I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 23, 2010

8/22/2010: Ms. NOTW


Location: Santa Monica Beach/ Father's Office

Yes..that is Ms. As in FEMALE!
Read on if your interested!...LOL

I got a phone call and was asked if I wanted to go to the beach in the late afternoon by a long time friend. At this point I wasn't aware it would be a suto- date for him. He had said a lady friend of his may join us along with some of her friends, and I am always up for meeting new people, so I said yes! (Plus, Father's Office was the MAIN agenda for the day!)

(This long time friend reads my blog and was more than okay with me divulging information about the "date" here!)

My friend picked me up and as we were driving he was describing this lady friend of his. He was very into her and I was excited for him. I couldn't wait to meet her myself, she sounded fantastic! After seeing some pictures they took on a day trip to Disneyland I was even more excited since she just seemed so fun and outgoing!
They work in the same company and it wasn't until a conference in Vegas that the two of them actually were introduced. It isn't what you think though! 
My friend was super shy and it was HER that finally went up to him and introduced herself. Clearly there was an attraction from the beginning and she was willing to pursue what she wanted. While nothing "came up" in Vegas between the two of them, they did start going on lunch dates when they returned to work.
On one of their first meetings outside of work, she had declared her high tolerance for alcohol, and had challenged my friend more or less to a drinking competition. She was fun, funny, personable and had a dark side said friend was eager to get to know. A couple lunch dates between the two of them and the Disneyland day trip and things were heading in the right direction.
Over the past 4-5 days however, my friend started noticing a change in his new lady friend. She had become increasingly religious seemingly over night.
Not thinking too much of it, they had planned to meet up at the beach and he wanted to introduce some of his own friends to her. (A few others were suppose to come but flaked last minute, so it was just me)...

On the way to the beach to meet up with her, my friend texted her to let her know we were stuck in traffic but that we were almost there. He got a text back from her stating something to the equivalent of " Praise HIM for there is always a purpose."
A little weird but whatever. She had some kind of life changing awakening over the past couple days and my friend was cool with it. He had even attended church earlier in the day with her. I think that shows respect in the highest regard and is a very manly quality! (Kudos, my friend!)

However, not even my friend had realized a this point how much she had really changed since he first met her a couple months ago.... 

When we show up at the beach finally, I meet his new lady friend who is in a maxi dress reading a book in a chair. Very pretty girl. Seemingly very normal, chill...fun. We even got up to throw the football a couple times. A nice match for my friend and a possible new friend of my own. I approve so far!

We pack up and move to the next venue: Father's Office after some convincing on our part to get lady friend to join us. (She starts school the next day)
Sidenote: If you have never been and enjoy beer and burgers...I HIGHLY recommend this place! BEST BURGER I HAVE EVER HAD, hands down!

First thing friend notices is that she orders a wine, rather than trying a beer even though we had told her it was a beer bar. Trying not to think too much into it, we order some burgers, stake out a table and start to relax. Things started to get weird from there. Waiting in line at the bar, lady friend and I start talking and she had told me I looked like a girl she had worked with in the past. She said she thinks I came into her life today for a reason and that she needs to pray for that old co-worker. She started in on the glory of God and the mysterious ways He works. I go along with it, being raised in the church I am a believer too and she is so overcome with this recent power, I know it's important for her to share her thoughts. But then she starts in on the NUMBERS! Oh my!

She explains the power and signifigance of the numbers she sees all around her. There were three pigeons near us at the beach; there were three of us. In the bible it says something about where 3 or more gather in HIS name....game over! Everything from that point on was her rambling on and on and on and on and on and on about the numbers. 5, 7, 6, 3...Everything had a significance. 
Literally this girl talked for HOURS. 
She kept using the words "Not of this world" and "Living not in the flesh"...

She had gone from this chill, fun girl who we thought we could have a couple beers with to this Evangeline, spreading the power of the word of God to anyone who would listen within just an hour or so. I kind of had no choice since I was now on a ride-along date, held hostage, so making the most of it; I sat and listened and nodded along with my friend who was being oh so polite and patient. Until the bombshell hit. 
She had made a comment about God speaking to her and showing her what her future husband would look like and "It isn't you, sweety", is what she told my friend. Who says that to a guy she had earlier stated she could see dating?...My heart sank FOR my friend, but being the eternal optomist, said friend tells me that she could change her mind about that...awe.
Thinking she was getting tired of talking, we leave to drop her off. Little did we know, she had oh so much more to say!
The ENTIRE way to Sylmar from Santa Monica she is flappin her gums about God, signs, numbers, etc. Long winded is an understatement for this girl!
We pull up to where her car is sitting in front of another co-workers home and she says she feels the devils presence and tells us to stay with her until it leaves. Another 2 hours sitting in this car, listening to her go on and on...
She really feels that God is speaking through her and showing her things that no one else can see. 
FINALLY, she gets out of the car and into her own (only after a very long, awkward embrace and prayer in my ear, then another with my friend).

When we get back in the car and she drives off, friend and I bust up laughing. Not at the fact she had her new path to follow and new responsibility to spread the word..but the fact that she had changed so drastically from the girl he had met a couple months ago into this Godly woman just over the past 4 or so days....and the fact that this girl could TALK!

After several hours of her not letting up even a little, my friend was no longer sure about his feelings for her...and I could no longer fully approve of her for him since now I feel she may lead him into a cult of sorts. There is such thing as TOO much and she was walking that fine fence to say the least!

I am hoping that it was all just so new and exciting to her and that she will soon find the balance rather than being such an extremist. She could be a very lovely, fun girl if she wasn't so extremely over kill!
Since she is just starting her journey, I don't see my friend putting in much more time. She had been fasting for 4 days, and going on almost no sleep. She had just stopped showing up for work because she said God was telling her to;so that tells you a little about how extreme it has gotten for her over just the last couple days.

I learned what NOT to do on a date:
Religion should be left at a 2-3 minute conversation, TOPS! Not 4-6 hours without breathing!

It is okay to pull out of a possible relationship if the other person has changed so drastically since you met them. The girl I met yesterday was not the same girl my friend had originally met and fell in like with!
My friend, it is OKAY to tell her it is TOO MUCH for you!

UPDATE 8/27/2010: My friend who's date I went on contacted Ms. NOTW to let her know he didn't see it working out. How can it when she had already told him he was not the husband in the vision God gave her?...But alas, she had been contacting him the days following "OUR" date to see if he wanted to hang out and without wanting to be the "bad guy", I told my dear friend he had to be honest with her. 
He told her he liked the girl he had met before and that her overly religious ways now were a little weird for him. She told him that God has a place in everyones' life (true, I believe that as well) and that he should accept the person she has become through Him. She went on to tell him that God wanted her to bring my friend closer to HIM.
She may really feel that way, and for some that is the way of life- But when someone tells you they are feeling un-easy about the religious thing overtaking you, the way to keep them around is not to push further! 
But there is more!
Ms. NOTW asked my friend for money! $291 to be exact! LOL
Of course he isn't going to give it to her, but I just thought it was hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Just came across this blog and couldn't help but comment:

This girl sounds like she could possibly be suffering from schizophrenic delusions.

From mentalhelp.net:

"Unlike hallucinations, which are sensory in nature, delusions are false fixed beliefs that misinterpret events and relationships. They may originate based on hallucinations, or from faulty suppositions and interpretations of events that either happened or were believed to have happened but which have no basis in reality. Delusions vary widely in their themes; they may be persecutory, referential (about oneself), somatic (involving the body), religious, erotomanic (involving sexuality), or grandiose in nature."

She is staying up all night, talking non-stop, and quitting her job. These are all signs of a serious problem, caused either by organic mental illness or substance abuse induced mental illness. Either way, someone should contact her family and suggest they get this girl help. Untreated schizophrenia only gets worse. Writing a flippant blog, while amusing, won't help this person in the long run, although it probably won't hurt her either.

Unless you are exagerrating her behaviors for the purpse of a good story, I would tell your friend to seek professional help for his friend. We have moral obligations to our fellow human beings.

KKing said...

thanks anonymous!
while I am not sure if my friend knows any of the girls family or friends (i doubt it), i agree she needs help.
However it is difficult to help those that think they have no problem!
I promise you, nothing was made up for the purpose of a good story! I couldn't come up with that stuff myself! LOL
I hope she finds whatever it is she is looking for and finds some kind of real balance in her life soon!