I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 2, 2010

8/2/2010: Mr. BronxBull

Bring on the men!
Well, okay, so I kind of had an epiphany last night in my dream and I won't go into details but it's totally time to move on and get serious about actually finding someone, (without looking too hard cause you all know thats when you wont find anyone!)
So, needless to say, I am ready to get off this dry spell and find suitable suitors to woo me! (yes, I said woo. Nothing wrong with wanting to be wooed)
I want someone who wants to be with me and willing to put out some effort!
(Im not looking for poems or stereos above the head...)
I'm done with the little boys, the selfish A-holes and the clueless jerks.
I have a date tonight and although he doesnt meet my usual height requirement, the 20 minute online conversation we had was intriguing enough to get me out.
Plus the pic of him with a huge grin, surrounded by kids in a third world country didn't hurt! LOL. I am a sucker for that stuff!
So hopefully he didnt just pull pics off google cause that would be a bummer! hahaha
Anyway, get ready for some updates in the coming weeks my friends...I have a few interested in a date and I plan on giving them all equal opportunity. All my rules stand but my heart is finally ready to open up and let go of the past enough to let the future begin!
Excited to finally leave the past where it belongs!  


Location: Lazy Dog (cause it's so bomb and I live in Thousand Oaks where there is nothing else!)

My first date with a authentic Italian/White New York guy. I wasn't expecting that at all! Nice guy though. It wasn't the same ol' first date conversations, which is nice but also kind of weird. 
I arrived and he showed up right behind me. I had seen some people I know, which made the start of our date a little awkward, but the area I live in, you always run into people you know! Just so happens a group of woman I now work with were all there and all having some drinks and then asking me about work, then making the gestures behind my dates back as to ask me "ARE YOU ON A DATE WITH THAT GUY?!" hahha. It was weird.
We ended up having to wait for like 45 minutes out front next to the patio and right behind us my co-workers were seated, so I am sure they could hear everything we were saying.This made me a little more guarded with my date at first. The conversation was pretty much about homeless people. LOL!
What kind of homeless people were around him vs. those in Thousand Oaks...weird for a first conversation but entertaining enough for me to wait around for 45 minutes! ha! Finally we were seated on the other side of the patio and ordered a glass of wine. He explained his trip to the Dominican Republic which was originally for 1 week and lasted 4 months...He told me all about New York, the Bronx, etc. and why he moved to LA. Where he works in a bar and his boss and his bosses son which he babysits once a week...This guy could talk...and when I say talk, I mean with one of those strong New York style accents which makes it fun just to listen to him, like in a movie!
He drove up on an old motorcycle like one James Dean would have ridden. Not a bad looking guy but no model either. 
After 2 glasses of wine and some water we called it a night at 10:30. I think 3.5 hours of him talking is enough for a first date. 
It was pleasant. Nothing extraordinary but not bad. He picked up the tab and held the door open and was a perfect gentleman as we said goodbye. He kissed my cheek and asked if he could call me again.
Not the type of guy I could see myself WITH but a good guy.
Anyone who doesnt care for family wont fit well into my life. He is a loner. Moved out to LA from NY and hasnt seen his family in over 2 years. Although his mom did call while we were there, which he said never happens.
He goes on vacation to islands during the holidays to get away, which also would not work in my life!
But...it was interesting.

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