I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

April 12, 2010

4/11/2010: Mr. Scotch


Location: The Grove (Whisper Lounge, Della Terra, Sheddy's)

Another gem from the millionaire match site, but not quite a millionaire sitting on about $150K+/year...(It REALLY doesnt matter to me), I met Mr. Scotch at the Grove at a lounge tucked away in the corner. We enjoyed some Cabernet and cheese and mini burger sliders while having typical first date conversation. The date was to consist of a pseudo charity event / raffle thing down the street from where we met after an hour or so: That is, IF I wanted to accompany him to it after we did the initial meeting.The appetizers and wine and conversation were enough to get me interested, so I agreed to go with him to the pseudo charity event. 
Mr. Scotch is 6'3 (Meets requirement there), piercing blue eyes (even more so than mine!), and is 33 with an 8 year old son (who lives in Texas)...He works as a project manager/something to do with a software for doctors', and lives with roommates. Mr. Scotch is also somewhat balding (NOT within the requirements), however he actually has a personality and we got along, so I can let that slide. It isn't a deal breaker!
The pseudo charity was about a mile away and we hoofed it since parking in LA can be way more trouble than it's worth! I think he was impressed I was willing to walk it...He seemed a bit smitten, if I do say so myself.
The pseudo charity ended up being just about 10 people at a table in a restaurant having appetizers and then a raffle for prizes. Tickets for the raffle had been purchased for $20 a piece and my date had bought 13. HE won 11 things, including gift certificates to 5 restaurants, movie tickets, cashmere scarves etc....he even had a since of humor by wearing the scarves he won and allowing my to tie one in a bow around his neck...he had joked that I would get sick of him by the time he runs out of gift certificates, insinuating there would be more dates.
The charity ended up being somewhat of an engagement party for a couple who were raising money for their honeymoon to Africa where they would help endangered animals and stuff, which I thought was a great idea! They had gotten a TON of prizes donated to them and used some re-gifting. After that we went with the couple (which Mr. Scotch were friends with) to a close wine/beer bar called Sheddy's. On the way over, Mr. Scotch dropped a bottle of limited edition rare, expensive scotch his friends had given to him, and I thought the date was over right then due to his dissapointment and near crying over it. I was surprised he wasn't licking the sidewalk!...
It was quiet and quaint. Having two more glasses of wine, and having the friend steal my phone to snoop on me and my text messages and emails (REALLY WEIRD), we called it a night and walked back to the Grove. A little rain on the walk back didn't phase us and we ended up talking for another hour or so.
He invited me to a "scotch tasting party" Monday night at his place...he loves scotch (Me, not so much!). I ended up not going cause I got a job that starts tomorrow (Tuesday).
There may be potential with Mr. Scotch, but it is way to early to tell. At least he seems to rsepect me....so that's a step in the right direction already! haha
I got locked in the parking garage cause my validated ticket wouldn't read...eventually another car came out and I booked it right after them since the parking helper people were taking over 20 minutes to get to me...Then my GPS was freaking out and gave me wrong directions so I got lost before finding the freeway on my own...I guess it didnt like the rain that was POURING!...
I was home at 1am rather then 12:00 as I would have been. A quick run through Jack in the Box to get a $1.00 chicken sandwich then off to bed...

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