I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

January 30, 2010

1/30/10: Mr. Youngin


Location: Didn't happen

Mr. Youngin...a 19 year old who begged to take me out (I AM 27!!) and was flying from Arizona for 2 hours to have brunch with me mis-read the flight information (supposedly) and missed his flight by 12 hours. He made reservations at a french bistro in Santa Monica and it looked really nice...he has over the last week been showering me with compliments and praises and been kinda over the top...he is freaking 19 years old!...I only accepted because he made the flight arrangement's and reservation before I said yes and I felt bad- plus another chance to try another new restaurant on someone elses dime....it's been months that he had been begging me to be taken out, so, I broke down finally....well...it didnt happen...well, it didnt happen with him. lol. He texted me 12 times in the morning saying how sorry he was and that he will make it up to me, blah blah blah...like I was heartbroken he missed his flight...hahahaha...um, nah, not so much man!....I took the reservation and a different willing payer friend and had brunch. It was lovely. (Not a "date", but it was nice)

UPDATE: Me. Youngin contacted me 2 weeks later and without confirmation from me, planned another flight on a Sat. I refused to contact him back...and I received 14 calls in the morning at 5am from him Sat morning!!! I didn't answer any of them, but I guess again he had some kind of flight issue and wouldn't be able to make it, leaving 14 voicemails apologizing!....I didn't even say to come out!...So annoying!


Tonight is the first 2nd date of 2010 with Mr. Midwest! The first date I've been actually looking forward to. We will be cooking/making tacos at my place and watching my all time favorite movie: The Three Amigos! ...should be relaxing/casual/fun! :D ....90 day rule though! Nothing will happen other than (maybe) kissing!!! (Right mom?) ;)

January 29, 2010

1/29/10: Mr. Yelp


Location: Leila's
With a common interest in good food, Mr. Yelp approached me on yelp.com after reading several of my reviews from the local eateries. We exchanged emails and while he didnt sound like "my type" physically, I wanted to try his favorite restaurant, Leila's I have heard great things about....and wanted to try the "not so shallow" thing, of course. Well, the food was TO DIE FOR! So good! I think I found my new favorite restaurant...but alas, no love! He was short, goofy looking and balding...bad. Conversation was a little forced and he...wait for it...loves MATH! This will never work! Me and math have a long lasting hatred for one another, and he is like the math guru. It would be like sleeping with the enemy!...He makes a living tutoring high school kids in extreme math..so, no connection there! He also is a super light weight. We had two glasses of (amazing) cabernet, and he was so drunk he broke my wine glass after stealing the last tiny drop of wine!!! First of all, don't steal my wine drop and second, learn to control yourself, seriously!...While it was nice he knew the owner and it seemed we got (kind of) special treatment, I do not forsee a romantic future with this dope.He did pay for the meal and thanked me for (wowing/impressing) him...whatever that means and he gave me some inside guy information:
If a guy likes the girl he will pay for the meal in full even if the girl offers to split.
If a guy is not into the girl, he will accept partial payment of the meal.
If a guy really does not like the girl, he will try to stick her with the full check.
so, I guess he likes me...but the feeling- not so much mutual!
UPDATE: Mr.Yelp sent me an email gushing about his experience and how much he likes me and wants to take me out again...it was almost like one of those grade school notes: Do you like me too? Check yes or no...I checked no and replied back to him as nicely as possible. He responded back with how much money he has in the bank and telling me about how large his house and spa are and telling me he would spend money on me if I wanted just a casual "thing" rather then a "relationship"!...seriousl
y dude? Desperate much? eww.

January 28, 2010

1/27/10: Mr. Pro-Surfer


Location: TBD
Got a random IM from this guy who is mutual friends with a couple of my friends and who I had talked to several random times in the past on facebook...he IMs me..."u wanna go out tonight?"...He is really cute and a pro surfer, but i have no idea what to expect from him at all. He says it is up to me what I want to do for our date. I almost don't want to go out, because I may seem desperate to jump on his first request for the same day...but it is a Wednesday, and I don't have any plans...and according to my experienced single dating guru friend, it is ok to accept a same day date if it is a weeknight. So, I get to pick what we do, but I dunno if he is a gentleman yet (meaning if he will pay or not), so I need to error on the side of caution!....Problem is, his facebook chat keeps logging off and we havent even exchanged phone numbers, so this may not actually happen at all...I'll post when I know more. ;)
UPDATE Didn't happen. I don't think he really wanted to take me out so much as hook up!...When I kinda laid the no hook up thing out there at first he was like "Oh, ya, no- I dont wanna hook up like that, I just want to take you out"...but then he stopped talking and didn't get in touch with me again last night...so...just as well! :P
Kelly Clarkson said it all, "I Do Not Hook Up!". I am looking for something more meaningful and long lasting.

I have an early brunch with a YOUNGIN on Saturday who has begged me for a date for a couple months now, but he lives in Utah Arizona (and is 19!!!)...his mom works for an airline and I guess he can fly whenever, wherever for free and got a flight in for Saturday morning!...Planned for a brunch, cause what is more innocent than a Saturday brunch?...He is only 19 years old!!! I don't know what he sees in me, but I'll get a brunch out of it at least! He will fly out around 1pm, so no loose ends there!....I asked him why he wanted to take me out, me, being almost 9 years his senior and he tells me he thinks I am super hot- hotter than Megan Fox...um...ya...not so much!...YOUNGIN has some work to do on his lines! At least knock it down to comparing to the #13th hottest woman in the world, eh?...

2nd date with Mr. Midwest is Saturday night. He wants a chill night at my apartment to cook dinner and watch a movie...I am not sure I am completely comfortable with a home date so early...that is guaranteed "I wanna cuddle" guy code! Saturday is still a few days away, so we'll see what happens! Any thoughts on the subject from the peanut gallery?!?!

As of January 31 I would have been on dates with 8 different guys so far in the year 2010. If I keep this up, it would be just shy of 100 by years end!...I really hope I don't have to go through 96 first dates though- that would suck, unless by first dates we are talking "REALITY" bachelor style where someone flies me to Rome for dinner or something crazy! hahaha

January 26, 2010

1/25/10: Mr. 35


Location: PF Changs & Claim Jumper (for drinks)
My first date with a gentleman over the age of 32..He is 35 and a successful business man. He travels for business and has a "territory"...sounds impressive, eh?...lol. I'm use to going on dates with waiters, actors, guys in dead end jobs...not guys who have territories!...hahah...jus
t sounds weird. Anyway- Mr. M did his homework on me! He had actually read my profile and retained information...a nice change from those who just glance over the pictures and forget facts about me right after hearing them...could be that he has just been doing this dating thing so long he has learned the little things, (like reading) that girls find impressive!
We met after work at PF Changs and surprisingly he looked like his picture but cuter. Nice change!...Although he isn't much taller than me, he had good social skills (Something I am always afraid of when meeting people from online) and seemed to be very personable. The only downfall with him that I could readily see was the fact he said "SO" after EVERYTHING!...."I had a great trip last weekend for work to Sacramento...soooo...", "That drink really hit the spot...sooooo", "You look exactly like your picture online, gorgeous...sooooo". It started to get annoying!....But all in all dinner was nice. We talked about wine, family, work and after dinner he asked to have a drink with me at another location- so we walked the 50 feet over to Claim Jumper and had a glass of wine at the bar.We continued talking about wine and friends etc. Bonded over camping and wine tasting stories...he paid the bill at both locations without any hesitation...around 10pm we decided to call it a night and he walked me to my car. A quick simple peck ended the night and I drove home.Nothing SPECTACULAR, but nothing really bad either!...so all in all an okay experience! Possible 2nd date candidate! Just weird to think I could date a 35 year old!...I guess that IS within my dating range these days! thats SCARY!......
UPDATE: Date was good and I texted him that I had a nice time. He is out of town from Wed until Sunday, so we'll see what happens...
2nd UPDATE: Mr. 35 came back into town and texted me. Said he had a great time and that I was a great girl/awesome company...but...he is not looking for a relationship so much as just a friendship...which in guy talk means, he just doesnt want a relationship with me....so...that's that for Mr. 35!

January 22, 2010

1/21/10: Mr. J2


Location: Moz Buddha Bar
A guy I would never even give a second look to at a bar talked me into having dinner with him, and while it was nothing spectacular, it did open my eyes a little to not be AS shallow as I am...maybe. The only reason I agreed was because he guaranteed I wouldn't have to pay for dinner- so having the comfort of not having to do the purse shuffle for the 3.5 minutes while the check sat on the table, was well worth it! I got some good conversation, a lovely meal a new friend and an umbrella. (Yes, umbrella. he had an extra one and gave me the one he had brought in. I didnt have one before tonight)...
While I don't think there is anything sexually there, he was a nice guy. I was a little put off by the fact he often goes for the "classy 40 something women" and "can't stand" the mid to late 20s women he meets....it got me thinking...does he think I am in my 30s?...do I look like I am in my 30s?...gulp.
He was a bit blanned and a self proclaimed home-body but I can sort of understand with his line of work. He is a producer/recorder for bands, so he is consistently at loud shows for work- so I get not wanting to go to a show or loud club or anything on time off...but still...to not want to do anything but sit at home...I have a problem with that. I want a MAN, not a grandpa!...Isn't there some happy medium out there? Granted, he did pay for a $100 meal...can't be all bad! A successful but somewhat boring date night...I would continue a friendship with him but nothing romantic. No spark there.
PS: I thought it was funny he said "I'm not a name dropper", "I hate when people do that", and yet dropped the names of THE EAGLES and MADONNA as people he has recently worked with...hahaha

tomorrow I will be at Das Bunker again and will likely run into Mr. USMC again. I then have a date with a Mr. 35 on Saturday and then a 2nd date with Mr. Midwest on Sunday...more updates to come!....
So Mr. 35 got bumped to Monday (tonight) and Mr. Midwest re-scheduled for later this week...so the weekend was un-eventful. I did see Mr. USMC on Friday night and besides the quick meaningless chats outside while he smoked, nothing was really there. A possible friend situation only- he lives in SD and is in the marines for another 2 years with a possible Iraq tour in March for 8 months...nothing could happen even if there was something there!

January 19, 2010

1/18/10: Mr. Midwest


Location: El Torito
Eureka! Finally a good date! He was tall, good teeth, good looking, comes from a big family, a transplant form a small town in Illinois...good conversation, not an annoying laugh, paid for dinner, walked me to my car...all was good tonight! It was bound to happen soon: a good date!...
He invited me to a movie but we both decided it was already too late for one tonight and planned to see Avatar in 3D soon.

January 16, 2010

1/16/10: Mr. Forgotten


Location: Unknown
Okay, so I had been emailing back and fourth with this guy I had met on YELP.COM. We had a mutual attraction to good food in the area and while he wasn't much of a looker, he had invited me to eat at one of his favorite places Saturday night after my beach bike ride...Our date was not set in stone, and we hadn't even exchanged phone numbers, but I told him I would email him after my bike ride..well, after the ride I had forgotten who I was suppose to email...he had gotten lost in the shuffle of guys I have in my head. Since it wasnt set in stone, I hadn't added the date to my calendar- around 9pm it dawned on me who I was suppose to contact...but by then I was so over it. He wasn't at all my type and I wasn't too bummed I missed out on a date- I was exhausted from the bike ride and just wanted to chill at home. He also hadn't stopped time to wait for me, so I felt much better after knowing he had gone on with his life after he hadnt heard from me by like 6pm!...we MIGHT re-schedule, but I think I should just go with my gut and not meet up with this one.

1/15/10: Mr. USMC


Location: Das Bunker
While I went to Das Bunker in Korea Town not expecting to meet anyone at all, (since it is a goth/industrial/trance club), after a couple hours and digging the vibe where everyone does their own thing and no one judges you based on looks, I met eyes with this seemingly normal guy on the patio outside among the smoke. After a few glances he came over to introduce himself. Unfortunately it was toward the end of the night. He seemed genuine, although he is a Marine, but to his credit he doesnt have a loyalty tattoo anywhere for the USMC and he hates being in...but he has at least 2 more years and another tour in Afganistan at the end of the year...so, while nothing will happen with him, it was nice to not feel like the only outsider among outsiders and feel a connection with a stranger strong enough to make a new facebook friend, at least. He will be at Das Bunker again next week, and I think I will be as well.

January 11, 2010

1/11/10: Mr. BFG


So...I just got a text from a guy I went out with last month- The date was okay- he was the one who sent me a pic in the firefighter gear but ended up being an actor/server....he was going out of town for awhile and since I hadn't heard back from him I assumed it was just an excuse...didn't think too much of it, then I get a random text today...
"My phone fucked up and I lost some contact names. Who r u?"
So I respond back my name and how we met and told him we had gone on a date about a month ago. He then sends this,
"Oh yeah, hey! We could hang again, but I've decided to not date anyone. Need to work on myself"
I give just "Ahh. Ok." back and then 10 minutes later...
"Random question, but I like honesty. Would u ever want to just hook up?"
We had a good time on our "date", one of the VERY VERY few good dates and that is what he comes back with?!? UGH! FML!

January 10, 2010

1/9/10: Mr. C


Location: Father's Office
One of the better dates i've had considering the competition... He was tall, which is a huge plus...conversation was nice except he lives with his parents, is younger than me by a year and a little...he seems witty and can keep up with me and seemed to really like me...until I realized he liked me
Maybe a little too much... After I left the bar he texted me about 10 min later asking me to hang out again the same night...then again an hour later...an when I said no he texted me yet again, and again and then again...trying to convince me to hang out when he didn't know he was just convincing me to NOT hang out again. He also asked to "cuddle"...which I love doing when I am in a relationship...but we just met! I don't feel THAT comfortable with someone right off the bat like that...A bit too desperate for my liking. Plus he lives in yorba Linda and already said he won't move out of that area and uh I won't live out there...I know jumping the gun a little but that's what I have to think of nowadays ....
Back to my cousin visit!!! :) yay for family!

January 9, 2010

1/8/10 : Mr. Country


Location:Paul's Italian VillaTwo Guys from Italy
We are meeting at this place near my work in about an hour, and I already know a little about this guy: He lives on a farm, career in gun making or something and is a son of one of my parents friend's of a friend....I already know he isn't my type, but to appease my mother I told her I would go out and try to have fun. Whats one dinner, right?...and "Who knows" is what my mom likes to tell me...but this guy honestly already has so much stalked up against him in my mind that I don't even know if he has any kind of fair shot! Sorry dude! haha
But, we'll see. Maybe the new hair will allow me to not be SO judgmental...but I think its just me being picky and knowing exactly what I want!...
I'll post more after the date....
I also have another date tomorrow afternoon, so there should be at least two good stories for you to read this weekend! Excited? Good! Cause me? Not so much...same conversations over and over...it is tiring!
So the date was full of awkward pauses, short answers and just all around basic uncomfortableness...let me start from the beginning...the place he had chosen originally had closed down, so we settled on another Italian joint which was way more casual from what he said anyhow- which I liked better just coming from work!...So, we walk in the door of this little place and I start to walk, then he starts to walk...he then stops and tells me to go ahead- without letting me take a step, he begins to walk again. I tell him to go and this continues for some time before I finally raised my hands and motioned for him to get a move on already! We sit and a table full of elderly women begin to sing! Yes, that's right! A full table of about 12 elderly women who are also patrons of the restaurant begin to SING, randomly! It took me by surprise and was a nice distraction from conversation with this guy who I already knew was not my type for about 5 minutes! During dinner was discussion about him living on a farm and not liking the city, shopping at Walmarts and Kmarts only for clothes, not liking to spend any money, going to gun shows, wearing cowboy hat every day of high school, playing the fiddle...you get my point already, I'm sure!...I have no idea why this guy is in California..he needs to be living in Kentucky or something...seriously! I'm all for grazing on a nice hot buff wrangler man from the billboards, but this...was not one of them! The only thing that saved the night was a mutual interest in karaoke, which was the main topic of the night, which is a hard topic to stretch out all throughout dinner...but the random singing women made it kind of easy. He seemed interested but the black nail polish and tattoos I think took him off guard. lol. The singing women serenaded us with one more song as they left the restaurant and we said our goodbyes.
Plus: He paid for dinner despite the fact he doesn't like to spend any money.

I have a lunch date tomorrow at Father's Office in Santa Monica and regardless how bad the date will probably be, cause I am batting 0% as of now...the burgers there are the best ever, so it will be a good day!

January 6, 2010

1/5/10: Mr. T


Location: El Torito
A nice close place to me which allowed me to get out of my apartment and take a stroll on a lovely Tuesday evening after being cooped up in my apt all day being sick. When I walk up, my date was talking to a friend he happened to see in the parking lot. He says hi to me and continus talking to his buddy without any introduction. After about 3 minutes they say their goodbyes and his friend leaves without so much as a glance in my direction. (I think this is rude! It is common courtesy to acknowledge a womans presence)...so if this is his friend, I am sure he doesn't have manners either. I try not to let the encounter bother me too much and to give this guy a shot.
The bar was nearly full due to Taco Tuesday and my date states he doesn't want to go up because he might see someone he knows. This stricks me as odd: Does he not want to be seen with me or something? The original plan was super casual/drinks and chips&salsa at El Torito and with it being Taco Tuesday I knew I could get a super cheap meal cause I am broke!...I assumed we would be in the bar...but instead, after his comment he asks for a booth. I try not to think TOO much into his comment and try to have a good time still. The conversation was lacking to say the least. Everything was "SICK" or "WICKED" or some kind of reference to his car. Definitely a boy and not yet a man! He talked about "popping my street racing cherry", which meant he wanted to take me to an illegal street race in which he frequents in COMPTON to make cash. Umm...no thanks! He also admittedly tells me he doesn't want anything serious for a while. He just wants to hang out and get to know a lot of people. Did he not read my profile?! I do not want to just hang out! I date to find Mr. Right, not Mr. T.
The check comes and I do the offer to test him, and he take me up on it. To ease the pain of the night I ask for a shot of tequila on top of the 2 margarehittas I had throughout dinner before we pay so that I wouldn't be so bummed out when I got home. He made it a point to tell the waiter the shot goes on my half!...What a winner!...
On the way out he asks if I want to see his car. Since he had been talking about it all night long, I said sure, expecting to see some awesome, tricked out beautiful little fast car...instead it was a beaten down blue piece of crap with, from what I heard, a super fast motor. It's fine to be passionate about something, I get it, but...illegal street racing and spending every penny on a car just isn't someone who is husband material in my eyes! If I hang out with Mr. T again, it will be as just friends!

I have a date on Friday with someone my mom kind of set me up with- a friend of a friend's son...who lives on a FARM and is a co-owner of his family's gun business...I already know he is TOO Country for me..but I am doing it as a favor for my mom. I guess he likes karaoke and you know how I love to sing...so regardless we should have fun, even if I have to sing Country songs. lol I will keep y'all posted, ya'hear?

January 4, 2010

New Years Update

So, New Years was without the midnight kiss from a prince, but it was spent with some good friends and only one mini melt down. Being at a party with all couples was a little hard on this night but I delt and had had a great time other then the 15 minute breather outside to gather myself after midnight.

While the first weekend of 2010 was spent with family, the first week still holds some promise with 2 dates already scheduled. I also learned what "DTF" means on IM's...while I am not "DTF", I did get the proposition and he did not get a date. lol!

For those that are not yet aware, "DTF" means down to f$%k.

So, I will keep you posted on what happens in 2010...