I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

December 5, 2009

12/4/09: Mr. Promotion/ Mr. WTF


okay, so I dont know where to meet nice, mature, eligible guys who are honest, hard working, etc etc etc...so I decided (with some coaxing from family members) to try online dating (well, not dating but online MEETING)...so after seeing a commercial for the good date la site, and seeing that it was totally FREE, I signed up. (All the other sites, like Yahoo, EHarmony,etc are like $30 a month...I'm not THAT desperate lol)...So Ive been on the www.gooddatela.com site now for like 3 weeks (1 of which I was on vacation and didnt check it)...Ive gotten hundreds of messages on there and am now one of the top 3 women (how that happened, I have NO idea!)...However most of the men contacting are shorter then 5'7 or older then 39. While there have been some OKAY guys as well, Ive had nothing but bad experiences so far with face to face "dates".
I try to set up a "date", even though its more like an interview, which will be quick, painless and public....I dont want to have to sit through a long drawn dinner if I know right away that i dont like the guy...So...I will update this blog with me experiences so that others can get a good laugh out of my misery. lmao!

Name: Mr. Promotion
Friday, December 4
Meet half way between his apt and mine (which I am totally fine with), but the restaurant he had picked (Olive Garden...really?) I couldnt find. It was in an odd location, hidden...so I called and told him I couldnt find it and we decided to meet in a better, easier to find location (Wood Ranch in Calabasas). He has lived in LA for 2 years (from NC) and had never been to a Wood Ranch. He completed this "story" by stating he only eats junk food cause he is that cheap. The rest of the meal was spent listening to him go on and on about his band. He gave me a cd and told me to tell all my friends about them...this date was a plug for his band!...I dont think I got in 2 sentences all dinner...He ended the dinner by saying he LOVES to "talk" to me...lol! The only good thing about dinner was he insisted on paying. Said our goodbyes without even a hug and I drove home scratching my head.

Name: Mr. WTF
I actually didnt even get to meet this guy in person, but had a date setup. He texted me 30 minutes before our scheduled date to tell me he had been in a motorcycle accident and was badly injured...Feeling horrible I write back that I hope he gets better soon. He responds with an MMS pic of himself at that moment looking healthy and smiling...kinda weird, right?...Well I write back to confirm it was a pic taken just then and he said yes. There was a fairly attractive women in the background and turns out to be his daughter...he isnt 32...he is 42 and has a step daughter who is 25!!!...step daughter? Yup! Thats right...he is MARRIED...and not injured at all....he forgot that it was his anniversary weekend and his wife had already planned something for the night!!...OMFG!

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