I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

April 24, 2010

4/24/2010: Mr. G.A.Y.


Location: Lazy Dog Cafe


I love the gays' as much as the next potential "hag", but I dont wish to DATE them in hopes to find my Mr. Right!

So, I know when to take the blame for a bad date! I also know when to blame the date for making me the blame for the bad date...(if that made ANY sense)... at least the bartendress knew my pain and gave me a FREE orange margarita because of it (With a wink) ...
Delving back in the non millionaire pool, I met a guy I found on one of the normal sights I frequent, thinking he was nice enough to meet. 
He offered to drive from Huntington Beach even though I offered to meet half way. Good sign.
However when we met at a local restaurant (local to me), he awkwardly ATTEMPTED to open doors for me, but failed...(like it was his first day on the job of being a man)! He also had me pay for half the drinks/food....which I know, shouldn't be part of my CRITERIA, but, c'mon! FIRST DATE, FIRST IMPRESSION...he failed the purse dance!

So my date was an "artist"...
He didn't drink alcohol...ever...
He only eats meat and potatoes...
And...he MAY have really been gay...

All in all it was horrible and dull! You would think I would get along with an artsy type of guy who ate meat and potatoes...you would prolly think he would be rugged with a soft edge about him....umm...maybe not. More like soft with a tiny rugged pair of skinny jeans!
I need some adventurous spirit, someone who is willing to try sushi or EDAMAME!...I ordered Lazy Dog's amazing edamame and he was literally AFRAID to try it. Its soy beans sauteed in garlic and deliciousness...he got a burger...dry....boring!
When he talked, he used flamboyant hand gestures and a tiny lisp.
It took all I had not to laugh at him most of the time!
Our bartender lady caught most of it and must have felt bad because she actually brought over a free margarita for me...I knew I had broken Patty's rule (Millionaire Matchmaker), when I ordered my 2nd beer after the free margarita, but at that point I didn't even care! I knew I was paying for half and I was already writing my bad review of the date in my head, so I said to hell with it!
This guy didn't even stand a chance in the 2nd half, just like the Lakers tonight!....
Early morning tomorrow is cause for early night tonight, which is why I am not all that sad the date was horrific!...$20 for 3 drinks and an appetizer and a blog entry, not too shabby.

April 22, 2010

4/21/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: Hollywood/Highland

The first THIRD date in a very long time, I owed Mr. Scotch after his skydiving date! We had planned to go bowling because, let's face it- how can you even attempt to compete with skydiving?! Even though bowling is one of the lamest ideas we could come up with, we chose Lucky Strike to make it a little less pathetic...however when we met at Hollywood/Highland, we discovered there was a private event and couldn't get a lane. So we went up to UWink for a drink and appetizer then headed over to Barney's Beanery when UWink closed around 10. It was a low key evening with just a couple drinks and some conversation, oh, and one volleyball trick lesson in the parking structure.
I found out Mr. Scotch played professionally for a couple years. I also found out that he is a little argumentative (in a friendly way) and quite analytical. Reminded me a little of my brother...which is never GREAT for a DATE!
At one point, he called me "KATRINA"...which was just a slip on his part, but I gave him shit for it for awhile! This was our third date and while he opened all doors for me, remembered key facts about me and what I had to say in the past dates, the name slip was a huge foul on his part!
To my luck, Barney's had karaoke on Wednesdays and while Mr. Scotch refused to even get near the stage, I allowed him the pleasure of hearing me do one of my go to songs "Like A Virgin"...hahahah!!! There was a highlight of a 45+ year old woman decked in clothes that should have an age limit of 17, who sang "Magic Carpet Ride" to a group of young men she was attempting to pounce on...
After some shuffleboard and beer we called it a night. Mr. Scotch wanted me to go back to his place (within walking distance), due to the time (it was around 2am at this point), and he explained his gentlemanly intentions of giving me the bed while he sleeps on the floor, however I respectfully declined and drove home (only because I knew my water intake far surpassed my alcohol intake).
Since I lost at shuffleboard I have to plan the next date. No one has gotten a 4th date and I am still not sure about Mr. Scotch...we haven't even kissed or anything, but he is the first to pay, open doors and show a general true interest in me (except remembering my name apparently)...so I think I will see how it goes with another date.
In no way am I exclusive with him or anything yet and I am a little apprehensive about the argumentative/analytical side I just got a glimpse of last night, but another date to find out more wont kill me.

April 18, 2010

4/17/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: Camarillo, CA
So, who's to say you shouldn't get physical on a second date? No...not sexually, silly!
Mr. Scotch asked me on a 2nd date and asked for it to be a surprise. He asked if a 8-9 on a scale of 10 for craziness was okay, and I gave him the green light as long as it didn't involve snakes, spiders or mushrooms. (I should have given my fears more consideration!)
Once the plans were set, Mr. Scotch texted me instructions:
1. To wear comfortable hiking clothes: Jeans, tennis shoes and a light sweater.
2. Take a deep breath, your going to need it!
3. Our appointment is at 4pm, so be ready...
Already my mind was going through the possibilities!

We met at Chili's for a quick light lunch. My first clue for the date was that a full stomach would NOT be a good idea. Other clues throughout the lunch and the ride to our destination included:
  • We would be outside for a total of about 10 minutes or so
  • He was nervous and had done the event once before
  • I may need to sign waivers
I made a few guesses however he would not satisfy me with an answer. When we pulled up to the Camarillo Airport, I had a feeling my initial guess of SKYDIVING had been correct, although my initial guess was the wildest thing I could think of and I didn't think that in a million years it would be true...it was!
I had no time to think about it. Within 10 minutes of pulling up to the airport, I was up in a cessna, hooked up to a stranger and ready to jump out at 10,000 feet! CRAZY!
(The video is here)
(Pictures are here)
I could go on and on about how amazing the skydiving was, but I will get back to the date portion now...
Trying to ignore the fact the skydiving was over $400 for the two of us, and the fact he opted for the extra $200 for video for both of us because I really wanted it...Mr. Scotch was not done at skydiving. Once we landed, we drove to a grocery store and he gave me 15 minutes to find picnic food. He took main dish and I took sides...I grabbed some fresh bread, hummus and some strawberries. He grabbed fresh turkey, veggies and tortillas. We then drove to a Ventura beach where he uncorked some wine and we enjoyed a lovely picnic at sunset.
He made me cry once on the date, but it was because of the habenero pepper he added to the turkey wraps...(I made the mistake of telling him I would spice challenge him on our first date...he won!)
Once the sun set and it started to get chilly, we drove to my local bar for a night cap and some darts. (He won again)
Mr. Scotch opened my doors, paid, good conversation and had me home before midnight, just like a true gentleman! 

I think the skydiving adventure guarantees Mr. Scotch a third date....

April 12, 2010

4/11/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: The Grove (Whisper Lounge, Della Terra, Sheddy's)

Another gem from the millionaire match site, but not quite a millionaire sitting on about $150K+/year...(It REALLY doesnt matter to me), I met Mr. Scotch at the Grove at a lounge tucked away in the corner. We enjoyed some Cabernet and cheese and mini burger sliders while having typical first date conversation. The date was to consist of a pseudo charity event / raffle thing down the street from where we met after an hour or so: That is, IF I wanted to accompany him to it after we did the initial meeting.The appetizers and wine and conversation were enough to get me interested, so I agreed to go with him to the pseudo charity event. 
Mr. Scotch is 6'3 (Meets requirement there), piercing blue eyes (even more so than mine!), and is 33 with an 8 year old son (who lives in Texas)...He works as a project manager/something to do with a software for doctors', and lives with roommates. Mr. Scotch is also somewhat balding (NOT within the requirements), however he actually has a personality and we got along, so I can let that slide. It isn't a deal breaker!
The pseudo charity was about a mile away and we hoofed it since parking in LA can be way more trouble than it's worth! I think he was impressed I was willing to walk it...He seemed a bit smitten, if I do say so myself.
The pseudo charity ended up being just about 10 people at a table in a restaurant having appetizers and then a raffle for prizes. Tickets for the raffle had been purchased for $20 a piece and my date had bought 13. HE won 11 things, including gift certificates to 5 restaurants, movie tickets, cashmere scarves etc....he even had a since of humor by wearing the scarves he won and allowing my to tie one in a bow around his neck...he had joked that I would get sick of him by the time he runs out of gift certificates, insinuating there would be more dates.
The charity ended up being somewhat of an engagement party for a couple who were raising money for their honeymoon to Africa where they would help endangered animals and stuff, which I thought was a great idea! They had gotten a TON of prizes donated to them and used some re-gifting. After that we went with the couple (which Mr. Scotch were friends with) to a close wine/beer bar called Sheddy's. On the way over, Mr. Scotch dropped a bottle of limited edition rare, expensive scotch his friends had given to him, and I thought the date was over right then due to his dissapointment and near crying over it. I was surprised he wasn't licking the sidewalk!...
It was quiet and quaint. Having two more glasses of wine, and having the friend steal my phone to snoop on me and my text messages and emails (REALLY WEIRD), we called it a night and walked back to the Grove. A little rain on the walk back didn't phase us and we ended up talking for another hour or so.
He invited me to a "scotch tasting party" Monday night at his place...he loves scotch (Me, not so much!). I ended up not going cause I got a job that starts tomorrow (Tuesday).
There may be potential with Mr. Scotch, but it is way to early to tell. At least he seems to rsepect me....so that's a step in the right direction already! haha
I got locked in the parking garage cause my validated ticket wouldn't read...eventually another car came out and I booked it right after them since the parking helper people were taking over 20 minutes to get to me...Then my GPS was freaking out and gave me wrong directions so I got lost before finding the freeway on my own...I guess it didnt like the rain that was POURING!...
I was home at 1am rather then 12:00 as I would have been. A quick run through Jack in the Box to get a $1.00 chicken sandwich then off to bed...

4/09/2010: Mr. Shaddy


Location: Didn't Happen

So I had plans for almost a week to meet this guy from the millionaire site. He had been verified at 5 million+ through the site and I was intrigued to meet him as I have never even met anyone with that kind of money, let alone having dinner with them...needless to say, he already was shorter then my minimum limit (Must be at least THIS tall to ride this ride!), however I was going to give him a shot anyhow and see how it went-wearing flats, of course.
Well, the day of our date came around finally and we were discussing through texts what we would do. He decided on dinner and a movie later on if dinner went well. Super traditional, which is fine by me. 
I asked him what restaurant he was planning and he just told me he would pick something nice, and he wanted me to meet him at his house in Sherman Oaks (Hills?) and that he would drive us both to dinner. When I asked him if it would be alright if I MET HIM AT HE LOCATION rather then his house, he kinda flipped out. 
"If you think I am that shaddy, maybe we shouldn't date"
I explained to Mr. Shaddy that I was not comfortable meeting anyone I met online at their home and preferred meeting in a public place and driving myself for the first encounter. I am a single girl in LA and I am not one of those bimbos you see on the news who get raped and killed for the chance to meet a millionaire or get "famous" by taking snapshots by a photographer...sorry, it's not my style. If I am doing this online dating thing, I am doing it smart! So, after I explained that it wasn't PERSONAL per-say, it is just how I feel comfortable doing things, he pretty much said piss off.
I would think the guys should be impressed by me being smart about the online thing...but he was not!
Anyone who isn't willing to make me feel comfortable on a first date and meet me on location, I want nothing to do with them. I am not putting myself at any risk, be it just feeling uncomfortable, not having a way out or being rapped and murdered, no matter how much money the guy has!
I am finding with these "millionaires" that they are not very considerate of other's feelings. They want what they want, how they want it and nothing less. The ones I have come into contact with so far think they own the world and all the women in it. If that's the case, I would rather be with an appreciative, caring hobo. There are still a couple guys from the millionaire site that I am in talks with, and I am hoping they can change my mind on the topic. 

April 8, 2010

4/08/2010: Mr. Lake Show


Location: BJ's Restuarant
Who's to say candle light dinners are passe? 
Okay, so it was a birthday candle in a mini pazookie at the end of our meal, but candle none the less...I had to do something to entertain myself on this date, and telling the waiter it was my birthday seemed like a good idea at the time.
You would think a major Laker fan would postpone a date until after a game or on a different night, right? Well, Mr. Lake Show did neither and planned a date DURING a game. It's odd too since my online profile specifically states I don't like sports NUTS. I dont MIND watching a game here or there, but basketball is my LEAST favorite sport and I don't care for those that yell and scream and talk to the TV during a game....especially in the middle of a restaurant!
Getting little conversation throughout our "meal": Which was consisting of me watching him scarf calamari and a big salad, since earlier we had agreed it would just be drinks later on and not dinner, I had eaten already.
There was a lot of awkward silence and blank stares and odd conversation transitions and pauses for game play. It seemed he only would talk during commercials or time outs making it very difficult to converse.
The one thing that kind of saved him was his shared admiration for the movie 3 Amigos and the fact he travels often and is looking for a partner to travel with. I may give Mr. Lake Show another shot if we plan a date without the Lakers. We'll see how bored I get...
(wow that sounded horrible. Oh well!)
I have another date planned for tomorrow evening and another for Sunday. Should be a fun weekend....
One super traditional dinner/movie date and a non traditional pseudo charity event first date...stay tuned!

April 1, 2010

4/01/2010: Mr. PV


Last week I watched Millionaire Matchmaker for the first time and thought it might be a good idea to just take a peek at her website for possible tips on where to meet some guys with some money...just for fun. So on her site there was a link to a free dating website called millionairematch.com...again, just for funsies I go to that website, and create a profile. I figure its the same thing as the other free sites, just with verified millionaires, so what the hell!? I received a few hits on it and the guys are a little older then my 28-35 range, but I decided to meet up with one today after a day or so talking on the phone, and texting. He send me an MMS picture of a rose he cut from his garden, but didn't bring it to me..I guess that is the new thing to do? LOL (Save money guys, take a picture of roses at the store and text it to your girl) haha
He was a self made millionaire and is retired at the age of 40 with a 3 year old daughter he has 50% custody of. Living in the Palos Verdes hills right above the Trump National Golf Course, this is where he wants to meet. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS place! 
Mr. PV had salt/pepper hair, expensive sunglasses and jeans on but didn't seem overly pompous. He seemed genuinely attracted to me, although I think a lot of it were my boobs; I caught him glancing a few times from behind his gucci glasses. A professional poker player, avid golfer, freelance consultant, part time father and traveler Mr. PV definitely made a life for himself and it was nice to see where these types of people play, if only for just a little while.
Feeling like I was with Trump himself, it was a little weird that EVERYONE we passed who worked there said hello to Mr. PV by name and it also seemed like Mr. PV gave everyone of them a $5-$10 tip for doing nothing...I guess that is how you get the service and recognition he appeared to receive every time he came here and the reason he likes to bring dates.
As soon as we walk around the corner of the building, we see Mark Wahlberg and he says hello to Mr. PV: I guess they golf together occasionally. This is already a world I am so NOT familiar with and feel like a major outsider just along for the ride for an hour.
We take a walk in the park and look at the water and talk, which was nice then we had a burger outside rather then going inside to the dining room for a real lunch. His excuse was that he had a 2:30 business appointment and he only gave our date an hour cap.
Understanding the necessity of date time caps myself, I am not ENTIRELY offended however I did just drive 1.5 hours in traffic to meet him on his turf, he could have postponed the meeting (If there actually was one)! With not much time left we walk to the front of the building where the valet parked his car...excuse me, his porche suv right in front like a museum piece. Being the poor apartment living no job girl, I opted to park my own car and skip the valet and Mr. PV drove me to my Jetta. He insisted on my returning again soon and wanted to show me his home in the hills next time, for some possible mural artwork (likely story)...so he gave me $100 for gas money for this trip and said there would be another if I came back. I told him $100 was way too much for gas money, but he would not take no for an answer...so I pocketed the Benjamin and went on my way.