I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 10, 2010

3/10/2010: Mr. Inappropriate/Mr. Shy Guy

Location: Text Messaging
Over instant messaging on a dating website I met Mr. Inappropriate and exchanged numbers after general inquires were answered. He didn't seem inappropriate at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have given him my number to continue or conversation over texts. (DUH!)
While I was out with friends for dinner, Mr. Inappropriate earned his name over texts. Knowing I work in technical support, his first question wasn't that out of line. "Where do you work", he asked me. Not wanting to give the name of the company for fear he would get creepy, my fear was realized with his second and third questions! "What turns you off in a guy" and "How many kids do you want?". No joke! What kind of follow up questions are those?
Once I answered with smart ass remarks he continues with "Do you want boys or girls?", and before I can even answer, I get "Well I can give you a boy. I am big and dominant"...
As I show my friends his lame questions and comments, he calls.
I ignore.
I get a notification there is a voicemail and before I can even scroll over to my voicemail page, I get another text! "Did you get my voicemail?"
SeRioUSlY dude?!
Curious as to what was so urgent, I listen to the voicemail...well, it took me awhile to get through it because I was laughing so hard at the sound of his voice. Before I even tried to get through it, I had to share with my friends...
He sounded like a large black linebacker! I had seen pics online and he appeared to be an all american white boy...but, then again...who knows!!!
Once I finally got over the voice, I listened to the message and there was nothing urgent about it. I suppose I just wasn't responding to his texts quick enough for his liking! I ignored him for the next hour or so and went about my life.
Around 10pm I receive, "hello?" and then 5 minutes later, "I hope your in a bath all naked and wet. That's how I am imagining you anyway!"...
Inappropriate and creepy!

Update on Mr. Shy Guy
Around 10:45pm I receive an email from Mr. Shy Guy after not hearing from him since last Saturday. I was trying to play it cool since he was the only guy I've actually been excited to see again, but after 5 days, I decided to be pro active and shoot him a text to say hi earlier around noon. In this day and age, most people have text on their phone and I knew he did because we had texted before and after our date. Irregardless, the email I received was almost too professionally written, using the words "divulge" and "nevertheless". The jist was that he was sorry for the delay in response and had some sort of personal "incident" occur. He asked me to only email him and not text as he gets charged for each message. Understandable, but a part of me still thinks it may be because he just doesnt want to get texts as he may have someone else checking his phone?!...
He ended with "I'll contact you when things get better for me"....That is guy code for "Don't call me, I'll call you", right? Or am I reading too much into it and should be more compassionate and understanding?
Hmm...the games we play  :/

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