I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

September 5, 2010

9/03/2010: Mr. Golf/Match.com/Mr. Magic


Location: CPK ASAP

Mr. Golf is a few years younger than me and I had been telling him that I won't date someone as young as he for legitamite reasons and after he tried so hard to convince me he was different, I decided to meet up with him for a late night, quick dinner. Since CPK ASAP closed at 9, that gave us a half hour! He took the half hour to exaplin how mature he was and how ready to settle down within the next 5 years he was. Turns out, Mr. Golf plays at a professional level and is one step away from playing on the PGA tour. Quite a big accomplishment for someone under 26. He went on about living at home still but he has a 5 year plan to buy a home in Sherwood. It may have been all talk to try and impress me, but what impressed me even more was the fact I actually heard any of it.
You see, I was somewhat distracted by the apperance of Mr. Golf.
First, he resembled my ex, a lot...but was much taller (and skinnier, which I dont care for.)
Sidenote: Aren't there any TALL guys that aren't bean poles?! ugh. Annoying!
But the thing that really got me was...his ear.
Ya, his ear! His right ear in particular.
It had this large brown HAIRY mole on the lobe.
I couldn't stop staring.
It was both grotesque and fascinating. LOL
Mr. Golf was a gentleman and bought the large pizza which we split and he took the leftovers.
Awkward hug ended the evening and we walked to our separate cars.
Nice kid, but I think that's about it.

UPDATE: Mr. Golf texted me the following day to ask me to a movie at my apartment. LOL. He wanted to do a DVD day at a home, and obviously not his since his parents live there. HAHAH. My excuse for saying no was work but even if I hadn't had to work I'd of said no. DVD days in are reserved for when I am in a relationship and feel comfortable cuddling with someone!

So, after my date with Mr. Golf, I came home and turned on the TV. There it was...an add for eHarmony telling me it's a free communication weekend. A sign from those marketing devils themselves...So, what do I do? Well, I say to hell with it and make a profile on eharmony.

Turns out, you can only read about people- you cant SEE their pictures with a free account! This is hooie!
If there were a dislike button I would have pressed it! Maybe twice even!
So, since I am already sitting at my computer, I switch over to match.com just to see...
I make a free profile and here I can SEE people. Amazing. I can also send/receive "winks" for free...
But then the emails started pouring in, and I can't open them or even see who they are from with the stupid free account....so, after a lot of hard thinking I do it. I sign up for ONE MONTH only.With only one month, I don't get the fancy "guarantee" but with already 20 emails in my inbox, I'm sure I can find SOMEONE who will reimburse the $32 fee! hahaha

One of the first messages I received on match was from an illusionist. Like a magic man...think Kris Angel type but not as freaky. He used his real name in his profile and so I googled to see if he was actually anyone. Turns out, he is an up and coming. Been on the ellen show, had a couple "specials" on prime time...he is legit and really good at what he does! Intrigued after I saw a couple youtube clips (he had one where he puts a piece of string and 3 razor blades in his mouth and ties the blades to the string in his mouth...obviously good with his tongue. LOL...) and enjoyed his charisma, I write him back. He is a little goofy and over the top, but he does it well. Very confident, composed...but seemed like a nice guy who was really interested in me. I asked him why he was on match if he works with famous people and models, he could get anyone he wanted; and his reply was cause he hadn't met me yet. Totally a line and very cheesy, but hey, I am a girl and I eat that shit up! LOL
After a couple back and fourths on the site, we exchange numbers and we text throughout the night. Turns out he is on a US tour right now and will be back in LA in 2 weeks. He asked to take me out to dinner and I told him to ask me again when he is back in the area. He is a very smooth talker!

"The difference in a man who says something 'romantic' and a man who says something 'smooth' is in the amount of woman he's saying it to. I'm a romantic"
"Would you beleive me is I predicted we'd have a second date?" (He is a magician! He predicts stuff in his acts...hahah. That's not even FAIR!)

"Thinking of you" (That one was out of the blue during the next day)

I came back with "Awe. That's sweet. Trying to earn those early points, huh? LOL" His reply:
"I'm not trying to earn. I'm trying to give" 
A couple hours later he asked how my day was and I told him I was just working. He then says "I want to make your day spectacular!"
"How ya gunna do that?" I asked
"By telling you how amazing you are"
"You don't know that yet!"
"I can predict the future remember? The fun part is gonna be finding out how right I am ;)"

Already I can tell if nothing else, this will be fun.
Interested to see this guy yet? hahaha....
Check him out with my favorite person ever (Intern Ross) on one of his specials...click here

I'd be worried a guy like him being a performer would always be "on"...or maybe he is so good that he can control my mind or somethin freaky...hmm

(FYI: The pic above is not of Mr. Magic himself) ;)

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