I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 26, 2010

3/26/2010: Mr. Buzzygertrude


Location: Home
I could just write a blog and post the conversations some guys try to have with me...srsly!...I don't know what the screen name Buzzygertrude is suppose to mean, but I am thinking it has to do with desperation. Are these people for real?! UGH!

March 25, 2010

3/24/2010: Mr. Skype


Location: Home Computer

I am all for staying current on new technology and embraced the whole online dating thing after years and years of hesitation, however I always drew the line at webcams. I own a webcam and have for years, but never would I ever submit myself to the filth that comes from using them with men online. Just the question of "Do you have a webcam?" would turn me off from communicating further with a guy because in my mind it had a stigma of being used only for...well...ya know! OK! We are all adults here...I can just come out and say it...masturbation! 

I always refused to be associated with that "crowd", and won't even try the webcam roulette website because of it!
I am old fashioned now I suppose, in the since that I believe a first date should be face to face: I met a guy online who insisted our first date be over Skype! I absolutely refused at first, telling him if he wanted to meet me, it would need to be face to face. He lives off Wilshire in LA, which really isn't that far from me, but after his argument of spending a ton of money on girls he knew he didn't like in the first 3 minutes of a date, the gas money he had spent on driving all over southern California to meet these broads, made me feel sorry for single men a little bit, and I gave in.With a promise to stay clothed from him and a prayer it wasn't as awkward as I was thinking it would be from me, I turned on my Skype and called him.
It was just as awkward as I thought it would be! Paying more attention to how I looked in the tiny screen then what he was saying was definitely distracting! LOL. (I had to be sure I looked ok to him! C'mon! You would have done the same thing!)... There were long pauses and odd segways into conversations, it just wasn't natural! Once he grabbed a Hulk Fist (the kid toy that says things like "Hulk Smash!"), I knew this "date" was doomed!!! 
He went on to describe a serious allergy he has to wheat in detail, including what it does to him if ingested...this before I watch him cook a frozen gluten free pizza for himself and then eat it in front of me. Keep in mind now, I am out of work at the moment and eating like a starving artist! I was famished and looking forward to an actual date where I would get at least an appetizer and a drink! Instead, I get to watch this Mr. Skype eat: My only salvation was that it was a gluten free pizza with a brown rice crust- not very appetizing! :) (And oh ya, he went into that much detail about the pizza!!)
To me, the whole Skype date thing would be great for a couple who are long distance or for business trips etc., but should NOT be used for a FIRST DATE! Guys, sack up and take a girl out in real life! You don't have to spend a lot of money either! I say, start with something easy like Starbuck's. It gives you a $5 cap and an easy way out if necessary. If she is too far for you, don't initiate contact! It's that easy! Stay within your little local bubble if your not willing to drive, but know that in southern California you SHOULD be willing to drive 30-45 minutes regardless. It is OK to ask to meet half way, however if you already really like the girl, go the distance and meet her in her neck of the woods! I will cover the initial contact and meeting in more detail soon for a future post!
To conclude Mr. Skype: I will not be video chatting with him or meeting him in "real" life anytime soon. That whole gluten free lifestyle is too much a PITA for me! (pain in the ass)...I know it's a medical issue and I should be more understanding, blah blah blah...but if I am going to feel guilty every time I order something fried, it will be because of the normal "going straight to my thighs" guilt, and not one for feeling sorry for someone else who can't eat it. It could be a great way to learn how to eat better, but I can't give up wheat when I don't HAVE to! NO WAY! It would just be too much of a struggle going into any relationship already knowing that. 
Buh-Bye Mr. Skype!

March 24, 2010

Deal Breakers!

On the topic of deal breakers...I would love to hear some of YOUR deal breakers!

Post a comment and tell us!

Some of mine are:
  • Height: A guy MUST be taller then me
  • Lying: If I catch you in a lie, there will be hell to pay!
  • Flakiness: Keep your promises, be where you say you will be...it's easy!
  • Lisps: If a guy has one, I will assume he is gay. No questions asked!
  • Lazy Eye: I can't, I just can't! I need symmetry...
  • Vulgarity right off the bat: I am no angel, but there are lines!

3/23/2010: 30/M/Straight


Location: Home
If you are still single by the age of 30, I would hope you would know what pickup lines work and what don't...however, I suppose you wouldn't if you were still 30 and single...so let me give you some advice. "How long ago did you lose your virginity?" DOES NOT WORK! Perhaps if you were trying to learn the work history of a prostitute before hiring her, it would be a valid question.
Here in America, Mr. Lion2010 guys should not ask that type of question to a women they are interested in pursuing. If you still think that "this one works", good luck to you!

This too is an example of a deal breaker!

March 22, 2010

3/22/2010: 23/M/Straight


Location: Home
There is something to be said about blunt-ness, and I am all for one speaking their mind...however...when the first things said to a girl is "...I feel bad masturbating alone...mind watching my webcam", something must be said to stop all men from pursuing this non filtered approach! No girl woman who has any self dignity would want to sit at home and watch some random stranger jerk off. While I secretly had a fantasy of being on posters that every teenage boy wanted up in their room, that idea was DRASTICALLY changed once I learned what those teenage boys did while looking at those posters! Male masturbation is not attractive. I know it's a necessity, guys and I am by no means saying to never do it....I just don't wanna watch, so don't ask! It's a shame I need to even say it, but please NEVER use this guys' technique for picking up a girl...even if she is a prostitute! Have SOME tack at least! 

This is an example of a deal breaker.

March 19, 2010

3/18/2010: Mr. Mexi-can't


Location: PF Changs
Staying guarded, I meet Mr. Mexi-can't at Starbucks and in my head am giving him 20 minutes tops when he finds me and sits down. He came from work and was wearing the most hideous outfit possible with work boots and hands that showed hard work. He claimed to be 100% white boy, but looked hispanic and insisted that his fluent spanish came from supervising the staff of his father's landscape business. A likely story! ;)
I kept my guard up the entire time we were at Starbucks sticking to the general first date questions and stopping him when he asked inappropriate/vulgar inquiries. While he was walking me to my car, we ran into a mutual friend and lucky for Mr. Mexi-can't, the friend was a super sweetheart and I knew if they were friends, he can't be all that horrible...so...I give him more time and we head over to Fridays for a beer across the street.
We sat on the patio where I let my guard down a little bit and the topics become more friendly-talking about all the same people we know, I felt like he was a long time friend. Nothing really romantic there though: Just two friends hanging on the patio, drinking some beers, shootin' the shit.
Since it was getting to be dinner time-ish and I am unemployed, I took him up on his offer for dinner. I would have been fine with buffalo wings at Fridays, but he wanted to take me to PF Changs. Twist my arm!
While at Changs we played a fun little game of "Date or Daughter". The guy at the table next to us was in his 50s, clearly and the woman girl sitting across from him could not have been any older than 20!Trying to over hear some key information to determine if she was his date or his daughter, it was sealed by her talking about her 11th grade classes that got her ready for her first year of college this past year. Obviously not a topic you would talk about with your dad! So, we had fun with that and had an awesome waiter...but again, didn't feel a romantic connection with this guy even though he was trying so unbelievably hard! At one point in the evening he told me he would buy me as many drinks as it took for me to fall in love with him...(not really a selling point- for the guys reading this!) LOL...This was the beginning of the end!...
He even asked what my ring size was so he would be prepared when he takes me to Vegas...awe, how sweet! oh, no- the word I was looking for was CREEPY! (Whether joking or not, not cool!)
His main topic of the entire evening was RUFFIES! Which in context of the date was humorous since it was more a joking around, friend type of thing...but still, unpleasant and reason to error on the side of caution at all costs! After 2 drinks at dinner, Mr. Mexi-Can't cuts me off of drinks due to the fact he was running out of money. HAHAH...you can't tell a girl you will buy her as many drinks as it takes for her to fall for you and cut her off at 2...That's just not giving love a fair shot! LMAO
Walking me to my car, he goes in for the kiss even though I have told him many times throughout the evening that I will not kiss on the first date, he somehow felt he had proven himself worthy for me to break my rules. This is where the night ends.
Possible friendship if he can tone down the creep-factor and realize it's not gunna happen!

March 18, 2010

Instant Messaging/Texting

Guys, if I happen to talk to you over instant messaging on any site or through texts, think of it as if I were talking to you face to face! Don't open with a comment on how you like women in heels cause they "double as handle bars", or ask questions like "Whats your favorite sexual position" or give a compliment such as "I bet you F$%& like a porn star" or "You have a mouth that looks like it can...." (I'm not even going to finish that one!) Okay? Those are just not first talk discussion topics! Inappropriate! Keep it simple, guys. 

Some talking points:

*Family: Ask about siblings, where you both grew up, ask about any nieces or nephews...but don't ask if her sister is hot!

*Hobbies outside of work

*Ask about friends and what you normally do with your friends.  This can gain insight into how they interact with others in social settings. Is he/she a loner or does he/she only go out to bars/clubs?

*Favorite Foods, Music, Movies, Drinks etc. (great way to learn of their culinary experiences/tastes and to see if they are an alcoholic)

*Ask about traveling: Where you both have been, where you want to go...

*Career Plans (for girls, this is a great way to see how much ambition a guy has)...I don't mean talking about your current jobs- cause who wants to talk shop? I mean like the infamous "What do you wanna be when you grow up" type of topic.

*Sports: Does he/she like them? Which ones? Prefer watching on tv or live events? Does he/she play any sports?

*Dealbreakers: What are some things that you will not stand for with dates/relationships?

*If all is going well, THEN you go in for the kill and talk about future plans the two of you can make. I'm not talking way future like wedding and kids, I mean dinner date, wine tasting, hiking, etc.

Stay away from:
*Past relationships (unless SHE brings it up)


*Religion (in depth)

*ANYTHING SEXUAL (again, unless SHE initiates)
*Future plans such as wedding talk, how many kids he/she would want to have with you, etc. (It HAS happened!)...Don't ask how many dates it will take to reach "boyfriend" status!

*Try to avoid video game talk, guys. MOST women are not into them, and if they say they are, she is likely lying through her teeth to try to find some common ground with you because you are so unbelievably dull!

3/17/2010: Mr. BORING / Mr. Sober


Location: BJ's
Yes, I had two dates on the same night and it happened to be St. Patty's Day. So sue me! I was hungry and need to save money now that I am officially unemployed...lol
I met Mr. Boring online (of course) and were chatting through the day while I was updating my resume and submitting it to anything I found...and around 5pm Mr. Boring asked if I was hungry. Taking advantage of the offer, I said I could be ready in 20 minutes and meet at BJ's (his "all time favorite restaurant"...seriously!)
So, as I walk up, decked out in my green scarf and green bandanna bracelet, Mr. Boring pretends to not see me and acts surprised when I walk right up to him. Right away I could tell I would be doing most of the talking during our date. We go through the awkward "do we shake, do we hug" dance for a couple seconds till I just say f it and pull him in for a hug. He isn't going to get anything else tonight, so I may as well give him that much!
We are seated and right away I am bored. I try to make conversation but there really wasn't anything there. He does government work; something with satellites on Port Hueneme base and his idea of FUN is gaming, karate and frisbee. I tried to get more out of him like "hanging with friends" or "wine tasting"...anything other then video games and working out alone, but no such luck. Mr. Boring has no friends. Mr. Boring also talks very very soft, so much so half way through I stopped straining my ears to hear him and just resorted to nodding and smiling. Trying to get an actual conversation going was like pulling teeth! I am a fast-paced, fun, outgoing, energetic girl and especially on a day like St. Patty's and the day I quit my job, I wanted to have some fun! This was not the date for such things!
One good thing Mr. Boring liked: Avocado Eggrolls! They are so good at BJ's! haha...
Physically, Mr. Boring looked like Skelator (without the muscles). His profile pic was definitely not taken recently! His face was kind of sunken in and he hunched over all awkwardly...He had the height, but not the build I am attracted to.He paid, walked me to my car (both excellent qualities) but we said our goodbyes without another hug or plans for a repeat date.
Onto Date #2!

Location: Crown & Anchor
Being St. Patty's and all, the only local pub was crowded...who woulda thunk it? I show up and find awesome parking right away and get in LINE...(yes! A LINE AT CROWN!) After about 15 minutes or so waiting, I get a text from Mr. Sober saying he is down the street. Before he can get there, I am waived inside. I could have waited for him, but I didn't wanna. ;)
I belly up to the bar and order a beer. I receive another text saying he can't find parking and will be another 15 minutes or so. I wait around outside on the patio, taking in the sights of the already drunken crowd (it was only 7:45)...After 15 minutes I receive yet another text saying he is walking up...but he must have parked at my apartment because it took him yet anther 15 minutes or so- then he had to wait in line to get in. I spot him and he looks better then his profile pic ;)
Very cute! I say hi from across the patio and it isn't long before he is inside....the bar, you perv!
Crown on St. Patty's isn't the greatest place for a first date, but I felt like I already knew him- we had been exchanging messages and phone calls for several days, have a lot in common: family, humor, interests...so it wasn't that awkward- it was just difficult to talk.
Oh, did I forget to mention, he doesn't drink. At all. Never, Ever!
This clearly won't work out!
He doesn't have a problem however being at bars or buying beers, which is a plus. Oh, and he wore green, so I know he isn't a major bore! One thing I thought was very odd however is the fact he was in awe of the bagpipe players. He walked inside to use the restroom and I didn't see him for quit some time...so I walk in and there he is, just watching the pipes play. He didn't apologize for not coming back out or waiving me inside or anything. It was a little odd. Then he asks one of the "band members" if they have a cd. Who wants a cd of traditional bagpipe music? It struck me as a little off!
While he was cute and owns his own PR firm, I didn't feel a real romantic connection from him. Maybe it was the bag pipes that threw me off...
He left around 10 or so with nothing more then a hug and a waive from the parking lot. 
I stayed with a friend and hit on an extremely tall basketball player. hahah

March 13, 2010

3/11/2010: Mr. P(rude)


Location: Sushi Restaurant
I am not your most wild, out of control, boozing sex maniac, loud mouth curser of a woman, but I am no prude either. I really didn't think about it much until this Thursday when I was out with Mr. Prude himself!
I met Mr. Prude at a local sushi place (cause I really can't get enough of the damn stuff, obviously!) and we sat at the bar where I was greeted by the staff who have grown a costumed to my face. Mr. Prude thought it was weird they knew me by name and that they brought me a beer before I even could be seated fully. ha! Little did I know, Mr. Prude doesn't drink and thinks women who drink are the devil. Well, okay, so he didn't say that but he may as well have! 
So I also ordered sake. ;)
I'm not into pretending I am anything short of what I am...and I like me some sake with my bait! I also knew it bothered him and 30 seconds into the date I knew I didn't care, so I figured what the hell!
Mr. Prude is a caretaker of a disabled college student and just moved to California several months ago for the job from Arkansas. He seemed sweet, but way too sheltered for me. I thought giving a "good guy" a shot would be fun for a change. Maybe I would be treated nicely. I was however, not aware of how "good" Mr. Prude was.
Thankfully for the purpose of my story telling, we were seated next to the most fowl mouthed, openly bi-sexual, clearly wasted at 7pm woman I have ever had the pleasure of hearing! Seriously, this dame said the word "FUCK" (NO JOKE) every 3rd word. I counted 53 "fuck's" in three minutes and gave up on counting any further! It was just who she was and she didn't care who heard her or her overly descriptive topics and discussions. This made Mr. Prude obviously uncomfortable and the date very awkward! We ended up just kind of staring at one another while we listened to this broad. I attempted to ignore her and have our own conversation and in doing so I slipped in a couple curses of my own, not really meaning to (words like "shit" and "damn"); Mr. Prude was highly offended. So much so that he asks to end the night after one roll and tell me that I am not a "lady". He compared me to the loud mouth fuck girl who openly shared with the restaurant that she would "spread her legs for a hot chick or big dick any day" ...now that was classy! So, yes...Mr Prude thought I was as bad as her with my booze and my swearing and the fact I live with two guys!
Welcome to California Mr. Prude...you're gunna have a hell of a time here! ;)

March 10, 2010

3/10/2010: Mr. Inappropriate/Mr. Shy Guy

Location: Text Messaging
Over instant messaging on a dating website I met Mr. Inappropriate and exchanged numbers after general inquires were answered. He didn't seem inappropriate at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have given him my number to continue or conversation over texts. (DUH!)
While I was out with friends for dinner, Mr. Inappropriate earned his name over texts. Knowing I work in technical support, his first question wasn't that out of line. "Where do you work", he asked me. Not wanting to give the name of the company for fear he would get creepy, my fear was realized with his second and third questions! "What turns you off in a guy" and "How many kids do you want?". No joke! What kind of follow up questions are those?
Once I answered with smart ass remarks he continues with "Do you want boys or girls?", and before I can even answer, I get "Well I can give you a boy. I am big and dominant"...
As I show my friends his lame questions and comments, he calls.
I ignore.
I get a notification there is a voicemail and before I can even scroll over to my voicemail page, I get another text! "Did you get my voicemail?"
SeRioUSlY dude?!
Curious as to what was so urgent, I listen to the voicemail...well, it took me awhile to get through it because I was laughing so hard at the sound of his voice. Before I even tried to get through it, I had to share with my friends...
He sounded like a large black linebacker! I had seen pics online and he appeared to be an all american white boy...but, then again...who knows!!!
Once I finally got over the voice, I listened to the message and there was nothing urgent about it. I suppose I just wasn't responding to his texts quick enough for his liking! I ignored him for the next hour or so and went about my life.
Around 10pm I receive, "hello?" and then 5 minutes later, "I hope your in a bath all naked and wet. That's how I am imagining you anyway!"...
Inappropriate and creepy!

Update on Mr. Shy Guy
Around 10:45pm I receive an email from Mr. Shy Guy after not hearing from him since last Saturday. I was trying to play it cool since he was the only guy I've actually been excited to see again, but after 5 days, I decided to be pro active and shoot him a text to say hi earlier around noon. In this day and age, most people have text on their phone and I knew he did because we had texted before and after our date. Irregardless, the email I received was almost too professionally written, using the words "divulge" and "nevertheless". The jist was that he was sorry for the delay in response and had some sort of personal "incident" occur. He asked me to only email him and not text as he gets charged for each message. Understandable, but a part of me still thinks it may be because he just doesnt want to get texts as he may have someone else checking his phone?!...
He ended with "I'll contact you when things get better for me"....That is guy code for "Don't call me, I'll call you", right? Or am I reading too much into it and should be more compassionate and understanding?
Hmm...the games we play  :/

March 9, 2010

3/9/2010: Mr. Bada Bling


Location: Taco Tuesday, El Torito
When you have been in jail and trim your eyebrows on purpose to cut 3 slashes in them to represent the "West Side", as well as gage your ear holes large enough to shove huge fake diamonds in them, while wearing every possible memorabilia for the Dodgers possible and flashing your goofy ass smile displaying your missing tooth....I am not going to be interested in anything you have to say....especially when I learn later in the conversation that you have a girlfriend.....
Nuff said.
And another note- when you stare at me all night long from the corner of the bar, looking cute but never coming to talk because you are "afraid" I am with 3 guy friends...you sir are not confident enough to be with me. If I give you a look like, "Hey there! I might be interested in you" while ignoring my guy friends talking...that is a green light to make a move. Even if you don't want to come over to me with my friends, at least motion for me to meet up with you on your turf!....Don't just leave without making a move! Lesson here guys, take it!
(And yes, I could have made a move on my own...I know this)

3/9/2010: Mr. Puppy Car


Location: 23 Freeway
Dear Mr. Puppy Car,
You drive a car with paw prints on the mirrors and kissing puppies on the hood.(It wasn't AS bad as the picture posted here, but it was close!) I am sure you work for a groomer or dog bakery, or at least I HOPE you do, however how do you expect to be blasting Celine Dion while wearing 1992 Oakley shades and expect to pick-up a girl on the freeway? You look as if you smell of Coors and cigarettes! Flashing your number on your fingers while racing past me; while memorable, is not going to get you anywhere with me. So, Mr. Puppy Car...if you are out there and are reading this somehow...
get a clue, a new job and/or car, taste in music and a shower. 

concerned citizen
BTW: If YOU are reading this right now, click on the FOLLOW button, already!

March 8, 2010

3/6/2010: Moving Day (Mr. Halo/Mr. Double Personality)


Location: My apartment
So, Mr. Halo and Mr. Double Persoanlity both told me they would help me move. Not trusting men and their promises, I also asked 3 guy friends to help me, just in case. Good thing I did too, cause both Mr. Halo and Mr. Double Personality flaked on me!
Mr. double Personalities excuse was that he got too drunk the night before, however I know for a fact he was at the same apartment complex during the day, sitting on his friends patio and drinking. I know becuase I had to pass by his friends apt. balcony while moving! I believe once he saw me (didn't awknowldge), they moved the party inside. I actually saw Mr. Double Personality later on that night at the local watering hole sitting by himself at the bar. I didn't awknowledge him but he sent over drinks for me and my guy buddy to "apologize". He ended up coming over and sitting with us and talking for awhile...I guess this proves a drink or two can smooth over flakiness? :P

Mr. Halo just never contacted me back...still hasn't. Guess that means no 2nd date for him...I don't take to flaking well!  

3/5/2010: Mr. Shy Guy


Location: Tiramisu
So, if you have been reading my blog, you would know that I met Mr. Shy Guy last week at Denny's while out with Mr. Double Personality.
Mr. Shy Guy was an old acquaintance from middle school/high school who, at that time was painfully shy ... (hence the name) ... I had a crush on him but when my efforts went un-noticed, I gave up after like 2 weeks back in the 7th grade. LOL.
Mr. Shy guy and I wrote emails back and fourth and setup a time and place to meet on Friday. He was coming home from a work trip in San Diego and we met in the Valley at 9:30pm for drinks. He had arrived earlier then he had anticipated and was already one drink in when I arrived. He did meet me out front of the establishment though at the time we agreed on, with a huge smile, which was adorable!
We started by re-capping the last 12 years (how long it's been since we have really talked) and he seemed genuinely interested in me, asking questions and retaining information and looking into my eyes. We have a ton in common and he is not so shy anymore, which is awesome. We enjoyed each others' company and 3 martinis later (and water, of course), we called it a night. (He had to work in the morning)
I texted Mr. Shy Guy on the way home thanking him for the drinks and company. I told him I had a great time and that I liked him...I received a text back saying I was great company and that he liked me as well. Another text which asked for another date ASAP made me sleep well that night.
I spent all weekend moving apartments, which was a lot of hard work but I had some good guy friends which made it somewhat fun. Sunday I took it easy and texted Mr. Shy Guy to see what he was up to (It is his only real day off from what he said), and I never received a text back.
I am really keeping my fingers crossed that he is actually the good guy I think he is and that he does in fact follow through on a 2nd date. This is the first guy I have actually been excited to see again...my crush has re-ignited. 
Totally not putting any eggs in the basket yet and still actively out there, but I do really like Mr. Shy Guy.
We share a love of Sleeping Beauty! haha...what could go wrong with that?!

March 4, 2010

3/4/2010: Mr. Halo

Location: Bada Sushi
After a night of preliminary moving, I was hungry and Mr. Halo happened to be apartment sitting in my complex. We decided to meet up within walking distance for some sushi. I met Mr. Halo online on okcupid.com and after he told me he was a baseball player (minor league in contract), I was a little hesitant, because I have had a bad experience with a pro player before...but he seemed down to earth enough and took my sarcasm, which was great. We talked about typical first date stuff, family, work...the norm. He paid, which was nice...but he was flashing his hundreds, which I find a little off-putting. On the off season he works in realty, which I guess makes him good money..
After dinner, he had invited me over to the apt he was watching...to play video games!...
Curious, I accepted. (I am still getting over a cold, so I knew nothing would happen), and I had never been invited over to play video games before...He had HALO paused and handed me a controller...I had never played in my life and had no idea what I was doing...he killed me 23 times...in a row..and laughed every time. Determined to kill at least once, still not knowing what I was doing, I started to get frustrated. It was no longer about a date...it was about HALO. 
He got up to use the restroom...and I killed him...twice!
He got back all upset.
He commented how I was the "coolest chick" ever and he wanted to help me move tomorrow. I just used the power of sexy game play to recruit me a mover man.
Dunno if Mr. Halo deserves a 2nd date yet or not...we will see how he does moving my desk and dresser first. HAHAHAHHA

March 1, 2010

2/28/10: Mr. Creepy


Location: Starbucks
Possibly the first bad date that was actually my fault. LOL! I agreed to meet Mr. Creepy when I knew I was coming down with a head cold. I had spent all day with my niece and 10 4 year old girls at a princess party, trying to over come the inevitable and I believe my sugar high gave me false hopes as to my actual state. I started to crash as I parked my car at Starbucks and it was too late to call it off. Mr. Creepy had driven from the Burbank area to meet with me, and I felt bad he had driven the distance (Although I did offer to drive half way- he refused!)...Mr. Creepy was already sitting inside and had ordered me a tea. I tried to brave through the meeting, looking interested in his stories of growing up in Arizona, but I draw the line at his fascination with spiders, scorpions and snakes...I get that he's a guy, and guy's like the creepy crawlers but when the girl you are sitting across gives the creeped out face more then 5 times and starts putting her feet up on the chair and as a last resort actually verbalizes her disgust, it's time to take it down a notch and perhaps change the topic! Mr. Spider didn't get that, or was actually enjoying my discomfort.
We had talked about possibly going to dinner if all went well with the coffee/tea meeting, but neither of us suggested to move the party. Perhaps it was my hacking cough or sultry deep voice that turned him off, or his bug stories that kept me from pretending any longer that I could hang. I am a great pretender when I wanna be, but this really wasn't worth it any longer. I called it a night and went home to lay in bed!