I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 9, 2010

3/9/2010: Mr. Bada Bling


Location: Taco Tuesday, El Torito
When you have been in jail and trim your eyebrows on purpose to cut 3 slashes in them to represent the "West Side", as well as gage your ear holes large enough to shove huge fake diamonds in them, while wearing every possible memorabilia for the Dodgers possible and flashing your goofy ass smile displaying your missing tooth....I am not going to be interested in anything you have to say....especially when I learn later in the conversation that you have a girlfriend.....
Nuff said.
And another note- when you stare at me all night long from the corner of the bar, looking cute but never coming to talk because you are "afraid" I am with 3 guy friends...you sir are not confident enough to be with me. If I give you a look like, "Hey there! I might be interested in you" while ignoring my guy friends talking...that is a green light to make a move. Even if you don't want to come over to me with my friends, at least motion for me to meet up with you on your turf!....Don't just leave without making a move! Lesson here guys, take it!
(And yes, I could have made a move on my own...I know this)

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