I am a single, independent Gemini woman living in Ventura County, CA. This is not meant to be some life changing, awe inspiring dating advice blog; it is just me and my random, some times contradicting thoughts and points of view on dating while living in the suburbs. It's not always easy or fun but this is my life and I hope that my experiences are entertaining or informative; if even just to get to know myself better through the therapeutics of writing, I will continue and write when I feel the need to....I've been at this for YEARS now and have yet to find my prince charming, so follow me through my life as being SINGLE IN THE SUBURBS and be glad you're not me! ;)

March 18, 2010

3/17/2010: Mr. BORING / Mr. Sober


Location: BJ's
Yes, I had two dates on the same night and it happened to be St. Patty's Day. So sue me! I was hungry and need to save money now that I am officially unemployed...lol
I met Mr. Boring online (of course) and were chatting through the day while I was updating my resume and submitting it to anything I found...and around 5pm Mr. Boring asked if I was hungry. Taking advantage of the offer, I said I could be ready in 20 minutes and meet at BJ's (his "all time favorite restaurant"...seriously!)
So, as I walk up, decked out in my green scarf and green bandanna bracelet, Mr. Boring pretends to not see me and acts surprised when I walk right up to him. Right away I could tell I would be doing most of the talking during our date. We go through the awkward "do we shake, do we hug" dance for a couple seconds till I just say f it and pull him in for a hug. He isn't going to get anything else tonight, so I may as well give him that much!
We are seated and right away I am bored. I try to make conversation but there really wasn't anything there. He does government work; something with satellites on Port Hueneme base and his idea of FUN is gaming, karate and frisbee. I tried to get more out of him like "hanging with friends" or "wine tasting"...anything other then video games and working out alone, but no such luck. Mr. Boring has no friends. Mr. Boring also talks very very soft, so much so half way through I stopped straining my ears to hear him and just resorted to nodding and smiling. Trying to get an actual conversation going was like pulling teeth! I am a fast-paced, fun, outgoing, energetic girl and especially on a day like St. Patty's and the day I quit my job, I wanted to have some fun! This was not the date for such things!
One good thing Mr. Boring liked: Avocado Eggrolls! They are so good at BJ's! haha...
Physically, Mr. Boring looked like Skelator (without the muscles). His profile pic was definitely not taken recently! His face was kind of sunken in and he hunched over all awkwardly...He had the height, but not the build I am attracted to.He paid, walked me to my car (both excellent qualities) but we said our goodbyes without another hug or plans for a repeat date.
Onto Date #2!

Location: Crown & Anchor
Being St. Patty's and all, the only local pub was crowded...who woulda thunk it? I show up and find awesome parking right away and get in LINE...(yes! A LINE AT CROWN!) After about 15 minutes or so waiting, I get a text from Mr. Sober saying he is down the street. Before he can get there, I am waived inside. I could have waited for him, but I didn't wanna. ;)
I belly up to the bar and order a beer. I receive another text saying he can't find parking and will be another 15 minutes or so. I wait around outside on the patio, taking in the sights of the already drunken crowd (it was only 7:45)...After 15 minutes I receive yet another text saying he is walking up...but he must have parked at my apartment because it took him yet anther 15 minutes or so- then he had to wait in line to get in. I spot him and he looks better then his profile pic ;)
Very cute! I say hi from across the patio and it isn't long before he is inside....the bar, you perv!
Crown on St. Patty's isn't the greatest place for a first date, but I felt like I already knew him- we had been exchanging messages and phone calls for several days, have a lot in common: family, humor, interests...so it wasn't that awkward- it was just difficult to talk.
Oh, did I forget to mention, he doesn't drink. At all. Never, Ever!
This clearly won't work out!
He doesn't have a problem however being at bars or buying beers, which is a plus. Oh, and he wore green, so I know he isn't a major bore! One thing I thought was very odd however is the fact he was in awe of the bagpipe players. He walked inside to use the restroom and I didn't see him for quit some time...so I walk in and there he is, just watching the pipes play. He didn't apologize for not coming back out or waiving me inside or anything. It was a little odd. Then he asks one of the "band members" if they have a cd. Who wants a cd of traditional bagpipe music? It struck me as a little off!
While he was cute and owns his own PR firm, I didn't feel a real romantic connection from him. Maybe it was the bag pipes that threw me off...
He left around 10 or so with nothing more then a hug and a waive from the parking lot. 
I stayed with a friend and hit on an extremely tall basketball player. hahah

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