I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 8, 2010

8/07/2010: Mr. Buckaroo


Location: Ciscos/Oxnard Shores

While I did have a good date with MR. Martini a few nights back, I am not holding my breath or waiting by any phone for him, so I decided to meet Mr. Buckaroo for cocktails after only very briefly texting back and forth a couple times. There was something about him I felt I could trust (since usually I don't meet guys after just like 2 emails!) Plus he was cute, my type, tall and had a smile in his pics that could make Sue Sylvester blush and giggle!

I arrive at Ciscos around 7:30 and MR. Buckaroo was already there. He had seen some friends when he arrived and was talking with them until I arrived. He came out to meet me (He was actually as cute as his pics...and as tall as he said he was...super major points!)...and led me outside to meet his friends. We then grabbed our own table and started chatting. Right away we had a lot in common and I wish it was less geeky stuff, to be honest, but nevertheless we seemed to hit it off well. The conversation was mostly about past jobs, a lot of techy non-scene and surprisingly how much debt (er, rather: Lack of debt) we both have...Not a normal first date convo but hell, get that outa the way early, right? HAHA
Other things we discussed which you wouldn't think would be light enough for first date talk is: Nature vs Nurture, past relationships and how they ended, artificial intelligence (which turns out is his business), and racism vs factual information. We both were super comfortable with one another and there was no forced convos or awkward silence.
Good news is, he has a job and a house! More of a promise than others' I've met this past year!...
Once the dinner crowd dissipated we grabbed another table which had a lounge type couch and Mr. Buckaroo sat next to me rather then across from me at the table. (smooth and not at all obvious. HA!) 
He was a perfect gentleman though. No yawn and stretch moves here! He would lightly tap my knee or shoulder however to make that initial contact every once in awhile when I told a funny. ;)
Mr. Buckaroo had planned to go to a friends house warming luau in Oxnard/Ventura area later in the night and as the conversation progressed, it led to an invite. 
One of my rules is: Never get in a vehicle with a man on a first date, and NEVER go back to a house with him.
Well, I broke 2 of my rules last night.
I was still smart about it though and asked for his drivers license then texted my mom all his information for security...(or for proof in case I wound up dead in a gutter somewhere.) Mr. Buckaroo actually makes his sister do that when she is on dates, so he didnt mind or think it was weird. (Brownie points for being close to his family!...AND being local!)
So, I suck it up and go with him, prepared to meet a huge group of his friends...a little much for a first date, but to hell with "rules" at this point! I'm just going with the flow and the flow was easy with Mr. Buckaroo.
We start driving and continue to talk the entire way down. We both have nieces that are our worlds!...He admitted to painting his nieces toenails (although not well), which melts my heart! This was even before I told him about my niece!...More brownie points staking up!
He stops at a grocery store to get drinks cause he believes you should never show up to any party without something in hand (Which is on my LIST of how I would want the man of my dreams to think) 
Without asking what my preference was, he grabbed peach margaritta bottles and a 6 pack of wicked ale. I dont know how he knew, but I LOVE anything Peach flavored. I thought it was a super random 6 pack to choose, but he chose well! 
When we arrive to his friends new house it's literally 20 yards from a private beach and all his friends are smiling and very warm and open, a REALLY great group of people! Everyone seems to love Mr. Buckaroo and I think I blended in pretty good. Around 11:30 we call it a night and Mr. Buckaroo drives me back to Ciscos to pick up my car. There was no kiss or anything, but I had a really great time and I could see myself going on more dates with this guy.
Whether he actually felt the same way or not, or just put on a good show will be proven with time.
But ya, I am finally on a GOOD roll! :D

Sunday 08/08/2010
Mr. Buckaroo texted me in the afternoon with some witty remark about being sore after a bootcamp training he did in the morning to help out a friend and being slightly hung over but that it was well worth it. I was busy working at a bridal fair all day (LAST PLACE I WANTED TO BE SINCE I AM SINGLE), so it took me a little bit to get back to him. He said he'd call later on and I went about my day.
The remainder of my day was filled with text messages from my mom who had googled said date from the night before. I had texted her his name, license info and where he was from and with that you wouldn't believe the info she pulled up on this guy! (All good, thankfully)...and the fact that he was truthful about everything made my mom very happy. 
What she found out from googling him (Yes, you can use that as an adjective) is that he purchased a condo in 04, refied it in 09...has 2 patents pending for technology, built and own and runs a very lucrative, cutting edge company, graduated from Berkley and his father is an LAPD Sargent. I felt a little bad for investigating him like that, but first, it wasn't me doing it and 2nd, it's all public info and he gave me his full name so it's fair game! Plus, he actually told me about the condo and his dad on our first date.
This is when it gets good!
He ACTUALLY called later on that night!
Weird, right?
I mean, a guy actually doing what he said he would? HAHHA
I felt totally comfortable on the phone with him, which is a HUGE deal for me (being an anti-phone talker...ask ANYONE i know!)...and so told him what my mom's day consisted of and let him know what I now knew and he was impressed rather than upset. He said I was a very unique girl (Which in most cases would be an insult of sorts) but in this case he thought that was VERY intriguing. The conversation went well. He confessed that the business stuff usually doesnt come out till the 5th date or so due to gold diggers who wanted just the money, but he felt a connection to me on our first date and knew I wasn't like that. He had planned to tell me on our next date.
Speaking of our next date; he officially asked me out for a 2nd during the phone convo for this coming Friday. Very old fashioned and I liked that.
He also asked if it was alright if he could text me once or twice a day until to just say hi and see how I am doing. I've never had anyone ask permission, but I thought it was a very classy move on his part.
He is to fly out of town tomorrow afternoon for a couple days for work and I am already looking forward to the texts. Sounds silly!
This is by far the first 2nd date I am looking forward to in the past year. I am trying not to have any expectations and just go with whatever comes my way, but so far so good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WINNER!!!! This guy makes romance movies look like reality TV shows. He is in a class of his own. If you don't lock him down it sounds like your mom might make a move. LOL :)