I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

December 27, 2010

12/27/2010: The End of An Era?

As of 1/4/2010 My subscription to Match.com will be over. I didn't have a whole lot of luck on the site, but through it have made a couple new friends and had some interesting stories to write about...
Seeing as it is (almost) the beginning of a new year, I figured I would not renew the membership on Match and I also deleted my account on okcupid.com...
I started this blog in December of 2009, one year ago and I have yet to find any real connection...Hopefully 2011 will be better for me in the love dept.
I still have my POF account, but am not checking it often. Perhaps once a week or so, and if someone strikes my attention, I may meet and write about it, but dating will no longer (for now at least) be a priority in my life. Obviously over 100 dates in one year is not the way to go and if I am to find someone truly special, I need to stop looking and trying so hard....so...for those that read this "frequently" or "often", you may want to change to "sometimes". :)
Just sayin'.

12/14/2010: Mr. Tour Guide

Mr. Tour Guide and I had been met on Match.com and had been talking for some time before we finally met. mostly through texting. It took awhile for our schedules to line up to find time to meet, especially sine I had been sick for so long at the end of November and beginning of December...
At the beginning, Mr. Tour Guide wanted to take me kayacking up North...but being the super jadded, super paranoid dater I am, I quickly turned him down! Then he asked if he could take me hiking...uh, no! You may as well ask if I want to be raped and murdered!...Still trying after the (kinda harsh) rejections I was giving him, he persisted and agreed to a nice normal activity...like ice skating.
Meeting half way, we decided to try Ventura. I thought I knew exactly where the rink was, but it turns out I didn't. I can usually see it from the freeway, but on the night we decided to meet around 4:30, I couldn't see anything and ended up in the abandoned Wagon Wheel area...Turns out, the lights were all out on the sign that I knew that read "ICE SKATING" which you can normally see from the freeway! Ugh, go figure.
I finally make it there right around 5. (Don't worry, I was in contact with Mr. Tour Guide so he knew I got lost)...
When I arrived, we come to find out that public skating is over at 5pm. From 5 on they had hockey leagues and figure skating only...so that is 2 strikes against this date already!...
Not breaking any of my rules, I follow him in my own car to Golf N Stuff...(I had just been here the other night with a friend too, HA!)
The place was a ghost town! (Granted, it WAS a Tuesday!)....
He pays for both of us to drive the go karts, one round of mini golf and 4 tokens each.
The go karts were awesome. Not very fast there, but still fun (only cause I won). The game of golf started off slow, but ended up being fun still. I then kicked his ass at Buck Hunting AND skee-ball, so I was having a great night. LOL
From there, we drove over to BJ's for a lite dinner and drinks. (In our own cars, of course)...
It was a nice evening, with a rocky beginning.
Afterwards we said our good byes, a quick hug and off we went.
Me. Tour Guide is a couple years younger then me, but I couldnt tell. Until I got a text a couple days later. We were going to meet up again that following weekend but he decided last minute to go to Vegas with some buddies instead. typical of a younger guy not ready for a real relationship. I would think if you really liked a girl (at any age, really) that you would do whatever it took to get her to like you back and build a relationship...Am I wrong?
Well, anyways, he texted me Merry Xmas over a week later....but I am sure it was a mass text. Evidentally he wasn't that into me. How, I dunno...cause I am pretty awesome ;)
Maybe I should have let him win one game? ...NAH!

December 13, 2010

12/12/2010: Mr. BB

Before I even thought of having a blog, and perhaps one of the reasons I did was Mr. BB (Before Blog).
He was a great looking guy but a musician and street artist. Very talented, very attractive (did I already say that? oops..) but he had lured me into a false sense of  hope when I decided to meet him back in like September 2009. When we did meet up, he told me he wasn't looking for anything serious, he just wanted to have "FUN", which in guy code means No Strings Attached SEX!...Obviously I politely declined and off on his way he went.
Well, over a year later, Mr. BB finds me on Match.com and writes to me. He included his phone number and said it would be great to hear from me. Thinking he still didn't want anything serious (cause it said so right on his profile), I didn't give him a second look and deleted the message. 
Not even 20 minutes later, I get a text message from him.
This is when my contact storing method comes into play! 
I had stored him in my phone as "Sexter/Player (Name) From _____", so right away when he texted me, I knew who it was and didn't have to play the "Who is this? I lost my contacts awhile back" game.
He tried to explain he was ready for something serious, had a great job now and wanted to take me out...but then followed it up with "Send me a Pic of Your body"...uh..NOPE! Hasn't changed! When I called him out on that, he told me that he felt comfortable with me already cause we knew each other, so it should be okay. HAHA.
Mr. BB, sorry...but not gunna happen!

December 11, 2010

12/10/2010: Mr. Local

Location: Starbucks, TO

Any guy that works with children for a living is alright in my book...add musical talent in there and dashing dark good looks and you've got yourself a date there sir!
Mr. Local started out doing musical therapy for children which turned into a more counseling position, and I find that very admirable. Tough work for a seemingly sweet guy. While not the "All-American" look I usually go for, he was an attractive specimen. Do note the location though: Starbucks. If you've been following me at all, you know I met at Starbucks when I am not really sure I am going to like someone. Easy in/out if need be when meeting for coffee (or in my case tea)...There is no required hour long dinner or 2 drink minimum. You can sit, talk and leave at any time.
In this case, Mr. local got there before I did and texted me for my order. When I arrived, he had my tea waiting for me on the patio. (Please note: I would NEVER allow a guy to purchase a drink for me and have it waiting after the sun goes down...this allows way too much trust in a stranger and too much room for drugs to be stirred into my drink!) Figuring it was before 11am, I drove myself and I was in a location I am very familiar with, I allowed it.
Mr. Local was from the same area (who would have thunnk THAT one from his nickname, right?!)....and turns out we graduated from the same high school a year apart (he being a year older)...he asked if I knew anyone or still talked to anyone from his class and when I mentioned a mutual friend, Mr. Local perked right up. We spent the remaining time together (for the most part) talking about our mutual friend...well that and karaoke....It just so happened we shared a fondness for the art of making people watch you sing.
No real deep conversations with this one either, and it's still way too early to know if a relationship is in the cards, but I would hang out with Mr. Local again, if only to do a duet or two with him ;)

12/09/2010: Mr. Wisconsin


So, is it Rutbeer or Rootbeer? Well, according to Mr. Wisconsin it's pronounced "Rutbeer"...but I guess that's just a Tomato Tamato thing...
I got a kick out of the small accent barriers we ran into throughout the 2 drinks we had. (And some laughs shared)
Mr. Wisconsin was an all-American type of guy, and was a bit old fashioned or mid-western, which I dig. Oh, and he could keep up with me and my sarcasm and wit...not an easy feat for most! :D
I found it was very easy to talk to Mr. Wisconsin and I was quite comfortable around him.
There was no deep conversation about life or anything, just the usual ice breaking topics, the general back stories and the like...so we would have to hang out again to really learn something about one another, but it was a nice first date.
He did pay for the drinks (Happy Hour pricing), but he gets an extra point for taking care of the bill while I was in the restroom...therefore no purse dance necessary, which is very nice!...Although, he didn't walk me to my car, which a gentleman should always do.
I got along with him well enough to warrant a second date, if he were to ask...but it's been 2 days without a call or text, so perhaps he didn't feel the same. Either way, I am still sleeping at night! :D

November 15, 2010

11/14/2010: Mr. Magic

Location: Lazy Dog Patio

So after months...(literally) of talking to this guy via text messages we had an opportunity to finally meet. I first mentioned Mr. Magic on 9/3 in my blog when I first joined Match.com: him being one of the first messages I received.
Mr. Magic was home for one day in between flights and shows on his International tour and would be flying out to Mexico the following day. Seeing the small window of chance, he takes it to drive out and have dinner with me.
He offers to pick me up as he gets close in his car, and I accept..which is weird for me for a first date! I figured though, I've been talking to this guy for a couple months, my parents know his name and know I am going out with him tonight, so...I've got my bases covered in case I dissapear! (Which COULD happen since he IS Mr. Magic...LOL)

He pulls up to the front of my complex and I walk out. He is in this adorable little blue sports car with Pennsylvania plates (which later I find out has Lambo doors that can be put up...so cool!)
He gets out to give me a hug. His frame is a little smaller than I pictured my prince charming, but he IS taller than me; not a ton taller, but I'd guesstimate about 5'9ish?....
The location is all up to me since he had never been in my neck o the woods, and while I still don't know where to direct him as I get into the car, I mule over a couple options in my head quickly and go with one of my fail safe's, Lazy Dog. (Other options included Leila's, Arby's (lol), The Grill, In N Out...)

I am sure he has seen many a woman who would choose Maestro's or The Grill, (someplace with 3 Dollar Signs on Yelp) after being told they can pick ANY PLACE with money as no object....but it isn't about the prices or even the food I was after. I wanted to get to know Mr. Magic and a completely vacant patio at one of my favorite local casual places, next to the fire seemed appropriate for a Sunday night dinner in November.
So, the setting was all ours. No distractions from other patrons, no excessive noise, it was great to finally have conversation with someone, a real conversation. He seemed genuinely interested.

Mr. Magic is very personable with the hostesses and server, without being obnoxious...you know those guys who just seem to TRY TOO HARD? He did what he did well, and you could tell he was well trained like the doves in his act.

We talk, go through each of our life-storys in cliffnote fashion, getting the formalities out of the way...I order humus and edemame and he ordered...I am serious now...a huge steak dinner AND the grilled cheese hahah....a little yin and yang, which is how he described his life in a nutshell. I think that was charming. He had a martini and I a beer.
After munching and talking some, he gets up mid sentence and puts out his hand for me to grab. He pulls me up and tells me we are going to do a waltz...
I go along with it as he teaches me the basic box step and turn...so we dance for a few counts all alone on the patio. By this time it's getting later and colder so we bring the party inside to the bar.

Mr. Magic asks me to stare at his eyes and think of anything I want. He told me he predicted while I was in the restroom what I would be thinking about this very second and wrote it down. He stands up and takes off his shoe, pulls out this tiny piece of paper and unfolds it...
It says "Disney".
I was thinking about "Disneyland" because I want to take my niece there this year for Christmas...but how on Earth did he do that?!...he's good.

He does another mind trick and asks me if I could take out any amount from the register right now, ANY amount...what would it be? While I am thinking of an amount, he is writing. He stops writing and asks for my amount. While I am saying $25, he turns his paper around to reveal $25!

Alright Mr. Magic, you've got me intrigued and your original prediction of a 2nd date may very well be in your cards after all.   :D

We call it a night around 11pm and Mr. Magic drives me home. He mentions he wishes we were already an item so he could come upstairs and see my place, see the  place I live day to day and the place he can someday take me away from...but respecting the first date, he gets out to open the door for me and gives me a hug goodnight. The hug lingers longer than my normal first date goodnight hugs do and turns into more of a 7th grade dance and potential first kiss moment...after a few seconds of teasing passes, we do in fact kiss. It was great too...we said our goodbyes and that was that.

Moral of the story guys: Learn mind tricks to freak and amaze...girls will eat it up!!!! Even though slightly creeped out, the girl's astonishment will win you at the very least a kiss! hahah

November 8, 2010

A Break For Me

So, I've been on two dates since I last wrote, but nothing really worth writing about!
Oh, except one thought he could actually "HEAL PEOPLE"...for reals! He offered to CURE my headache and was completely serious about his POWERS! While he wasn't for me, he did get me into a cool red carpet event and put me on the spot to sing for a huge producer (even though I havent sang in YEARS and didnt warm up and was sooo embarrassed by the on spot request)...but it was cool. I met Brett Michaels and found a new comedian that I also met (Ron Pearson)...
The other guy I went out with was a hillbilly with a half crashed car and no social skills...
I have been focusing on myself the past 2 months.
The best way to focus on myself is to do what I love most and help people. So, I started with going through all my clothes and donating 2 bags to charity...that in itself feels good, but also clears some clutter from my own life! A win win.
Last year I had requested with an agency to donate eggs to a couple who was unable to produce their own and I received a call about 2 months ago that a couple wanted to use me. I struggled at first with the choice to actually go through with it and even talked with my family about their thoughts...
As a female, I have dreampt of having children since the age of 3. It is all I have ever wanted in life and while I have yet to meet that right person to share such a journey with, I  have also seen the heartache of those who want that experience as much as I struggle with getting or keeping a pregnancy. There is nothing more dis-heartening than the idea of not being able to conseve or carry a child. It is the reason we are here: Procreation. It is the most important job a woman can have, and without the experience of motherhood in my lifetime, I don't know what I would do.

I know that it's not all roses; having kids, however I know that I would and will be a really fantastic mom someday. I understand that it is a TON of work, a lot of lost sleep and personal time, but I can't wait for all the rewards it also brings! I was raised by an amazing woman who I respect so much for everything she gave up to have and keep us. She taught me that while it is hard work, it can also be so fun to be a mom. A great balance of discipline and disagreements with fun, laughter and patience. I have so many ideas for when I become a mom and feel that all my creative talents will come in handy, and I really can't wait! Well, I can wait...for the right time and guy!

Because of this, I have a very soft spot for woman who are not able to get pregnant on their own or with fertility drugs. It is a horrific experience too many couples are going through and I would not wish such on even my worst enemies! (If I had any) :P

Over a year ago I filled out paperwork to become an egg donor after 2 couples very close to me went through separate scary scenarios when attempting to conseve. Thankfully both went on to become pregnant without having to go to extreme measures, but there are others out there who aren't as lucky and are almost out of options. After many years and many thousands of dollars spent, some need to turn to the graciousness of another woman to offer up her own eggs so they can hopefully become pregnant after said egg has been fertilized by her own husband and placed inside her so she is able to carry the baby to full term, taking those 9 months to bond with her unborn before finally meeting the baby of their dreams, truly.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to help a couple in need and found out today that I will be doing so and have already begun the journey. It will take a total of about 8 weeks and once done, hopefully the couple I am donating for will be pregnant.
It's like I am the friendly neighbor offering a couple eggs for a cake. They have all the other ingredients and the oven. When the cake is done, it's all theirs! I figure, I'm not doing anything with my eggs; Someone may as well get some use out of em! HAHA

Is there risk to me involved? Yes, like with anything, but the outcome far surpasses the risks, I feel. I am able to forever change someones life and create a life that otherwise wouldn't ever be. The whole process can be viewed as very controversial since it isn't "natural" and some even say we are playing "God"...but the way I see it is, if God didn't want this life created, why did he create the science to do it? The doctors to perform the procedures? The will for people to help people?....This is not something that should be as taboo as it is currently! I really feel more people should be involved and willing to donate what they can. We donate blood all the time, men donate sperm, if a loved one needed a kidney....why not an egg or two?

The whole process they say takes only 15 minutes for me (once the weekly injections are complete) with little risk and over 70% success rate for implanting into the other woman to carry to full term. This is a very serious decision I have really thought long and hard about and I feel really good about it. I go in tomorrow to began the blood work which will be used for genetic testing, then next week is a psch evaluation. After that, there are weekly injections until the day of retrieval. It's a lengthy process but well worth it. I also will be paid $4000, which is a nice reward for a good deed! ;)

It is also a slight ego boaster knowing someone wants my genes to create their dream baby! hehehe

So, yesterday...after weeks of giving myself hormone shots and countless visits to the doctor and blood drawings, the procedure was done! While it wasn't painless, it was worth it! A little discomfort, a lot of rest...some pain pills and TLC from my parents and I am almost back to normal now.
I received a wonderfully touching card and gift from the intended parents before I left the doctor office and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!
While I was recovering at my parents home, I got word that now 2 other couples are interested in using me for egg donation! One is in PA and willing to pay for travel, hotel, food, rental car etc for myself AND a companion if I were to donate for them!...2011 is looking to be an interesting adventure already!
As long as I continue to focus on myself, what makes me happy and helping others, I am sure everything else will fall into place!

Knowing a check is on the way right now doesnt hurt either! :D

If you want to make a difference in someones life, become a donor!

October 5, 2010

9/27/2010: Mr. Choices


Location: Bogie's

Mr. Choices was 37 and while that is a year out of my "range", I decided to give him a shot anyhow. He seemed accomplished and motivated to have the lifestyle I am looking for...and while all his pictures his eyes were closed, he appeared to be good looking.
I pull up to Bogie's and see a guy in sweats sitting on the curb with his head in his lap. Just to be sure it wasn't Mr. Choices before I walk up, I texted him and asked where to meet him. When I didn't see the sweats guy look at a phone and received a text back, I felt comfortable walking from my car to the entrance. LOL
The second I step in, I see this gentleman walk toward me...right away I could tell he was not Caucasian like his profile implied...
I almost walked...
He was some mix of like Persian or Iranian and/or some other thing...but not my usual white boy! Not to be racist, but people have their "types"! I am just not attracted to anything other then tall white boys!..err...men!
Anyways, I was hungry and he had already offered to pay, so we sat and shared a pizza and had a glass of wine on the outside patio.
The conversation was okay and Mr. Choices had some wisdom but everything ended with "It's all about the choices you make"
There was no sympathy for the issues I had explained that I was going through, which kind of made me made. haha.
At least sympathize with me...a little!
After the drinks and pizza, Mr Choices demanded we take a stroll down to the water next to the bar/restaurant, and it would have been really romantic with someone I was into.
At this point, Mr. Choices was pleading his case, actually saying that he thought I had deep down daddy issues and I should choose a guy who is completely opposite of him...that being him, an Iranian guy! LMAO!
Ending again with "It's all about the choices you make", I called it a night.

September 27, 2010

9/24/2010: Mr. Simmons


Location: Zin Bistro

I had never been to Zin Bistro and didn't know it was at the Landing on Westlake, but once I found it, I also found Mr. Simmons waiting outside for me. The place was very romantic and he had asked for a reservation on the patio next to the lake...good start.
He was just barley making tall enough for me, and maybe a little under with the boots I was wearing...but he knew how to make me laugh...if even it was at his own expense.
He confessed to have danced to a Richard Simmons workout tape once...yup...so that's what earned him his Mr. name!
In the darkened ambiance lighting, he resembled a boy I once knew in Elementary school, and I couldnt get my mind off that...the boy I knew is now gay and a professional dancer. With the looks and his confession, I really couldn't take this guy seriously, even though it wasn't really his fault!
Mr. Simmons looked to be about 24 but he claimed to be 32.
Turned out Mr. Simmons is divorced and not super scorned, like some are....and he is waiting to see if he passed the bar to become a lawyer. Mr. Simmons paid for a lavish meal that I never would have been able to afford; and it was really yummy! We shared a bottle of wine and interests.
It ended with Mr. Simmons attempting to kiss me in the parking lot, but I had a mint in my mouth and the timing wasn't right and I wasn't into him as much as he (apparently) was into me...we laughed about it though and he asked if he could take me out again. 
It's been a couple days since and still no text or call...I think it's safe to say online dating lacks a follow through! However, on match I have found more suitable and seriously looking men!

September 18, 2010

9/17/2010: Mr. Giggles


Location: BJ's

A little hesitant on going out with a guy younger then me (by 4 years) but, he really wanted to prove to me he wasn't a typical 24 year old. He didnt live at home,  had a great job and claimed to be old fashioned.
I have to admit, it was nice being out with a guy who hadn't yet been effed over by a psychotic chick yet.
However, it proved to myself that the nativity is no longer "cute" and I am obviously more pessimistic then I thought.
I met Mr. Giggles at BJ's although, to give him credit he offered to pick me up like a gentleman. When I refused and told him why (more pessimism about the world we live in today and creeps out there...Maybe I am the jadded one and he lives "correctly"?), he didn't bat one eye and told me he thought my approach was very safe and that he admired my honesty.
We sat at a booth in the bar and Mr. Giggles...you guessed it...giggled a lot. He seemed really nervous, which is cute. For like 5 minutes. 
He was trying so hard to be so "adult" at one point he even spilled his beer (Which is amazing btw: Go try their Octoberfest beer right now!)....He kept mumbling and giggling and apologizing.
When he finally settled in a little bit we had some nice conversation, but I totally felt old with him! I know it's only 4 years but...little things like not being up on the new fangled drinking games out there or some of the lingo he used....me dating myself with listing off old favorite cartoons...yikes!
At one point he told me, "I expected you to be like older or something"....I have NO IDEA how to take that. HAHA
At least he tried.
Paid the bill (gave away a secret that he always pays for everything and thinks thats how it should be), walked me to my car and didnt try to make a cheesy move. I respect that.
I just know some girl will break this poor fool down eventually! He is sooo green and I just need someone with a little more confidence, experience and less giggling!

September 16, 2010

9/15/2010: Mr. 40


Location: Stuft Pizza TGIFridays Sunset Terrace/Bed of Truck

Now, I know what your thinking. Is he Mr. 40 cause he was 40 years old? And why was the location the bed of his truck? Did you DO IT with a 40 year old?
No and Hell No.
Let me start from the very beginning...as one of my favorite people of all time said in the movie about Nazi's and the original octomom sans mom said.....

After a horrible week of just feeling shitty, and a dinner with my folks, Mr. 40 asked me to have a drink with him and while I was exhuasted and made sure he knew I would not be all gussied up...I agreed. He was a mutual friend of this guy I know and while said "guy" doesn't approve of me ever "dating" this guy, Mr. 40 offered a beer and I needed it.
So, I walk over to meet him at Stuft Pizza and they were closed. Great. Strike one.
Half more strike that Mr. 40's truck was DEAD!
He tried calling several friends to come jump him (since I don't own cables)...and we decide to walk over to TGIFridays. When we are almost there, Mr. 40 suggests Sunset Terrace. I personally can't stand the place, but whatever. Its a free beer I'm after tonight...I don't care where from.
We get there, order two large Blue Moons and the next 30 minutes (I kid you not) is spent with him texting and calling people to come give his truck a jump. I sit there, as if alone and drink my beer, no saying a word to this guy!...awesome "date" dude!
While I understand the urgency and all of a dead truck and finding cables...it's still a little annoying!
He tried to get his brother down to help him, his dad...(like THAT wouldn't have been awkward)...but everyone says no. It kind of says a lot about a guy when their own brother or dad tell them to F off....no?

When that finally ends and he decides to use his AAA card if and when the time comes, we try to have a conversation,,, but Mr. 40 mumbles and speaks in inuendos and sarcastic quips, (which generally I pick up on)...but given the mumbles, they are hard to make out. At one point I beleive he said that if worse came to worse we could walk back to my place and makeout while we wait for AAA....
Uh...ya right dude!

It wasn't until we decided to walk back to his truck  that I finally started enjoying the evening.
The truck started. Thank God.
He talked me into going through the Jack in the Box drive thru with him, and then to 7-11.
We picked up 2 Michelob Ultra 40's, parked in a vacant parking lot, sat in the bed of his truck and drank them while we were listening to a Journey album on my iPhone.
How awesomly white trash is that?!
I called it a night when I finally had to pee and I jumped out, started walking home and told Mr. 40 good night without much of a warning that I was ACTUALLY leaving.
He drove off, said to call him if I got raped and that was that.

He did text me on his way home to ask me to write back when I got home safe.
I did.
Make it home safely...without much of a raping.
Another day of work tomorrow.....another crying session in my car at lunch.
UGH. Are there no real sane men out there who know how to treat a woman?

September 10, 2010

First Impressions

Being on the online dating sites, I have seen a lot of...interesting ways men try to grab your attention through first impression emails. While most of the FREE sites are full of horny boys looking for hookups, which I end up just deleting (although I've learned a lot; like what DSL and DTF mean)...I came across one today that was very clever, well thought out and witty enough for me to actually reply to:

"after a rigorously brief glance at your profile.. i gotta tell you I've already married and divorced you in my head... lol
some how you got to keep the puppy though.... So I'm keeping the house in maui, HI.hahaha.. u seemed fun...Daniel"

Another interesting one I got today:

"Is your name Google?"

I am curious to know the punch line of that one!...

Messages that I don't reply to include:
Message, followed by translation/my response in ()

:Hey, what's up? (Boring)
:Hello gorgeous (So cliche/not original, clever or REALLY interested)
:Are you DTF? (Uh..NO!)
:You look like you could suck a mean.... (Really, dude?!?)
:Wanna Cyber? (Umm, what are we back in 1993?)
:Nice Pics! (Creepy Stalker typw just looking at pretty girls, not wanting anything more)
:What up? Followed with a picture of a white boy thugged out throwing a gang sign...(No, thanks!)
:do you ever go out in hollywood? (Party boy, not interested)

9/09/2010: Mr. Britalian


Location: Gellato's

At first I couldn't tell if he was from Britain or Australia with the VERY odd accent (that I thought he was faking at first). Turns out, he has lived both places! It took awhile to get use to it, but now I know why a lot of people mistake Brits for homosexuals. LOL
A nice lad though.
We went to order drinks and he offered up a $50 bottle of red wine. I tried to steer him to just a $7 glass but he insisted. Dinner was lovely and while I don't even want to know what the end bill was, I had a nice time. Learned a lot about London and Australia as well. HA!
He is however newly divorced and in the midst of trying to sell "their" house (no, she doesn't live there any longer)...One thing I dislike though: He actually LIKES the valley! Said he could never live in Ventura County cause it is just too quiet for him. This would never work cause I dislike the valley very much. That and I don't know if I would ever get use to calling soccer football! (oh! and I'd just stare at his teeth all the time...super cliche British teeth!)
It wasn't horrible enough however to write Mr. Britalian off completely yet. We have similar sense of humor and had a genuinely nice evening. 

If nothing else, I stay good friends with Mr. Britalian and have a place to stay if I ever travel to London! :)

September 7, 2010

9/07/2010: Mr. Everywhere


Location: El Torito

It started with an awkward standoff in the parking lot. Not sure who should cross first and then with two cars blocking our paths, finally Mr. Everywhere ran over and gave me a hug.
By far the most attractive guy I've met, and instantly attracted to him. That being said, still (even more so) skeptical of him however. Usually the pretty ones just want to party and "hang out", although he WAS on match.com, so I am hoping for something more mature.
We go upstairs to the bar, order some beer and $1 tacos and begin to talk.
Turns out, Mr. Everywhere knows EVERYWHERE I've been. He asked where I was born:
Garden City Michigan....turns out he has an aunt who lives there.
I grew up in Walteria Torrance...most of his family went to South High, right down the street and his grandparents live right behind a local burger joint there (Y NOT BURGER).
After high school I moved to Orange County and worked at the South Coast Plaza...which he too worked at around the same time!
Almost not believing him except all the details of the areas he was describing. Almost blew my mind.
I try to tell him about the coolest bar I've been to, up in Los Olivos and before I can even say the name, he does! MAVERICK'S. He has friends who live locally near it and knows it well. 
So, Mr. Everywhere is department manager of men's shoes at Nordstroms. Not super glamourous, but it allows him to move around at will, depending on if there is a Nordstrom's and an open position, but he is looking for a real relationship now and looking to settle down with someone who may not be ready to "settle" somewhere....if that makes sense. 
While he may not be the "one", he may be fun to hang at a bar with. Same type of sense of humor, similar likes and dislikes:
likes being College Football, sarcasm, Sushi and chick flicks....Dislikes including: super obese people who don't try to lose weight.

One of the only unattractive things about Mr. Everywhere?
Werewolf hands!
Super hairy knuckles and top of hands! LOL
I know, I shouldn't be too critical!
Mr. Everywhere had a 6am LAX pickup of a friend, and he PINKY SWEARED it was a true story, and not a way to cut the evening short: (Which he admitted to doing in the past with woman he met online, even going so far as to going to the bathroom and setting his phone up to ring 3 minutes later!)...I thought it was cute he wanted to pinky swear, cause I do it all the time!
But then he said he wanted to go back to his place to watch a movie cause he wouldn't be able to get to sleep till like 1am anyhow...kinda mixed signal. Then he said he didnt want to invite me over cause he hadn't cleaned his apt. LOL. I wouldnt go anyhow, Mr. Everywhere! haha.
We decided to end the night and in the parking lot we exchanged a friendly hug while he said "Peace out Girl Scout"...Something one of my friends would say! Maybe beginning of a cool friendship, but nothing more?


Coolest thing about the date:
Well, it didn't start out cool...Check comes and I reach for my wallet (to be polite knowing however I have ZERO money!) and Mr. Everywhere says, "So, split down the middle or what?" I say yes and fuddle with my purse, "looking for my card" When finally Mr. Everywhere said he'd just take care of it this time...PHEW!...The bill is around $35, but when he gets it back with his card to sign, it says only $10!...He looks at me, shows me the bill, tells me not to say anything, grabs my hand and leads me out in a hurry. HAHA...
While, I don't usually condone stealing, I now don't have to feel guilty for him paying the whole bill!

September 5, 2010

9/04/2010: Mr. Footsie


Location: Mediteranneo/Bogies

Prepared for me to say yes to a date, Mr. Footsie had already made 8pm dinner reservations at this VERY nice restaurant in Westlake Village. Since his match.com profile was so well written, obvious thought had been put in and his emails to me where clear he had actually took the time to READ mine, I agreed to dinner. He was tall, dark hair, decent looking (but kinda had bulgy fish eyes)...I meet him out front of the restaurant and we walk in to our waiting table.
Mr. Footsie right away taps my shoe. Thinking it was a mistake I move my foot out of the way. Soon after, it happens again. Now, it is a small table, but c'mon guy! Stay on your side! I move again thinking it was another mishap. Then it happens again with a more rubbing motion...This guy is trying to play FOOTSIES with me! LOL
I try to play it off and keep moving my feet throughout dinner trying to give him the hint I am not interested without being super blunt and tell him, just in case I am in the wrong and he really isn't trying to play footsies with me....
Dinner was AMAZING. The food.
I also pocketed the mini carafs that the wine was poured out of...they were VERY cute...and my grandmother would have been proud. HAHAHA
Conversation wasn't horrible either. Talked about wine tasting and how neither of us REALLY know what we are doing with it; we just like to drink it! haha
He talked about his $1500 one night tab on tequilla...one shot was $500! WTF? 
Why would anyone spend that kinda money on alcohol? The answer he told me was to show off. Fair enough.
Turns out, Mr. Footsie is an aircraft mechanic, owns a condo he is redecorating to rent out so he can hopefully buy a house within the year. Good head on his shoulders, obviously comfortable, financially but one thing really turned me off. He is the youngest in his family with his closest sibling being 9 years older. He isn't close to his family and often will spend the holidays in Hawaii. 
I am really looking for a family man!
Not to waste the evening, we head next door to Bogie's to cougar watch. Turned out it was a bunch of OLD men and young woman....what do they call OLD men who prey on young girls?...Is it just "Dirt ol' men?"...hmm
Anyway, we grab a couple seats in the crowded outside patio and share generic conversation. At one point a couple sits next to us from San Diego who are in town for the weekend for a wedding. We make friends and while I am up using the ladys room they grill Mr. Footsies asking if it was our first date. He said yes and the guy immediatly said "Is this a match.com thing?" hahaha...I would have been truthful, but evidentally Mr. Footsie is ashamed of his online dating status and said we met through mutual friends. When I get back he told me about the grilling and wanted to be sure I was on the "same page" in case they asked me. HAHAHA
When he got up I was indeed faced with the questions...I went along with his story as to not completely embarrass him when he returned.
So now on this date I have stolen and now lied.
I had been sipping on one martini all night when Mr. Footsie had downed 5 beers (after 2 glasses of wine at dinner)...I could tell he was starting to get a little drunk. That was my que to end the evening. I made sure we had water and then we walked to my car, said good night and left.
He texted me on my way home that he thought I was adorable and he can't wait to hang out again.


9/03/2010: Mr. Golf/Match.com/Mr. Magic


Location: CPK ASAP

Mr. Golf is a few years younger than me and I had been telling him that I won't date someone as young as he for legitamite reasons and after he tried so hard to convince me he was different, I decided to meet up with him for a late night, quick dinner. Since CPK ASAP closed at 9, that gave us a half hour! He took the half hour to exaplin how mature he was and how ready to settle down within the next 5 years he was. Turns out, Mr. Golf plays at a professional level and is one step away from playing on the PGA tour. Quite a big accomplishment for someone under 26. He went on about living at home still but he has a 5 year plan to buy a home in Sherwood. It may have been all talk to try and impress me, but what impressed me even more was the fact I actually heard any of it.
You see, I was somewhat distracted by the apperance of Mr. Golf.
First, he resembled my ex, a lot...but was much taller (and skinnier, which I dont care for.)
Sidenote: Aren't there any TALL guys that aren't bean poles?! ugh. Annoying!
But the thing that really got me was...his ear.
Ya, his ear! His right ear in particular.
It had this large brown HAIRY mole on the lobe.
I couldn't stop staring.
It was both grotesque and fascinating. LOL
Mr. Golf was a gentleman and bought the large pizza which we split and he took the leftovers.
Awkward hug ended the evening and we walked to our separate cars.
Nice kid, but I think that's about it.

UPDATE: Mr. Golf texted me the following day to ask me to a movie at my apartment. LOL. He wanted to do a DVD day at a home, and obviously not his since his parents live there. HAHAH. My excuse for saying no was work but even if I hadn't had to work I'd of said no. DVD days in are reserved for when I am in a relationship and feel comfortable cuddling with someone!

So, after my date with Mr. Golf, I came home and turned on the TV. There it was...an add for eHarmony telling me it's a free communication weekend. A sign from those marketing devils themselves...So, what do I do? Well, I say to hell with it and make a profile on eharmony.

Turns out, you can only read about people- you cant SEE their pictures with a free account! This is hooie!
If there were a dislike button I would have pressed it! Maybe twice even!
So, since I am already sitting at my computer, I switch over to match.com just to see...
I make a free profile and here I can SEE people. Amazing. I can also send/receive "winks" for free...
But then the emails started pouring in, and I can't open them or even see who they are from with the stupid free account....so, after a lot of hard thinking I do it. I sign up for ONE MONTH only.With only one month, I don't get the fancy "guarantee" but with already 20 emails in my inbox, I'm sure I can find SOMEONE who will reimburse the $32 fee! hahaha

One of the first messages I received on match was from an illusionist. Like a magic man...think Kris Angel type but not as freaky. He used his real name in his profile and so I googled to see if he was actually anyone. Turns out, he is an up and coming. Been on the ellen show, had a couple "specials" on prime time...he is legit and really good at what he does! Intrigued after I saw a couple youtube clips (he had one where he puts a piece of string and 3 razor blades in his mouth and ties the blades to the string in his mouth...obviously good with his tongue. LOL...) and enjoyed his charisma, I write him back. He is a little goofy and over the top, but he does it well. Very confident, composed...but seemed like a nice guy who was really interested in me. I asked him why he was on match if he works with famous people and models, he could get anyone he wanted; and his reply was cause he hadn't met me yet. Totally a line and very cheesy, but hey, I am a girl and I eat that shit up! LOL
After a couple back and fourths on the site, we exchange numbers and we text throughout the night. Turns out he is on a US tour right now and will be back in LA in 2 weeks. He asked to take me out to dinner and I told him to ask me again when he is back in the area. He is a very smooth talker!

"The difference in a man who says something 'romantic' and a man who says something 'smooth' is in the amount of woman he's saying it to. I'm a romantic"
"Would you beleive me is I predicted we'd have a second date?" (He is a magician! He predicts stuff in his acts...hahah. That's not even FAIR!)

"Thinking of you" (That one was out of the blue during the next day)

I came back with "Awe. That's sweet. Trying to earn those early points, huh? LOL" His reply:
"I'm not trying to earn. I'm trying to give" 
A couple hours later he asked how my day was and I told him I was just working. He then says "I want to make your day spectacular!"
"How ya gunna do that?" I asked
"By telling you how amazing you are"
"You don't know that yet!"
"I can predict the future remember? The fun part is gonna be finding out how right I am ;)"

Already I can tell if nothing else, this will be fun.
Interested to see this guy yet? hahaha....
Check him out with my favorite person ever (Intern Ross) on one of his specials...click here

I'd be worried a guy like him being a performer would always be "on"...or maybe he is so good that he can control my mind or somethin freaky...hmm

(FYI: The pic above is not of Mr. Magic himself) ;)

September 2, 2010

9/02/2010: Mr. C Word!

Wow, just another reason I may need to look into paid dating sites...

Mr. C Word! sent an IM thru a dating site I'm on, trying to initiate conversation. He started with the fact that I am a gemini and when I didnt respond right away he started insulting me saying it was typical of a gemini and my energy was not good. I kept ignoring him and he kept talking, popping up while I was attempting to talk to someone else. It was annoying, so I finally asked him to upload a picture. I told him he may get a better response from woman if he uploaded a pic and didnt insult them right off the bat.
He asked if I was a gamer or poser.I told him no, I'm a real person. Then he asked me to meet him. He said he was a regular at Mr. Chow's in Bev Hills and that I should be impressed by that. HAHAH Ya right! I told him I wouldnt meet someone in person if they insult me online, that I was not impressed with fancy restaurants or status and I don't plan to meet someone who doesnt have a picture up. He called me a coward. I told him I was done with this conversation and told him good luck. 
His response? Calling me the C word! Yes! Can you believe that?
I then blocked the user.
He then sent me a message through the site (the blocking just blocks them from sending IM's)....
Foul Language is used, be aware!:

I think the most offensive part, (besides the C word)..is the nose comment! I've never received any bad comments about my nose before! I think I have a cute nose! LOL...wow, what some men do to get attention of a woman, huh?...I think that guy has some serious issues!

I reported him.

Paid Dating Site?

So...is it that time? 
Time for me to pursue a PAID dating site?
Obviously the free ones haven't worked thus far...and everyone tells me I should be trying match.com or eharmony. I just don't have the money to spend on them! They require 3 or 6 months up front or like $40 for 1 month! CRAZY!

If you think it is time for me to be on a paid site...send me money! LOL
(no, seriously..I need funds!)


August 28, 2010

8/28/2010: Mr. DUI

So this guy messaged me a few times and he seems like a good guy, cute too...except he has no pics of himself smiling...kinda weird and I inquire since I have been burned by that before (the guy ended up having missing teeth AND braces)...but turns out, he just thinks he looks hotter as the bruting man. Whatever, we exchange numbers and he called last night but I wasn't in the mood to talk so just let it ring. He didnt leave a message or anything, but after work today I decide to call him back. He wanted to ask me if I would drive out to him (In Carson!) and take him to a movie...
Evidentally he just got a DUI a couple weeks ago and his license is suspended...and he has no money.
The money thing, whatever..I'm broke too but the irresponsibility of getting a DUI at the age of 32? I'm not cool with that! We all have our bad days and I know plenty of people who have had a DUI but to be the first impression when you are trying to get to know someone is not even fair!
No Mr. DUI, I will not drive 1.5 hours to drive you, a stranger to a movie that I pay for just to sit in a dark room for 2 hours with you. Sorry.
Call me when you get your life back on track and learn to smile!

UPDATE: Mr. DUI called me at 3am! I usually don't pick up calls that late if they wake me up but this was from a non saved number and I always think it could be an emergency that late, so I grabbed it in bed and it was Mr. DUI from a different number than I had saved. He was drunk. Obviously. And he was saying how I asked him to call him when he got home. (I did no such thing) and he was mad that I didn't want to talk. I hung up on him. 
He has enough money to get drunk...and was prolly out driving like an idiot again too!
He then texted me "Yea, bye!"
The LAST thing I need is another idiot in my life!
He tried to smooth things over this am by texting me that he is sorry. He was trying to call a different Kristina last night...that makes me feel a whole lot better about you dude! LOL!
Your a drunk, a moron and evidentally a player. Awesome!

August 23, 2010

8/23/2010: Mr. Desperate / Mr. Turkey


Location: At Home

Mr. Desperate had tried to message me several times over the past couple months and while his profile picture portrayed himself holding a bouquet of flowers and a cheesy grin (so lame!), he did not meet my must-have requirements and I didn't get a good guy feeling from his profile, so I chose to not respond to him since it would truly be a full time job to respond to ALL the messages I receive. I kept deleting his attempts and today it got even more desperate than I could have imagined.
"I think you know one of my coworkers" is what he wrote....
Catching my eye since those that know a mutual friend could have a higher chance at a meeting with me than those that have no connection, I feed into his attempt finally and ask who that may be.
He writes back and states he has no idea. "I don't know, I just made that up" was his response. 
Now I feel like an idiot and will never 2nd guess my first instincts on a person!


Mr. Turkey lives in Istanbul and is ESL (English as Second Language). First, I don't do long distance and 2, I don't do non American. This is all clearly stated in my profile but that didn't stop Mr. Turkey from messaging me.

Mr. Turkey: hi
Me:your way too far away for me.
Mr. Turkey::hımm
Mr. Turkey:have any idea for suprises
Mr. Turkey:?
Mr. Turkey:maybe we can try?
Mr. Turkey:come on what will you lost?
Mr. Turkey:let me ı want to say you something
Mr. Turkey:abouth distance pleasebe relax
Mr. Turkey:cause ı have one experiance before
Mr. Turkey:ı mean 2 years agoı had one relationship from south america
Mr. Turkey:and guess
Mr. Turkey:ı went then she came bla bla
Mr. Turkey:summary
Mr. Turkey:we can solve it dont worry
Mr. Turkey:come on
Mr. Turkey:ım here for try to talk with you
one chance
Mr. Turkey:yahoo or msn
Mr. Turkey:we just try
Mr. Turkey:please
Mr. Turkey:if you will not be happy then we will delet everything
Mr. Turkey:just one chance
Mr. Turkey:no?
Mr. Turkey:ok ..forgive me for disturb you..wishes best

Really dude? 
I could never be with someone I can't understand, and I am not in the market to get a guy a green card!

8/22/2010: Ms. NOTW


Location: Santa Monica Beach/ Father's Office

Yes..that is Ms. As in FEMALE!
Read on if your interested!...LOL

I got a phone call and was asked if I wanted to go to the beach in the late afternoon by a long time friend. At this point I wasn't aware it would be a suto- date for him. He had said a lady friend of his may join us along with some of her friends, and I am always up for meeting new people, so I said yes! (Plus, Father's Office was the MAIN agenda for the day!)

(This long time friend reads my blog and was more than okay with me divulging information about the "date" here!)

My friend picked me up and as we were driving he was describing this lady friend of his. He was very into her and I was excited for him. I couldn't wait to meet her myself, she sounded fantastic! After seeing some pictures they took on a day trip to Disneyland I was even more excited since she just seemed so fun and outgoing!
They work in the same company and it wasn't until a conference in Vegas that the two of them actually were introduced. It isn't what you think though! 
My friend was super shy and it was HER that finally went up to him and introduced herself. Clearly there was an attraction from the beginning and she was willing to pursue what she wanted. While nothing "came up" in Vegas between the two of them, they did start going on lunch dates when they returned to work.
On one of their first meetings outside of work, she had declared her high tolerance for alcohol, and had challenged my friend more or less to a drinking competition. She was fun, funny, personable and had a dark side said friend was eager to get to know. A couple lunch dates between the two of them and the Disneyland day trip and things were heading in the right direction.
Over the past 4-5 days however, my friend started noticing a change in his new lady friend. She had become increasingly religious seemingly over night.
Not thinking too much of it, they had planned to meet up at the beach and he wanted to introduce some of his own friends to her. (A few others were suppose to come but flaked last minute, so it was just me)...

On the way to the beach to meet up with her, my friend texted her to let her know we were stuck in traffic but that we were almost there. He got a text back from her stating something to the equivalent of " Praise HIM for there is always a purpose."
A little weird but whatever. She had some kind of life changing awakening over the past couple days and my friend was cool with it. He had even attended church earlier in the day with her. I think that shows respect in the highest regard and is a very manly quality! (Kudos, my friend!)

However, not even my friend had realized a this point how much she had really changed since he first met her a couple months ago.... 

When we show up at the beach finally, I meet his new lady friend who is in a maxi dress reading a book in a chair. Very pretty girl. Seemingly very normal, chill...fun. We even got up to throw the football a couple times. A nice match for my friend and a possible new friend of my own. I approve so far!

We pack up and move to the next venue: Father's Office after some convincing on our part to get lady friend to join us. (She starts school the next day)
Sidenote: If you have never been and enjoy beer and burgers...I HIGHLY recommend this place! BEST BURGER I HAVE EVER HAD, hands down!

First thing friend notices is that she orders a wine, rather than trying a beer even though we had told her it was a beer bar. Trying not to think too much into it, we order some burgers, stake out a table and start to relax. Things started to get weird from there. Waiting in line at the bar, lady friend and I start talking and she had told me I looked like a girl she had worked with in the past. She said she thinks I came into her life today for a reason and that she needs to pray for that old co-worker. She started in on the glory of God and the mysterious ways He works. I go along with it, being raised in the church I am a believer too and she is so overcome with this recent power, I know it's important for her to share her thoughts. But then she starts in on the NUMBERS! Oh my!

She explains the power and signifigance of the numbers she sees all around her. There were three pigeons near us at the beach; there were three of us. In the bible it says something about where 3 or more gather in HIS name....game over! Everything from that point on was her rambling on and on and on and on and on and on about the numbers. 5, 7, 6, 3...Everything had a significance. 
Literally this girl talked for HOURS. 
She kept using the words "Not of this world" and "Living not in the flesh"...

She had gone from this chill, fun girl who we thought we could have a couple beers with to this Evangeline, spreading the power of the word of God to anyone who would listen within just an hour or so. I kind of had no choice since I was now on a ride-along date, held hostage, so making the most of it; I sat and listened and nodded along with my friend who was being oh so polite and patient. Until the bombshell hit. 
She had made a comment about God speaking to her and showing her what her future husband would look like and "It isn't you, sweety", is what she told my friend. Who says that to a guy she had earlier stated she could see dating?...My heart sank FOR my friend, but being the eternal optomist, said friend tells me that she could change her mind about that...awe.
Thinking she was getting tired of talking, we leave to drop her off. Little did we know, she had oh so much more to say!
The ENTIRE way to Sylmar from Santa Monica she is flappin her gums about God, signs, numbers, etc. Long winded is an understatement for this girl!
We pull up to where her car is sitting in front of another co-workers home and she says she feels the devils presence and tells us to stay with her until it leaves. Another 2 hours sitting in this car, listening to her go on and on...
She really feels that God is speaking through her and showing her things that no one else can see. 
FINALLY, she gets out of the car and into her own (only after a very long, awkward embrace and prayer in my ear, then another with my friend).

When we get back in the car and she drives off, friend and I bust up laughing. Not at the fact she had her new path to follow and new responsibility to spread the word..but the fact that she had changed so drastically from the girl he had met a couple months ago into this Godly woman just over the past 4 or so days....and the fact that this girl could TALK!

After several hours of her not letting up even a little, my friend was no longer sure about his feelings for her...and I could no longer fully approve of her for him since now I feel she may lead him into a cult of sorts. There is such thing as TOO much and she was walking that fine fence to say the least!

I am hoping that it was all just so new and exciting to her and that she will soon find the balance rather than being such an extremist. She could be a very lovely, fun girl if she wasn't so extremely over kill!
Since she is just starting her journey, I don't see my friend putting in much more time. She had been fasting for 4 days, and going on almost no sleep. She had just stopped showing up for work because she said God was telling her to;so that tells you a little about how extreme it has gotten for her over just the last couple days.

I learned what NOT to do on a date:
Religion should be left at a 2-3 minute conversation, TOPS! Not 4-6 hours without breathing!

It is okay to pull out of a possible relationship if the other person has changed so drastically since you met them. The girl I met yesterday was not the same girl my friend had originally met and fell in like with!
My friend, it is OKAY to tell her it is TOO MUCH for you!

UPDATE 8/27/2010: My friend who's date I went on contacted Ms. NOTW to let her know he didn't see it working out. How can it when she had already told him he was not the husband in the vision God gave her?...But alas, she had been contacting him the days following "OUR" date to see if he wanted to hang out and without wanting to be the "bad guy", I told my dear friend he had to be honest with her. 
He told her he liked the girl he had met before and that her overly religious ways now were a little weird for him. She told him that God has a place in everyones' life (true, I believe that as well) and that he should accept the person she has become through Him. She went on to tell him that God wanted her to bring my friend closer to HIM.
She may really feel that way, and for some that is the way of life- But when someone tells you they are feeling un-easy about the religious thing overtaking you, the way to keep them around is not to push further! 
But there is more!
Ms. NOTW asked my friend for money! $291 to be exact! LOL
Of course he isn't going to give it to her, but I just thought it was hilarious!

The Chance I Take with Having a Blog.....

The glorious thing about living in the US is that I have the power of free speech and ability to blog whatever I damn well choose. Everyone SHOULD know that it is for entertainment value only and not meant to hurt anyone (Except maybe some egos), and it is designed to hopefully help some guys (and girls) learn through an active dater's eyes what is appropriate and not on a date.
It is also very therapeutic for myself to get out the experiences I have and to find the humor in all the horrible dates I go through. It's nice to have an archive for future reading and hopefully when I find the right guy, he too will find the humor in it all!
Whoever I eventually end up with would be fine being portrayed in such a blog, especially in a very illuminated fashion as one of the only great dates in the past year. I take it upon myself to not use any real names in my blog (Even though I totally COULD) and generally keep the pictures at humerous googled clipart, unless I feel it necessary for my "readers" (err, well myself since I only have 5 "followers") to see what kind of guy I was actually out with. (IE: Skydiving date/Buckaroo being the only two).
I recently had a very Carie Bradshaw moment. (for you guys, that is horse face from the Sex in the City show...) One of the guys I had recently gone out with, contacted me after locating this very blog. Now, to be fair, I always tell the guys...well, I tell the ones that I can stand for more than an hour, that I have a blog. I tell them it is dating related and that most of my dates end up on it. I don't give the location of the blog however, to save them the humiliation later on when I write about them.
So, this particular individual who had contacted me, had knowledge of said blog from the beginning and should have been aware that he was to end up on it. That being said, he was less than thrilled when he found and read my version of our date; even though nothing bad was written about him and it had been one of the best stories on my blog thus far. 
After having 2 dates, both very good and talks of a third...this individual more or less disappeared all together. Jokingly I said maybe it was due to the fact he found my blog, and that was in fact the truth. 
I would understand more so if I had used his real name and ran a smear campaign against him or something....but I hadn't. 
I don't date for the sole purpose of blogging. I wish I could find the right guy so I could end this, to be honest! It is humiliating for not only the guys I write about (and most never know)...it is also humiliating for me, cause I put myself in the situations that end up here! I have been single in the suburbs now for over a year and a half. You don't think I ACTUALLY ENJOY all this dating, do you? But, to keep myself sane through the process, I have to get it all out there and in doing so, hope that I can help someone else too.
To each his own though, really!
If someone can't handle it, he obviously isn't man enough nor does he have enough of a sense of humor for me.

August 20, 2010

8/20/2010: Mr. Repeater


Location: Leila's/Crown n Anchor

So excited to go to my favorite restuarant in anticipation that they have the watermelon soup I have heard about for a year and never actually tried...I was  excited about my date with Mr. Repeater...until I met him.
Granted, I got my watermelon soup finally (And it was amazing) but when Mr. Repeater started to sweat at the menu prices for dinner, I had to pretend the soup and the bread was enough to spare his pockets.
I dont want any guy to pay more than he can afford for a meal especially when I am already not feeling a connection!!! Chances are if I'm not feeling it, neither is he and if I were in his shoes I wouldnt want to shell out $80 for a meal for a girl who isn't into me.
So, we meet for "dinner" and a glass of wine at Leila's and the entire time he is repeating what I am saying! It's soooo annoying! I think he will stop eventually but nope! And it's the sort of repeating where he thinks he already knows what I am about to say and tries to say it as I do, gets it wrong and repeats what I say after me. 
I get that some people have different ways to learn and retain information and repeating is a tool I use to use in kindergarten but at 30+ on a first date...it's kinda a turn off. 
Mr. Repeater however had a strike against him the second I met him though...In his pix he looked all American with a nice sturdy build, athletic if you will...but when I met him and we hugged...it was like hugging a skeleton. He had the height and the all American look but oh my God man; eat a burger!
Way too skinny for my taste!
Just the hugging of bones sorta turned me off the whole night! I barely looked in his eyes while conversing cause it was just so awkward from the hug on!
The conversation was based around what we want in relationships, what kind of house we want, how to raise kids..it seemed very interviewey for the position of future wife/mother! I get it though. At a certain age a guy is ready, and I am too but I am not in interview mode quite yet. We discussed where he had traveleed to which soon turned into places I would like to be taken away for a weekend. 
Not saying being swept away for a weekend getaway to a cabin or the Caribbeans wouldn't be oh so lovely...but I want that with someone I am attracted to!  Mr. Repeater seemed very into me...not to toot my own horn...but he had sparkles in his eyes and kept hinting at the fact he thinks he has met the right woman, and the fact he has no issues jumping in fast when he "feels" it...
I dunno though...maybe if he eats a few burgers?

BTW: Update on Mr. Buckaroo...
He has gone MIA!
He invited me to a kickball game the day after our last date and when I had to cancel due to overtime at work that I couldn't get out of...I havent heard from him. I texted him several times to say hi but have not heard back from him at all. I am not sure whether to feel like I've been blown off or whether I should be scared for his well-being...?
Or maybe he found my blog...HAHAHA
Note to guys out there: Be honest. I'm a big girl. I can take a hell of a lot! If your not into me, thats fine! Just let me know.

Sidenote: Mr. Shy Guy from back in March contacted me by email the other day.
He was the one who I had a great date with and was excited to see him again only to receive an email about some "personal incident" coming up where he would not be available and he would contact me when things got better...Well, I got this mass email from him about his phone number changing. It appeared to have been sent to everyone in his contact list...but I took the opportunity to write back just saying hello.
He wrote back asking to take me out for drinks in a couple weeks when things slowed up at work for him...I am curious enough what happened to him all those months ago just enough to say yes...now, we wait to see if it actually happens!