I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 21, 2010

2/20/10: Mr. Baby Face


Location: Lazy Dog Cafe/Sunset Terrace
After a day with family and friends at a low-key, non alcoholic BBQ, I got a text from Mr. Baby Face asking to meet up for drinks. Since I had no other plans, he was a good guy in the past and I was in need of a cocktail, I decide to meet up locally for a drink. It has been since December since I have seen this guy, so it was almost like he was starting all over with me.
He snagged a couple chairs next to a fire pit outside the restaurant and I join him in the awkward 20 minutes with forced conversations about work and general life since we last spoke. I don't remember him looking so much like a Leonardo DiCaprio/Seth Macfarlene mix last time, but he lacks the wit, charm, humor and sexiness I imagine them both to have.
My sister then texts me that she is right down the street. I invite her and her boyfriend over to join us in some drinks. ( This, mind you was not setup as a "DATE", but rather a chance to grab a couple drinks only. )  I honestly don't think I could have lasted the evening without her and her boyfriend!! I may have gotten up to use the rest room and left if it hadn't been for the fact the door of the restaurant was in clear view from the outside patio where we were seated, and the fact I am a good person on the outside. lol
He was so quiet and so boring. Granted, throwing family in on the mix when a guy may be trying to work his "magic" may not have been the easiest challenge I could have given him, but my dream guy would be ready for anything and be able to hold a conversation no matter the company. This guy, definitely not him. He did offer to pay for the drinks- the check came to under $25, which was nice- but it sort of defeats the purpose if you announce you just paid when you lean in for a kiss...(which he was denied of because of this fact)
We say goodbye to my sister and her boyfriend and head over to another local drinking hole since Mr. Baby Face begged me to not end the night yet. He wanted some alone time with me...which WAS sweet of him to ask for, even though he should have made his intentions clear from the beginning and when I was texting my sister earlier in the night.
We arrive at the Sunset Terrace, belly up to the bar, order 2 drinks (1 each) and head outside to avoid the crowds. Immediately I see 2 people from my past, say our hellos and introductions of friends and dates, then notice a friend of a friend who looks oddly familiar....
Back when I was 15, I met an older waiter at Sizzler while dining with my family. This guy had given me his phone number and he had come to my home to pick me up for our one and only date. We ended up making out back then (This was before I was picky and perhaps the beginning of my woes) and then I never saw him again.
This guy was standing in front of me now after 13 years. Let's call him Mr. Sizzler, since I don't know all that much about him now. Oddly, Mr. Sizzler remembered me and even more details from our date way back when then I. He was amazed I recognized him and his enthusiasm for the randomness spilled over into our night. The alone time Mr. Baby Face was looking for never did come! We ended up talking to Mr. Sizzler the entire night as he refused to leave the conversation and both Mr. Baby Face and I are too nice to ask him to move away from us. The place was crowded and in order to talk we had to be outside- with the only working heater being where we were and where Mr. Sizzler and his friends were, we were stuck. Mr. Baby Face was able to carry on a conversation with Mr. Sizzler, so much so that at one point Mr. Baby Face handed Mr. Sizzler his phone for something and somehow he knew where to look to grab my phone number all covertly, because on my way home I receive a call from Mr. Sizzler who says he stole my number!

Mr. Baby Face was doing the arm around my shoulder thing all night as to mark his "territory" or something. I kept trying to re-position myself so he couldn't bring me in, but he never got the hint! He kept doing it, even when we were walking to the cars..I HATE THAT!
I had said my goodbyes to Mr. Baby Face who was still, after our night out at two locations being a bust for him and his attempted alone time failed miserably, was trying to get me to invite him over to my apartment to watch a movie. At this point it was 1am and I was tired...well, tired of him and his boring ass! He leaned in for a kiss, stuck his tongue out, trying to get me to reciprocate at which time I turn my cheek. Hopefully he got the point, but I am not certain as I have denied him before and he continues to call.....
Why must I be so irresistible? LMAO! j/k!
What is the right way to gently turn someone down when the chemistry is one sided?

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