I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

January 28, 2010

1/27/10: Mr. Pro-Surfer


Location: TBD
Got a random IM from this guy who is mutual friends with a couple of my friends and who I had talked to several random times in the past on facebook...he IMs me..."u wanna go out tonight?"...He is really cute and a pro surfer, but i have no idea what to expect from him at all. He says it is up to me what I want to do for our date. I almost don't want to go out, because I may seem desperate to jump on his first request for the same day...but it is a Wednesday, and I don't have any plans...and according to my experienced single dating guru friend, it is ok to accept a same day date if it is a weeknight. So, I get to pick what we do, but I dunno if he is a gentleman yet (meaning if he will pay or not), so I need to error on the side of caution!....Problem is, his facebook chat keeps logging off and we havent even exchanged phone numbers, so this may not actually happen at all...I'll post when I know more. ;)
UPDATE Didn't happen. I don't think he really wanted to take me out so much as hook up!...When I kinda laid the no hook up thing out there at first he was like "Oh, ya, no- I dont wanna hook up like that, I just want to take you out"...but then he stopped talking and didn't get in touch with me again last night...so...just as well! :P
Kelly Clarkson said it all, "I Do Not Hook Up!". I am looking for something more meaningful and long lasting.

I have an early brunch with a YOUNGIN on Saturday who has begged me for a date for a couple months now, but he lives in Utah Arizona (and is 19!!!)...his mom works for an airline and I guess he can fly whenever, wherever for free and got a flight in for Saturday morning!...Planned for a brunch, cause what is more innocent than a Saturday brunch?...He is only 19 years old!!! I don't know what he sees in me, but I'll get a brunch out of it at least! He will fly out around 1pm, so no loose ends there!....I asked him why he wanted to take me out, me, being almost 9 years his senior and he tells me he thinks I am super hot- hotter than Megan Fox...um...ya...not so much!...YOUNGIN has some work to do on his lines! At least knock it down to comparing to the #13th hottest woman in the world, eh?...

2nd date with Mr. Midwest is Saturday night. He wants a chill night at my apartment to cook dinner and watch a movie...I am not sure I am completely comfortable with a home date so early...that is guaranteed "I wanna cuddle" guy code! Saturday is still a few days away, so we'll see what happens! Any thoughts on the subject from the peanut gallery?!?!

As of January 31 I would have been on dates with 8 different guys so far in the year 2010. If I keep this up, it would be just shy of 100 by years end!...I really hope I don't have to go through 96 first dates though- that would suck, unless by first dates we are talking "REALITY" bachelor style where someone flies me to Rome for dinner or something crazy! hahaha

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