I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 20, 2010

8/20/2010: Mr. Repeater


Location: Leila's/Crown n Anchor

So excited to go to my favorite restuarant in anticipation that they have the watermelon soup I have heard about for a year and never actually tried...I was  excited about my date with Mr. Repeater...until I met him.
Granted, I got my watermelon soup finally (And it was amazing) but when Mr. Repeater started to sweat at the menu prices for dinner, I had to pretend the soup and the bread was enough to spare his pockets.
I dont want any guy to pay more than he can afford for a meal especially when I am already not feeling a connection!!! Chances are if I'm not feeling it, neither is he and if I were in his shoes I wouldnt want to shell out $80 for a meal for a girl who isn't into me.
So, we meet for "dinner" and a glass of wine at Leila's and the entire time he is repeating what I am saying! It's soooo annoying! I think he will stop eventually but nope! And it's the sort of repeating where he thinks he already knows what I am about to say and tries to say it as I do, gets it wrong and repeats what I say after me. 
I get that some people have different ways to learn and retain information and repeating is a tool I use to use in kindergarten but at 30+ on a first date...it's kinda a turn off. 
Mr. Repeater however had a strike against him the second I met him though...In his pix he looked all American with a nice sturdy build, athletic if you will...but when I met him and we hugged...it was like hugging a skeleton. He had the height and the all American look but oh my God man; eat a burger!
Way too skinny for my taste!
Just the hugging of bones sorta turned me off the whole night! I barely looked in his eyes while conversing cause it was just so awkward from the hug on!
The conversation was based around what we want in relationships, what kind of house we want, how to raise kids..it seemed very interviewey for the position of future wife/mother! I get it though. At a certain age a guy is ready, and I am too but I am not in interview mode quite yet. We discussed where he had traveleed to which soon turned into places I would like to be taken away for a weekend. 
Not saying being swept away for a weekend getaway to a cabin or the Caribbeans wouldn't be oh so lovely...but I want that with someone I am attracted to!  Mr. Repeater seemed very into me...not to toot my own horn...but he had sparkles in his eyes and kept hinting at the fact he thinks he has met the right woman, and the fact he has no issues jumping in fast when he "feels" it...
I dunno though...maybe if he eats a few burgers?

BTW: Update on Mr. Buckaroo...
He has gone MIA!
He invited me to a kickball game the day after our last date and when I had to cancel due to overtime at work that I couldn't get out of...I havent heard from him. I texted him several times to say hi but have not heard back from him at all. I am not sure whether to feel like I've been blown off or whether I should be scared for his well-being...?
Or maybe he found my blog...HAHAHA
Note to guys out there: Be honest. I'm a big girl. I can take a hell of a lot! If your not into me, thats fine! Just let me know.

Sidenote: Mr. Shy Guy from back in March contacted me by email the other day.
He was the one who I had a great date with and was excited to see him again only to receive an email about some "personal incident" coming up where he would not be available and he would contact me when things got better...Well, I got this mass email from him about his phone number changing. It appeared to have been sent to everyone in his contact list...but I took the opportunity to write back just saying hello.
He wrote back asking to take me out for drinks in a couple weeks when things slowed up at work for him...I am curious enough what happened to him all those months ago just enough to say yes...now, we wait to see if it actually happens!


Unknown said...

Mr. Shy Guy sounds shadey like he stringing you along so that is things fall apart with his other girl he still has you as the perfect back up plan. Just my opinion, but I don't like the sound of it.

I am getting concerned for Mr. Buckaroo! Do you have any other way to get a hold of him? Or does he have any other way of getting a hold of you beside cell phones? He was perfect I hope he is okay and calls you. No story needed for his disappearance, I would just be glad to hear he is back with you. He sounds like to the perfect end to this sad blog of losers and weirdos.

KKing said...

Wayne, Mr. Buckaroo found my blog and was upset I wrote about him (even though he knew I had a blog)...read "The Chance I Take with Having a Blog....." posting!
Too good to be true!