I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

January 6, 2010

1/5/10: Mr. T


Location: El Torito
A nice close place to me which allowed me to get out of my apartment and take a stroll on a lovely Tuesday evening after being cooped up in my apt all day being sick. When I walk up, my date was talking to a friend he happened to see in the parking lot. He says hi to me and continus talking to his buddy without any introduction. After about 3 minutes they say their goodbyes and his friend leaves without so much as a glance in my direction. (I think this is rude! It is common courtesy to acknowledge a womans presence)...so if this is his friend, I am sure he doesn't have manners either. I try not to let the encounter bother me too much and to give this guy a shot.
The bar was nearly full due to Taco Tuesday and my date states he doesn't want to go up because he might see someone he knows. This stricks me as odd: Does he not want to be seen with me or something? The original plan was super casual/drinks and chips&salsa at El Torito and with it being Taco Tuesday I knew I could get a super cheap meal cause I am broke!...I assumed we would be in the bar...but instead, after his comment he asks for a booth. I try not to think TOO much into his comment and try to have a good time still. The conversation was lacking to say the least. Everything was "SICK" or "WICKED" or some kind of reference to his car. Definitely a boy and not yet a man! He talked about "popping my street racing cherry", which meant he wanted to take me to an illegal street race in which he frequents in COMPTON to make cash. Umm...no thanks! He also admittedly tells me he doesn't want anything serious for a while. He just wants to hang out and get to know a lot of people. Did he not read my profile?! I do not want to just hang out! I date to find Mr. Right, not Mr. T.
The check comes and I do the offer to test him, and he take me up on it. To ease the pain of the night I ask for a shot of tequila on top of the 2 margarehittas I had throughout dinner before we pay so that I wouldn't be so bummed out when I got home. He made it a point to tell the waiter the shot goes on my half!...What a winner!...
On the way out he asks if I want to see his car. Since he had been talking about it all night long, I said sure, expecting to see some awesome, tricked out beautiful little fast car...instead it was a beaten down blue piece of crap with, from what I heard, a super fast motor. It's fine to be passionate about something, I get it, but...illegal street racing and spending every penny on a car just isn't someone who is husband material in my eyes! If I hang out with Mr. T again, it will be as just friends!

I have a date on Friday with someone my mom kind of set me up with- a friend of a friend's son...who lives on a FARM and is a co-owner of his family's gun business...I already know he is TOO Country for me..but I am doing it as a favor for my mom. I guess he likes karaoke and you know how I love to sing...so regardless we should have fun, even if I have to sing Country songs. lol I will keep y'all posted, ya'hear?

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