I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

February 21, 2010

Q&A Round 1

So, my posts have been a favorite among friends and acquaintances for a couple months, and I have received many questions, which I feel are substantial enough to include in my blog, so here we go...

Q: Where on earth are you meeting these guys at?
A: Most from online dating sites. Currently I am on gooddatela.com and okcupid.com. I was on plentyoffish.com for one day before they closed my account for (still) unknown reasons, even after three other attempts.

Q: Why don't you try more crediable sites like match or eharmony?
A: I am cheap. I don't feel I am at a point in my life (yet) to have to PAY to get a date. I want to meet mr. right but not at $29.99/month. The man of my dreams wouldn't need that sort of site either! Ideally, I wouldn't meet someone online- I am hoping that through my experiences I somehow link up with someone who knows someone or spot the love of my life somewhere randomly and exchange numbers the old fashioned way...This online dating is new to me and is a way to keep my options and mind open to people I wouldn't have the chance to meet in my daily life. You never know, right?

Q: Why do you feel it necessary that the guy pay for the first date?
A: I am an old fashioned girl when it comes to guys and I feel like a guy should WANT to impress a girl and WANT to pay for the first date. I don't expect steak and lobster on a first date and I feel I am really simple to please...buy me a hot tea at Starbucks or an appetizer and drink on happy hour prices, and I'm happy.

Q: Why don't you give some of these guys a 2nd chance? First dates can be really awkward and not a great indicator of who the guy really is.
A: I agree that a first date can be awkward, however after the first date you know whether or not you like someone. If I know a 2nd date will just end in a handshake, I don't want to waste my time or the guys. There is either chemistry or there isn't and any situation I am put in, that can cancel out the power of chemistry.

Q: your expectations seem a little unreasonable. You ever think to maybe lower your expectations a little?
A: Not a chance. I am a girl who knows what she wants and will not settle for anything less. There are deal breakers and there are thing that can be worked out. I am not looking for Mr. Perfection, because let's face it, that is just setting myself up for disappointment! What I am looking for is Mr. Right for me!

Q: You think you maybe should spend more time talking to these guys online before meeting them?
A: No. I don't want to get carpal tunnel typing to guys that turn out to be ...well, how they have been turning out! I would rather see someone with a great profile, a great smile and a fun personality, plan a date and meet in person to see if there is any chemistry face to face. People can lie very easily online and meeting face to face cuts out the bullshit, or a lot of it, anyways!

Q: How is it you get so many dates?
A: I am awesome.

I am totally up for your questions. Send them along if you have any...post a comment!

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