I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

September 5, 2010

9/04/2010: Mr. Footsie


Location: Mediteranneo/Bogies

Prepared for me to say yes to a date, Mr. Footsie had already made 8pm dinner reservations at this VERY nice restaurant in Westlake Village. Since his match.com profile was so well written, obvious thought had been put in and his emails to me where clear he had actually took the time to READ mine, I agreed to dinner. He was tall, dark hair, decent looking (but kinda had bulgy fish eyes)...I meet him out front of the restaurant and we walk in to our waiting table.
Mr. Footsie right away taps my shoe. Thinking it was a mistake I move my foot out of the way. Soon after, it happens again. Now, it is a small table, but c'mon guy! Stay on your side! I move again thinking it was another mishap. Then it happens again with a more rubbing motion...This guy is trying to play FOOTSIES with me! LOL
I try to play it off and keep moving my feet throughout dinner trying to give him the hint I am not interested without being super blunt and tell him, just in case I am in the wrong and he really isn't trying to play footsies with me....
Dinner was AMAZING. The food.
I also pocketed the mini carafs that the wine was poured out of...they were VERY cute...and my grandmother would have been proud. HAHAHA
Conversation wasn't horrible either. Talked about wine tasting and how neither of us REALLY know what we are doing with it; we just like to drink it! haha
He talked about his $1500 one night tab on tequilla...one shot was $500! WTF? 
Why would anyone spend that kinda money on alcohol? The answer he told me was to show off. Fair enough.
Turns out, Mr. Footsie is an aircraft mechanic, owns a condo he is redecorating to rent out so he can hopefully buy a house within the year. Good head on his shoulders, obviously comfortable, financially but one thing really turned me off. He is the youngest in his family with his closest sibling being 9 years older. He isn't close to his family and often will spend the holidays in Hawaii. 
I am really looking for a family man!
Not to waste the evening, we head next door to Bogie's to cougar watch. Turned out it was a bunch of OLD men and young woman....what do they call OLD men who prey on young girls?...Is it just "Dirt ol' men?"...hmm
Anyway, we grab a couple seats in the crowded outside patio and share generic conversation. At one point a couple sits next to us from San Diego who are in town for the weekend for a wedding. We make friends and while I am up using the ladys room they grill Mr. Footsies asking if it was our first date. He said yes and the guy immediatly said "Is this a match.com thing?" hahaha...I would have been truthful, but evidentally Mr. Footsie is ashamed of his online dating status and said we met through mutual friends. When I get back he told me about the grilling and wanted to be sure I was on the "same page" in case they asked me. HAHAHA
When he got up I was indeed faced with the questions...I went along with his story as to not completely embarrass him when he returned.
So now on this date I have stolen and now lied.
I had been sipping on one martini all night when Mr. Footsie had downed 5 beers (after 2 glasses of wine at dinner)...I could tell he was starting to get a little drunk. That was my que to end the evening. I made sure we had water and then we walked to my car, said good night and left.
He texted me on my way home that he thought I was adorable and he can't wait to hang out again.


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