I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 17, 2010

2/17/10: Mr. One More

Location: Lucy's 51
The weirdest first date EVER!...After a week of emailing back and fourth after "meeting" on okcupid.com, he seemed like a normal "good guy", so I decided to meet him after work for Happy Hour on a Wednesday in Burbank. His profile said he was a non smoker, but I walked in the back and he was smoking in the lounge...a turn off, but not a deal breaker. He seemed nice at first- we met and he excused himself to the restroom...I made friend with the only other women in the room at the time. I am not one to miss out on meeting someone new, or rather, one to wait fora guy to make me entertained!..So I made friends...This could have been the reason for the downfall of the night...Since I had made friends, my new friends, Beth-Ann and Nikki-Renee (both half African American, super cool, but super drunk at 8pm girls), would not leave us alone all night, even after learning it was our first date!...Talks about wine, relaity television, healthcare....Poor Mr. One More couldn't handle one more woman on his date!...And then enters Miss PS...(Plastic Surgery)...A self proclaimed "artist" walks in, starts a monologue, then giggles and steals a cigarette  from my one of the girls we were talking to, randomly. We all share a giggle and hope she walks away, but she does not!...She proclaims her dissatisfaction with the cig, hands it BACK to the girl and bums another off my date!...She continues to be "around" while we try to have our own conversation  but fail miserably! Finaly Beth-Ann and Nikki-Renee leave for the night but PS continues to hang out with us, even though we have shared many annoyed looks and hints...Throughout it all, Mr. One More seemed generally into me and seemed to appreciate I was a go with the flow kind of girl and didnt seem OVERLY annoyed at the situation....This turned weird though when Miss PS SAT ON MY LAP AND SHOVED HER TONGUE DOWN MY THROAT! NO freaking joke!.....I had no time to react!!! She was clearly older then 29 years  old and a total coke head....Mr. One More though seemed VERY into it, even though I gave him the stareof death combined with the GET ME THE HELL OUT OF THIS SITUATION look...obviously he didn't know either and went in to kiss me...I refused and allowed a peck on the check! He kept talking about how hot it was that we kissed. I tried to argue it wasn't a kiss, but a molestation, and he didnt't hear, or didn't care...I thought he was a genltleman, but I guiess every guy these days dreams of a threesome, huh?
So, ...I went up to the bar...to order another drink, to find out, the owner was refusing me another drink, (although I had just ONE), because he didnt like that I WAS MAKING OUT WITH BOTH THE GIRL AND THE GUY ON THE PATIO!...So, needless to say, the night didnt last much longer...
While I was up at the bar, attempting to get a drink, or even a glass of water...(which ended unsuccessfully), Mr. One more was in the lounge area talking with Miss PS...It lasted about 20 minutes!...He finally came back to me at the bar after Miss PS left...at that time, I called it a night!...
I hadnt had any dinner and at 10pm near home, I drove through Jack In The Box drive thru. The drive thru guy flirted with me more than my date this evening!!!...
Weirdest First date ever!

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