I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 19, 2010

3/18/2010: Mr. Mexi-can't


Location: PF Changs
Staying guarded, I meet Mr. Mexi-can't at Starbucks and in my head am giving him 20 minutes tops when he finds me and sits down. He came from work and was wearing the most hideous outfit possible with work boots and hands that showed hard work. He claimed to be 100% white boy, but looked hispanic and insisted that his fluent spanish came from supervising the staff of his father's landscape business. A likely story! ;)
I kept my guard up the entire time we were at Starbucks sticking to the general first date questions and stopping him when he asked inappropriate/vulgar inquiries. While he was walking me to my car, we ran into a mutual friend and lucky for Mr. Mexi-can't, the friend was a super sweetheart and I knew if they were friends, he can't be all that horrible...so...I give him more time and we head over to Fridays for a beer across the street.
We sat on the patio where I let my guard down a little bit and the topics become more friendly-talking about all the same people we know, I felt like he was a long time friend. Nothing really romantic there though: Just two friends hanging on the patio, drinking some beers, shootin' the shit.
Since it was getting to be dinner time-ish and I am unemployed, I took him up on his offer for dinner. I would have been fine with buffalo wings at Fridays, but he wanted to take me to PF Changs. Twist my arm!
While at Changs we played a fun little game of "Date or Daughter". The guy at the table next to us was in his 50s, clearly and the woman girl sitting across from him could not have been any older than 20!Trying to over hear some key information to determine if she was his date or his daughter, it was sealed by her talking about her 11th grade classes that got her ready for her first year of college this past year. Obviously not a topic you would talk about with your dad! So, we had fun with that and had an awesome waiter...but again, didn't feel a romantic connection with this guy even though he was trying so unbelievably hard! At one point in the evening he told me he would buy me as many drinks as it took for me to fall in love with him...(not really a selling point- for the guys reading this!) LOL...This was the beginning of the end!...
He even asked what my ring size was so he would be prepared when he takes me to Vegas...awe, how sweet! oh, no- the word I was looking for was CREEPY! (Whether joking or not, not cool!)
His main topic of the entire evening was RUFFIES! Which in context of the date was humorous since it was more a joking around, friend type of thing...but still, unpleasant and reason to error on the side of caution at all costs! After 2 drinks at dinner, Mr. Mexi-Can't cuts me off of drinks due to the fact he was running out of money. HAHAH...you can't tell a girl you will buy her as many drinks as it takes for her to fall for you and cut her off at 2...That's just not giving love a fair shot! LMAO
Walking me to my car, he goes in for the kiss even though I have told him many times throughout the evening that I will not kiss on the first date, he somehow felt he had proven himself worthy for me to break my rules. This is where the night ends.
Possible friendship if he can tone down the creep-factor and realize it's not gunna happen!

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