I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 24, 2010

2/23/10: Mr. Double Personality


Location: Crown & Anchor
Reminding me of a backwards GarthBrooks/Chris Gaines, I met Mr. Double Personality on OkCupid.com a couple days ago after a super cheesy, over the top pickup line including "I'd just like to say you are by far the most gorgeous girl ive ever seen in my whole world....by far..and this is not a line, I swear"...ya, not a line, my ass! HAHAH...However, I was flattered. ;) (Who wouldn't be, right?)
Mr. Double Personality and I wrote back and forth a couple of times and once I learned he was leaving for Nashville due to a country recording contract soon, I agreed to meet up as friends who love music since he was so local and seemed to know people I know. It was innocent since we both knew he was leaving and not looking to get into a relationship. Totally casual on a Tuesday evening, we met at a local watering hole for some food and a drink. 
Upon first meeting Mr. Double Personality I was not at all attracted. I purchased myself a beer at the bar just before he arrived and in my mind was giving him 5 minutes only before I slipped out he back door.
He was not at all as he appeared on his profile. On his profile he came across as a down to earth Cowboy with mid-west values. In person he appeared much more LA/rock and had stonner eyes. LOL
He talked about his old rock band, his famous friends...including Brianna Bank (the porn star), his current country recording contract, all of which was suppose to impress me. It seemed much more like a date date then we first discussed, with talks about family, past life experiences etc. 
The more time went on, the more he seemed to appeal to me. He was a very nice guy with a seemingly good heart, but just wrong execution at first. I didnt even know his real name until half way through out night. He has a stage name he uses for his country singing....I think once he realized I am not the typical LA girl who is impressed with money and names he backed off a little and got more real with me. I even found out he was offered a job at my company awhile back but he had turned it down since it wasn't enough money for him...but that means he is smart, artistic and musical...
Once we finished our drink I called it a night, but not before making a new friend and planning a karaoke night for the future. (It will be nice to sing with someone who can actually sing!..I am kind of excited about that! haha)
As we were leaving,  we realized we were both going to the same apartment complex- he was meeting friends for poker (He doesn't have any full time job and lives off money left by family members and what he makes from the recording contract)...and I was going to bed...since he didnt drive (he likes to walk everywhere he can or take taxi's...I am not entirely sure if he has a car although he said he does, 2), I gave him a ride but didn't point out which apartment was mine, just to be safe! ;)
Not a romantic connection, but a nice guy after he shed the BS! LOL

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