I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 16, 2010

8/16/2010: Mr. Europe


Location: Santa Monica pier

Have you ever had a stranger tell you that you have been living your life completely incorrectly? Well Mr. Europe did just that.
This is a guy who took a week vacation to the Bahamas and ended up staying for 4 months. A guy who plans on working and living in any country other than the US. A guy who is planning a trip to Europe as soon as  he saves up enough money for a ticket and has no idea when he will return. Why you ask is he on a dating site and on a date with a girl who very clearly has stated she needs to be close to her family in California...well, your guess is as good as mine!
Mr. Europe and I have been talking for a few weeks online and finally had a good phone conversation (after playing phone tag 5 times).
Mr. Europe asked me to meet him at the pier around 1:30 on my day off, and I was under the impression we would get lemonade or a beer or something. When I showed up and met him by the stairs, he was in boardshorts, holding a plastic bag and two towels. I was in jeans!
Without asking me what I wanted to do he started leading me onto the sand. He was more than 6 steps ahead of me the whole time and it seemed like we walked for a mile until he finally stopped and laid out the towels RIGHT next to one of the ONLY trash cans on the entire beach. As we sat, I finally got a look at Mr. Europe. He was graying (Which I guess I have to suck up and accept at this point in my life) and his EARS were hairy...yup! Hairy ears! And chest, which was crawling out of the top of his shirt. gross! We did VERY little talking the entire time, probably because he started the conversation with "If you don't want to talk much that is TOTALLY fine with me since I came to soak up the beach!"....seemed like a very odd statement to start a date with.
Mr. Europe opened a beer (he brought 4) and poured 2 cups full and handed one to me (at least there's that), then proceeded to light up a cigarette (Which he said he didn't do on his profile)...As we sat in silence drinking our beer (Yes, I know it's illegal but if caught I would totally blame him!) and we had the trash can to block our view from the lifeguards.
With little warning that he had to relieve himself, Mr. Europe jumps up, takes his shirt off and runs to the water. He leaves me on the beach for about a half hour as he frolicked in the waves. 
When he finally gets out, I make the mile trek across the sand to an actual bathroom and then back all by myself only to find him in the water again when I return. Another half hour by myself on the towel...
The conversations we DID have was about my lack of traveling in life and how he thinks I should get a credit card, quit my job and surf couches around the globe. Evidentally he thinks my life is worthless without doing so. He can't stand real jobs and thinks people with money can't live "right", whatever THAT means...He never wants a real job and dreams of living in a mobile home with someone just as non materialistic as himself. LOL, that's so not me! I need my iphone (which he criticized) and I dream of an actual house in the suburbs! He also included that he doesn't find American woman attractive usually based on our perception of life.  I wonder again why he asked me out, although I am tempted to chalk it up to the fact he wanted to go to the beach and just didn't want to go alone.
He had to work at 6, so we parted at around 5. No connection, no romance, not even respect was given by Mr. Europe!
I stayed in Santa Monica, walking around the pier and third street then watched the sunset and dolphins on the beach by myself to avoid the traffic that had piled up on PCH. Waiting until 8 and taking PCH proved to be a good choice since Obama had come into LA today and I was listening to horror stories of traffic on the radio on my way home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like you went on a date with my loser brother. Couch surfing and smoking out are his two favorite hobbies. At least you were able to enjoy the beach without him around. Just my two cents, but I say forget about all of these weirdos and just date Mr. Buckaroo! ;)