
I am sure there will be a third date soon since Mr. Buckaroo couldnt wait until he got home to text me. He  pulled over half way to Agoura somewhere to let me know he had a great time and can't wait to see me again.


Unknown said...

This guy is so full of win! Plus he looks a little like Dane Cook.

Anonymous said...

No he doesn't! That is offensive! I see much more of a tosh.0 look.. plus his personality is one to match!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No he doesn't! That is offensive! I see much more of a tosh.0 look.. plus his personality is one to match!!!!!!