I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 25, 2010

3/24/2010: Mr. Skype


Location: Home Computer

I am all for staying current on new technology and embraced the whole online dating thing after years and years of hesitation, however I always drew the line at webcams. I own a webcam and have for years, but never would I ever submit myself to the filth that comes from using them with men online. Just the question of "Do you have a webcam?" would turn me off from communicating further with a guy because in my mind it had a stigma of being used only for...well...ya know! OK! We are all adults here...I can just come out and say it...masturbation! 

I always refused to be associated with that "crowd", and won't even try the webcam roulette website because of it!
I am old fashioned now I suppose, in the since that I believe a first date should be face to face: I met a guy online who insisted our first date be over Skype! I absolutely refused at first, telling him if he wanted to meet me, it would need to be face to face. He lives off Wilshire in LA, which really isn't that far from me, but after his argument of spending a ton of money on girls he knew he didn't like in the first 3 minutes of a date, the gas money he had spent on driving all over southern California to meet these broads, made me feel sorry for single men a little bit, and I gave in.With a promise to stay clothed from him and a prayer it wasn't as awkward as I was thinking it would be from me, I turned on my Skype and called him.
It was just as awkward as I thought it would be! Paying more attention to how I looked in the tiny screen then what he was saying was definitely distracting! LOL. (I had to be sure I looked ok to him! C'mon! You would have done the same thing!)... There were long pauses and odd segways into conversations, it just wasn't natural! Once he grabbed a Hulk Fist (the kid toy that says things like "Hulk Smash!"), I knew this "date" was doomed!!! 
He went on to describe a serious allergy he has to wheat in detail, including what it does to him if ingested...this before I watch him cook a frozen gluten free pizza for himself and then eat it in front of me. Keep in mind now, I am out of work at the moment and eating like a starving artist! I was famished and looking forward to an actual date where I would get at least an appetizer and a drink! Instead, I get to watch this Mr. Skype eat: My only salvation was that it was a gluten free pizza with a brown rice crust- not very appetizing! :) (And oh ya, he went into that much detail about the pizza!!)
To me, the whole Skype date thing would be great for a couple who are long distance or for business trips etc., but should NOT be used for a FIRST DATE! Guys, sack up and take a girl out in real life! You don't have to spend a lot of money either! I say, start with something easy like Starbuck's. It gives you a $5 cap and an easy way out if necessary. If she is too far for you, don't initiate contact! It's that easy! Stay within your little local bubble if your not willing to drive, but know that in southern California you SHOULD be willing to drive 30-45 minutes regardless. It is OK to ask to meet half way, however if you already really like the girl, go the distance and meet her in her neck of the woods! I will cover the initial contact and meeting in more detail soon for a future post!
To conclude Mr. Skype: I will not be video chatting with him or meeting him in "real" life anytime soon. That whole gluten free lifestyle is too much a PITA for me! (pain in the ass)...I know it's a medical issue and I should be more understanding, blah blah blah...but if I am going to feel guilty every time I order something fried, it will be because of the normal "going straight to my thighs" guilt, and not one for feeling sorry for someone else who can't eat it. It could be a great way to learn how to eat better, but I can't give up wheat when I don't HAVE to! NO WAY! It would just be too much of a struggle going into any relationship already knowing that. 
Buh-Bye Mr. Skype!

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