I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 14, 2010

2/13/10: Mr. Drummer Boy


Location: Huntington Central Park Disk Golf Course+Main Street

So, giving Mr. Drummer Boy the benefit of the doubt and agreeing to trying something new on a gorgeous Sat afternoon in Huntington Beach, proved to be the wrong choice. While Disk Golf would be a fun date option for some, Mr. Drummer Boy was all too intensely serious about it. First, he was over an hour late because he was researching discs to purchase. Since I had driven down, I thought I may as well wait and try to be patient.When he finally arrived, he spent another 30 minutes talking to the pro shop guy about discs...Now, I could understand if you were trying to be all pro or whatever in a sport, but he himself had only gone 3 other times before and this was suppose to be a fun date...not a serious "disk golf" lesson...They are freaking FRISBEE's ...ugh. Well, I TRIED to look past all that and attempted to have fun playing a new "sport". Many opportunities for fun and flirting, but this guy barely said two words ALL 18 "holes"!!! no joke! I think he was actually pissed off that I caught on so well and was doing as good if not better then him! Even when I hit a squirrel with a frisbee and I was busting up, he barely chuckled and kept throwing his disc....I wanted to go after like the 12th hole but he was determined to get all 18 in, even after sunset...we could barely see on the non-lite field finishing the last 2 holes and treading through mud- I was wearing sandals!...After the 18th hole, I was ready for a margarehitta and neither of us had eaten all day- so we headed down to Main Street in Huntington. We parked and then walked out to the pier...not to be romantic, not even in the slightest! ha! He wanted to "check out the waves"...literally. It was cold and windy on the pier and we walked just to where the waves were breaking and then walked back.We ate at Fred's Mexican Cantina where I enjoyed a very large margi and watched Mr. Drummer Boy as he excused himself to use the restroom, only to go to the next room over to flirt with a group of 18 year olds where I could clearly see through the glass. I sat through him talking about how he hates Valentines Day, how he hates girls from California and can't wait to move to Colorado, how he has always had a crush on black women but never dated one...oh, it was a hoot! All I could think about was getting home to write about him, trying to remember all the details and adding notes on my iphone under the table without him knowing. This was truly an experience!...To top it off, he asked the waitress who was clearly no older than 21 what days she works so he can come visit her again!...Mr. Drummer Boy does NOT have any reason to be so full of himself! A 33 year old who is at the most 5'9 1/2, prolly weighs a good 220 or so (not muscle)...Wear a permanent sweater...ewww...has not had a girlfriend in 9 years according to himself...I just dont get why these types of guys are like this! He wasn't HORRIBLE looking, but his attitude and personality made him one of the ugliest people I've met. He had to drive me back to his place in Redondo to get my car- classic rock on the radio, quite typical...then his confession of having romantic fantasies about Mrs. Huxtable since he was like 7 came! Mrs. Huxtable...not one of the daughters!...Just seemed weird to me, but then the realization that the Motown Dinner the previous night was likely not as RANDOM as he first told me...He turned on the movie Ali and raved how gorgeous he thought the female lead is as well. It was all making sense...There was a theme going on or so it appeared and my big ass was the only commonality I could come up with! His one attempt to be romantic in the slightest all day was right before I walked out. "Will you lay on top of me?"-Him....
"Um...REALLY, Dude!?...No!" -Me
I walked out to never return again!...
Happy Valentines to me!

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