I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 13, 2010

2/12/10: Mr. Drummer Boy


Location: Cafe Cordiale 
After a not so great day and after a long nap, I decided to be spontaneous and agreed to a last minute date with Mr. Drummer Boy. We had planned to meet up tomorrow but neither of us had Fri night plans and were bored, so we thought we might as well move it up a night. Now, this guy has already told me a relationship wouldn't work because of the distance; he lives in Redondo, so we already set a non-expectation of each other, just drinks and dinner...something to do, someone new to meet. We met half way in Sherman Oaks at this cafe blues club place he had just kind of randomly picked on a map. Turns out, it was R&B night and we were two out of four white people there. I felt like I was back on the Detroit motown Dinner Cruise! It was awesome though! The band was amazing and all the people there were so cool/soulful and just downright fun! I think there was an entire defensive line from a football team there...the food was good, service was great...conversation was a little slow to warm up and he was kinda grundgy in a hoody, but after a little while, and an awkward compliment, (He said I was as pretty as a woman on a Russian Mail Order Bride Website...kinda disturbing...but his way of saying I looked like a model- he had to explain that to me and could have done without telling me so blatantly that he had looked at a mail order bride website! hahaha)...he seemed to loosen up a little and had a nice personality behind his long curly hair and beard. (Not long long, but longer then I'm use to)...It's weird though...these online guys just want to talk about their and my experiences with others we've meet from the website...it's kind of weird talking about other dates, but with the stories I have, I guess it makes for an easy opening. After dinner and one drink at Cafe Cordiale, we walked across the street to Cozy's where he had an old band friend playing in a Blues group. He seemed to like me and introduced me to his friend and invited me to play disk golf with him tomorrow. I've never played actual Frisbee golf before, just the youth group "hit that tree over there" kind back in middle school. I havent decided if I wanna go yet. It would be in Huntington Beach and it should be a gorgeous day for it...I'm just not sure I want to spend the gas/money to drive down there, especially since I don't really care for hairy chests, which he has. lol. We would be on the beach and I'm sure he would be shirtless at least sometime tomorrow...We'll see if I feel up for the drive. It would be fun to get out and try something new though. It's been awhile!...(Oh, btw: The reason I named him Mr. Drummer Boy is because, you guessed it, he plays the drums. He is in a band that has opened for Bob Dylan I guess...just musical and mostly blues-y stuff. He also works as a supervisor in a call center for electronics, so we have that in common)...

Still no Valentine, although I have had a couple offers...just none I've wanted to agree to yet. lol..If I am alone on Sunday, it's my own fault, really- I would just rather be alone than with someone I don't REALLY like!

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