I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

August 4, 2014

Tech Savvy?

It has been 2 months, 3 weeks as of today....I think it might be time to get back on the grid and Tinder/online "date" again...I don't know how else to meet people anymore! Everyone is so busy with their social media and twittering and graming that they don't look at people in their everyday life; they don't look up from their phones long enough to catch a glance at the gas station or grocery store anymore! In my 2 month social experiment of old school "dating/meeting", this is what I've found.

...Guys are just looking for the skinny model types because they have been conditioned into thinking that's the norm and what every girl should look like. I need to find a real man who can handle a real woman. should I try match again or eharmony or something like that?! Where are all the single good guys hiding out? Church?

I've been going to church for the last month and tried 2 different churches so far; we still have yet to find our church "home" and will be trying out a few different ones (By "we" I mean my best friend, her kids and I). While I am not going just to meet a nice guy, I have looked around at the 2 churches we've gone to and not seen one single potential! It could just be that I live in the damn suburbs and everyone attending church is a family, an old person or a teen being forced to still go by their parents.

In the last couple months I've even tried changing my hair color to something more natural and dark to see if it was my platinum blonde that was attracting the wrong type of guy and that hasn't seemed to have much of an affect. Single dudes in my age range are all just pigs, no matter what. I had a theory that guys like to "play" with blondes and settle down with brunettes; but this has been de-bunked in my testings. While girls are nicer to me with brunette hair, guys seem to be about the same. They all just want one thing and it doesn't much matter with who!

What if my match is tech challenged? Not everyone is as savvy as I initially thought in today's world. While the majority of people 27-37 are knowledgable enough to work a Facebook page, I have recently met some people who are not willing to go "online" either out of fear of having any personal info out there or out of sheer lack of knowledge when it comes to computer technology. Is it really fair to limit myself to only men who know their way around a keyboard? Should I be limiting myself to tech savvy men since it is really a necessity in this day and age? I am so confused!

the dating game has changed and this is the truth! It has become just as technological as anything else these days and I will need to pay in order to find anyone worth my time. While some say the world is getting smaller, I think it is getting much larger in the fact that I can find a "match" across the globe, where just a hundred years ago women had to settle for a man that lived in their own town or happened to be traveling through their own town. They woman of yesteryear didn't have as many options as we do today  but there in lies the problem; men too have more choices and due to this don't want to settle down because they think someone better will come along thus perpetuating the issues of dating in todays world!

Hopefully one of these days I will be able to say it all happened for a reason and laugh at the struggles I had and say it lead me to the man of my dreams but until that day comes, I will continue to vent my dating woes to the deaf ears that is the internet.

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