I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

January 9, 2010

1/8/10 : Mr. Country


Location:Paul's Italian VillaTwo Guys from Italy
We are meeting at this place near my work in about an hour, and I already know a little about this guy: He lives on a farm, career in gun making or something and is a son of one of my parents friend's of a friend....I already know he isn't my type, but to appease my mother I told her I would go out and try to have fun. Whats one dinner, right?...and "Who knows" is what my mom likes to tell me...but this guy honestly already has so much stalked up against him in my mind that I don't even know if he has any kind of fair shot! Sorry dude! haha
But, we'll see. Maybe the new hair will allow me to not be SO judgmental...but I think its just me being picky and knowing exactly what I want!...
I'll post more after the date....
I also have another date tomorrow afternoon, so there should be at least two good stories for you to read this weekend! Excited? Good! Cause me? Not so much...same conversations over and over...it is tiring!
So the date was full of awkward pauses, short answers and just all around basic uncomfortableness...let me start from the beginning...the place he had chosen originally had closed down, so we settled on another Italian joint which was way more casual from what he said anyhow- which I liked better just coming from work!...So, we walk in the door of this little place and I start to walk, then he starts to walk...he then stops and tells me to go ahead- without letting me take a step, he begins to walk again. I tell him to go and this continues for some time before I finally raised my hands and motioned for him to get a move on already! We sit and a table full of elderly women begin to sing! Yes, that's right! A full table of about 12 elderly women who are also patrons of the restaurant begin to SING, randomly! It took me by surprise and was a nice distraction from conversation with this guy who I already knew was not my type for about 5 minutes! During dinner was discussion about him living on a farm and not liking the city, shopping at Walmarts and Kmarts only for clothes, not liking to spend any money, going to gun shows, wearing cowboy hat every day of high school, playing the fiddle...you get my point already, I'm sure!...I have no idea why this guy is in California..he needs to be living in Kentucky or something...seriously! I'm all for grazing on a nice hot buff wrangler man from the billboards, but this...was not one of them! The only thing that saved the night was a mutual interest in karaoke, which was the main topic of the night, which is a hard topic to stretch out all throughout dinner...but the random singing women made it kind of easy. He seemed interested but the black nail polish and tattoos I think took him off guard. lol. The singing women serenaded us with one more song as they left the restaurant and we said our goodbyes.
Plus: He paid for dinner despite the fact he doesn't like to spend any money.

I have a lunch date tomorrow at Father's Office in Santa Monica and regardless how bad the date will probably be, cause I am batting 0% as of now...the burgers there are the best ever, so it will be a good day!

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